It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

The Curse!!

The Curse!!

0Even after the call ended Suzy was left stunned. Getting her sense back, she picked up her back and walked out of Kim Lan's office without saying a word to Kim lan.     

Seeing the back of Suzy, Kim lan was dumbfounded, not understanding what was happening.     

Knowing that the reporters were crowding at the entrance, Suzy walked out of the company from the backdoor without anyone's notice. Once outside on the streets, Suzy saw a black Benz standing under the tree. Walking towards the car, she pulled the car door only to be stunned once again.     

Inside the car, holding a newspaper in her hand, an old woman executing elegance was flipping the newspaper while reading today's hot news.     

Without turning her head, she continued flipping the newspaper and said "How long do you plan to stand like that? You know that you're not wearing a mask"     

Understanding Li Ben Xing's words, Suzy hurriedly got into the car and close the door before looking at her grandaunt with conflicted emotions.     

"Were you scared that someone would do something to your family?" Li Ben Xing asked while reading a piece of news.     

Shaking her head, Suzy replied calmly "No, but I was surprised by your sudden appearance"     

"Huh?" Only then did Li Ben Xing turn her head to look at Suzy and asked: "Are you not curious about who leaked the news of Fen mian?"     

Shrugging her shoulder Suzy replied innocently "No. I was already sure of it before you called me"     

"As expected from her daughter" Li Ben Xing mumbled to herself.     

"Huh?" Suzy asked when she did not hear Li Ben xing clearly.     

"Nothing" She replied then turned towards the driver to order "Move"     

"Yes mam"     

Seeing that they were taking her somewhere, Suzy looked at her grandaunt curiously and asked: "Where are we going?"     

"You'll know it soon" After replying that statement, Li Ben Xing did not open her mouth again but continued to go through a few documents.     

Not long after, after traveling for half an hour on the highway leading to a small city, the car stopped outside the gates of an orphanage.     

Looking at the orphanage, Suzy was slightly surprised. Getting down from the car, she looked at the huge gates of the orphanage and asked: "Isn't it the orphanage that my….Elder Mrs. Zhen and her friend built for abandoned children?"     

"Yeah….It was precisely built by Elder Mrs. Zhen or you can also say….your maternal grandmother"     

Shocked, Suzy's eyes turned wide as she looked at Li Ben Xing and asked: "How…how do you know that?"     

Instead of replying, Li Ben Xing instead smiled and made her way inside followed by Suzy. As they walked past the green grass, Li Ben Xing suddenly asked Suzy who was conflicted with her thoughts "Your mom must have told you about my past right?"     

"Hmm" Suzy nodded honestly not understanding What was her grandaunt implying     

"Then you must have also heard about my friend who helped me during my toughest days"     

Surprised, Suzy stuttered "You….you're.."     

"Yeah….the friend who had helped me during my tough time was your grandmother. We accidentally became friends during our school days and as we spent time together we started to grow more and more closer. When I was abandoned by my husband, I was broken. To cheer me up, your grandma even went to the extent of finding a guy for me to date but by that time my heart had already turned cold and I no more wanted to suffer. Since I always loved children, your grandmother built this orphanage. When I was no longer interested in this life, your grandmother bought me hear and said that from now on it was my duty to look after these children and from now one I was their only mother. From then this orphanage became my happy pill and whenever we were free we would visit these kids with lots of gifts"     

" Your grandmother and myself, we have shared thirty years of friendship….sigh, those old days were really good"     

"Then….you knew that my mother was your friend's daughter?"     


"Then, why did you hate my mother?"     

"I never hated your mother but in fact, she was my goddaughter. Everything was just a facade to help you to wake up"     

"What do you mean by that?" Suzy asked looking puzzled     

"Do you know why your mother married your father?" Li Ben Xing asked instead of answering to Suzy's question.     

"Because she fell in love with my father"     

"haha…..Silly child. If your mom truly loved your father then would she sit quietly after knowing that her husband ?"     

"You mean…"     

"Do you know why your grandmother, mother and yourself look pretty?"     

By now, Suzy was no longer able to guess and just shook her head.     

Walking towards the stone chair, Li Ben Xing sat on the chair cross-legged and gestured Suzy to take her seat before continuing "Your grandmother's ancestors carried the blood of the Swan clan….in the olden times, those who carried the blood of Swan were extremely beautiful and intelligent but at the same time they carried a curse. Because of an accident, your grandmother's ancestor had killed a witch. When the witch was taking her last breath, she had cursed your grandmother's clan saying that "The women who carry the blood of Swan will henceforth not have it easy until the three-generation""     

"Do you mean to say that my grandmother was cursed?"     

"No…not only your grandmother, your mom and yourself are also under that curse"     


"After two centuries, your grandmother was the only grandchild born carrying Swan blood and then later it was your mom and then you"     

"What was the curse?"     

"About your grandmother's curse, I'm not very clear about it but your moms was not easy"     

"What….what was it?"     

"When your mother was twenty-one year old your granny visited the old monk to know about her Zodiac sign but then she was informed that your mothers curse had awoken and that was if she did not marry a man who carried the dark soul (cursed soul) then not only would her family meet a disastrous situation and lose their life, even her firstborn baby would encounter the worst scenario"     

"Initially your mother did not believe in such superstitions but after your grandmother's continuous nagging she finally agreed to marry. Unexpectedly, I found that my nephew also carried the dark soul and hence I thought it could be good to tie the two of them. Because of our happiness, your mother decided to marry your father but under the condition of not revealing her identity. She wanted to test your father but…hah, she was never wrong with her decision. The only reason your mother tolerated your father was because of you"     

"then….what about me? What's my curse?"     

"Sigh…..the curse that the heaven has pushed onto you is…'Forced knowledge….might lead to your death'"     

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