It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

An unexpected existence that would shake the world

An unexpected existence that would shake the world

0"Sigh…the curse that the heavens have granted you is….." forced knowledge…might lead to your death'"     

"Huh? Forced knowledge?" Suzy asked looking puzzled.     

Looking at the little children who were playing not far away from them, Li Ben Xing explained expressionlessly "There is some truth which is directly or indirectly related to your life. If one tries to forcefully reveal the truth to you then you would be implicated and you might even lose your life but…. If it's you who learns the truth on your own then….the reaction would be the other way around"     

"Do you mean to say that…If I learn the truth myself then….Will it implicate my enemies?"     

"You can say like that...Your curse is not like your moms which would break once she marries a person who is on the same road….the curse which had been engraved on your soul will follow till your death"     

"So….there's no solution for it?"     

"That was what we had thought initially but….your mom proved us that nothing was impossible" While saying that, she looked at a certain direction in daze before she continued to say with a bitter laugh " Before your mom left you she had already found the solution for your curse and she had also placed you right next to that solution"     

"What is that solution?" Suzy asked curiously but at the same time, she was very nervous.     

"Kim tan" Li Ben Xing replied with a smile that reached her eyes     

"Huh? Kim tan?" Surprised, Suzy was not able to relate her curse with Kim tan no matter how.     

"Yes. Kim tan is the cure for your curse. As long as you stay beside him, your curse will not act out and can be suppressed"     

"How does it relate to Kim tan? Since it's not possible for Kim tan also to have the same curse?"     

"Your right, Kim tan is not cursed but he is gifted with extremely good luck"     

"But…Isn't this unfair for Kim tan? What if something happens to him or his family?" Suzy asked worriedly while biting her lips.     

"Do you think it was proposed by your mom?"     


"It was your soon to be mother in law…Mrs. Kim. When she found about your she proposed to set her son with you hoping that his luck might shine on you maybe you can avoid certain calamity but…who would have expected that this would result in a new fate"     

"New fate? What is that?"     

"Extreme luck doesn't give you only happiness. Whether it is extremely good luck or bad luck one cannot avoid the calamity but the dangers they face will be worse than normal people. Your mother in law was aware of this but she had not believed it until you appeared"     


"Do you remember….when you were still six, you and little tan had once run away from your home to celebrate your mothers and mother in laws birthday?"     


"Haha…do you know why both of your parents were worried?"     

"Isn't it because they thought we were missing?"     

"haha….silly child. Do you know, when you both left the home, you were followed by a group of Killers? I don't know how you both little brats had escaped from them but when your mother found the truth, they were very surprised and at the same time they were thankful"     

"But…how does it relate to the curse?"     

"Silly child, don't be impatient but listen to me calmly…..that was not the only incident, without your knowledge you were targetted by lots of worst plot there was a time when the other party had even hired a group of top assassins but do you know what happened to them?"     


"Haha...they were found dead with their body burnt along with their car and do you know what caused their car to burn out of the blue?"     


"haha…. you both are very amusing. Because your mother and Mrs. Kim were curious to know the death of those assassins, they checked the CCTV only to be shocked out of their witts and they did not whether they should cry or laugh after seeing the video. On that day, yourself and Kim tan were doing an experiment that God knows where you learned but during the time of experiment, you and Kim tan unknowingly threw the unknown chemical out of the compound where the assassins car was initially parked but not longer you guys left the garden, the chemical reacted the car was found burnt along with the assassins. Only after a series of incidents did your mother in law believe the old monk's words. Worried about her son, when Mrs. Kim and Xiao Lan (Zhen Lan) visited the old monk the next day….the monk himself was surprised by hearing about the series of incidents. Feeling something was amiss, the monk continued to listen about every incident briefly only to find one common thing in every incident and that was….your presence"     

"Thinking that this incident was somewhat related to you, the old monk asked about for your birthdate. After certain calculations, the result was something unexpected. Your mom and your mother in law was surprised to hear that the day when you both met each other was the day when your fate and destiny changed for better. Listening to this piece of news both your mother and mother in law were very happy and on that same day, in front of the great goddess, they decided to tie both of your life with a knot called marriage"     

"But this was not the end. When your mom and mother in law were over the moon, they were shocked to hear the monks next words and the most surprising thing was, his next words were related to your fate "     

"What…what was…that" Suzy asked curiously….by now Suzy's blood was boiling with curiosity and she could no longer wait to know the unexpected things of life.     

"haha…do you want to know what it is?" Li Ben Xing asked with a smile when she saw how curious Suzy was.     

Like a small child, Suzy nodded her head hurriedly with her ears fully open to welcome the surprising news.     

Giving a small laugh, Li Ben Xing continued "haha….okay fine. Seeing that innocent eyes of yours which are craving to hear something unexpected, my heart is not willing to make you wait any longer…"     

"This was what that monk had said with a deadpan face….. 'When the red water combines, an unexpected existence will appear which would shake the whole world in the future'"     

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