It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Little dumpling, do you want to Kiissiiss me?

Little dumpling, do you want to Kiissiiss me?

0Just when he was about to pull the strap to free her twin babies, Kim tan stopped in the middle all of sudden and cursed "Shit…"     

Startled, when Suzy saw Kim tan stopping at the middle of their blissful moment and cursing in this rare moment, she looked at him in confusion.     

Looking at Suzy helplessly, Kim tan got up from his bed and sat up facing his back towards Suzy. Frustrated, he pulled his hairs while cursing himself for his carelessness.     

Sitting up from the bed, Suzy watched as Kim tan kept mumbling something to himself while pulling at his hair. Stretching her hand to hold his shoulder, she asked: "Baby, what's the matter?"     

"No little bean….we can't do this" Kim tan said with a guilty conscience.     

"What!" startled, Suzy's brain started to work in another direction and thinking of a possibility she suddenly shuddered and asked cautiously "Baby…do you….do you re-regret getting back with…m-me?"     

Hearing Suzy's soft voice and the contents, Kim tan jumped from the bed and turned around only to find Suzy almost on the verge of crying. Blaming himself for creating the misunderstanding, he hurriedly shook his head and said "No no Darling…It's not like what you're thinking. I have never nor will I ever regret getting back with you. If you ask me then I shall say that falling in love with you was my best decision"     

"Then…then why are you steeping back now?"     

"That..that's because….sigh, it's because of Aunt Zhen"     

"Huh? What does mom has anything to do with this?"     

"I have promised your mom"     

"promised my mom? About what?"     

Sighing, Kim tan decided to tell the reason which was holding him back.     

Long back, Kim tan and Suzy were still seven years old and like usual, they used to meet up now and then.     

It was a weekend and Suzy and Kim tan were tired after playing for the whole day and slept earlier than usual. Since the two kids always stayed close, Mrs. Kim and Zhen Lan did not think much about it and let the two kids sleep in one room on the same day. Since they were still kids, they did not think that was inappropriate.     

The two ladies always loved to watch romantic dramas whenever they gathered during their college days and just like then, the ladies still had the same hobby of watching romantic dramas late night and spoke some naughty and kinky stuff among themself.     

While the two ladies were watching the drama in the next room, Little Roulan suddenly stirred up from her sleep and got up to sit down. Feeling thirsty, she searched around the room but did not find a glass of water. Afraid to go out to the kitchen alone, Little Roulan shook Kim tan from his sleep. Rubbing his eyes, Kim tan got up from the bed and looked around only to find his Little bean sitting on the bed with a pout. Instead of crying or getting angered, Kim tan looked at the little girl and asked in his childish voice " Little bean, what happened? Why did you wake me up when it is still dark? Did you have a nightmare? Are you scared to sleep with me?"     

Shaking her head, Suzy pouted before she said "No, my throat is dry and I feel thirsty but I'm afraid to go down alone to get the water"     

"Oh…okay then, come I'll take you downstairs"     

Getting down from the bed, he stretched his hand out for Suzy to hold and helped her to climb down the bed. With their hands intervened, they walked towards the door and pulled the door before making their way outside. While walking in the corridor, they suddenly stopped when they heard a light chuckle and laughter from the next room. Identifying that it was their mothers' voice, they stopped on their tracks and looked at each other only to find the other person was also having the same idea.     

Opening the door slowly, they peeped their head inside curiously only to find both of their mothers munching some chips while watching a drama on the Tv screen. Since the screen was quite large they were able to see what was going on the screen. Right when Suzy and Kim tan looked at the screen curiously, they saw an unknown man and women were moving closer and closer until their lips touched.     

Seeing the unfamiliar scene, Suzy's brows furrowed and she asked curiously "What are they doing?"     

"They are kissing each other"     

"Huh? Ki-ki-king?" Suzy asked innocently     

"Not king…it's kissing" Kim tan replied calmly.     

"How do you know about it?" Suzy asked innocently     

"Whenever mom is alone, Dad keeps begging mom to kiss him and they do the same thing as that uncle and aunty" Kim tan said while pointing at the screen.     

Thinking of something, Suzy's brows furrowed as she asked "I have never seen my father asking mom such thing"     

"That's because your father is good but my father is shameless who always tries to snatch mom away from his children. He's always sneaky every night and kidnaps mom every night" Kim tan complained while pouting.     

"Stupid, uncle is not shameless….may be doing that is common between couples. Dint you see…that man and women were wearing wedding dress"     

"Oh!?" Kim tan thought. Afraid that their mother might catch them sneaking in their room, the two of them left the room and went back to sleep. By now, Suzy had even forgotten about her dry throat and went back to sleep.     

The next day morning, sitting under the tree in the garden, Kim tan was deep in thought. Just then, Suzy came out of the mansion holding a doll in her hand. Sitting next to Kim tan on the ground, she placed the doll down before turning to look at Kim tan in confusion.     

"What are you doing?"     

"Thinking" Little tan replied without turning his head.     

"What are you thinking about?" Little Roulan asked again     

"About that Kiss"     

"Kiiissiiissss? Why are you thinking about that?"     

Turning towards Suzy, Kim tan asked "Little bean, arent we husband and wife?"     

"Oh?" Suzy looked at him in confusion     

Seeing her lack of response, Kim tan whined "Dint you always say we are husband and wife whenever we play? Are you going back on your words?"     

"Okay okay dumpo….you are my husband so?"     

"So, shouldn't we also do what Mom and dad and that couple did on the TV?"     

"Huh? Little dumpling, do you want to Kiiisssiiissss me?" Suzy asked in confusion for which Kim tan nodded his head seriously.     

"But I don't know how to do it?" Suzy pouted when she found that she did not how to do that.     

Patting his chest with a smile, Little tan said proudly "Don't worry little Bean, I have watched my parents do it and it's very easy. Now come here, just close your eyes and leave everything to me"     

Nodding her head sincerely, Suzy leaned forward and closed her eyes obediently and waited for Kim tan to teach her how to do it.     

Seeing that his little bean was very cooperative, Kim tan smiled but immediately turned serious when he thought about what they were going to do. Taking a deep breath, he recalled how his father always kissed his mother and leaned forward to Kiss the little innocent girl who was unaware of the beautiful thing that was about to happen….     

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