It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

How many grandchildren do you want? We will work hard to give one

How many grandchildren do you want? We will work hard to give one

0Taking a deep breath, he recalled how his father used to kiss his mother shamelessly whenever they were alone and after gaining the common understanding on 'how to kiss' Kim tan closed his eyes and leaned forward to kiss the little innocent girl who had closed her eyes and was waiting patiently not knowing that they were doing something offensive…yeah, but not for Kim tan.     

Just when they were centimeter's away and when Kim tan could feel Suzy's breath on his lips, he was about to lean forward but suddenly yelled when he felt a sharp pain on his ears.     

"Ahhh….."Feeling the sharp pain on his ears, he yelled and snapped his eyes open only to find his Aunt Zhen looking at him with a red face.     

For some unknown reason, Kim tan started to feel guilty and averted his gaze not daring to look at his beautiful aunt who was now looking like a Red aunt.     

Hearing Kim tan's scream, Suzy was startled and opened her eyes only to find her mother pulling Kim tan's ears while looking red. Confused, she opened her little mouth and asked: "Mommy, what happened?"     

Hearing her daughter's soft voice, Mrs. Li turned her head towards her daughter and when she heard her daughter's question and her innocent expression, Mrs. Li was even more furious and glared at the little brat who was about to taint her innocent daughter.     

Gritting her teeth, Mrs. Li forced out a smile and asked the little tan who was wincing in pain "Little brat, what were you doing to my daughter?"     

"Ahhh….Aunt…aunt lan, please let me go…ahh," Kim tan pouted and looked at Mrs. Li with hurt eyes.     

Unable to hurt him after seeing his cute expression, Mrs. Li let go of his ears and crossed her hands in front of her chest and huffed before she continued to ask her again "Little brat…what were you about to do to my daughter"     

Not knowing why the little guy flushed and started to poke his index fingers. Peeking at is cute aunt and then at his mother, he said hesitantly "That…I was….we were just trying how to kiss"     

Hearing Kim tan's reply, Mrs. Li felt her soul almost flow out of her body while Mrs. Kim stood aside with her jaws dropped down till it reached the ground. She herself could not believe what she had just heard from her son.     

Regaining her sense, Mrs. Li gritted her teeth and tightened her first to control the urge to beat this shameless brat and asked "Little tan, who was that great person who thought you all these things?"     

"No one" Little tan replied immediately but when he say his beautiful aunt's expression turning red, he hurriedly continued to say "But I saw Mom and that guy doing it whenever they were alone"     

After hearing her son's answer, black lines started to appear on Mrs. Kim's head and she badly wanted to beat up her shameless lusty husband. Just when Mrs. Kim wanted to search for her husband and beat him up, Mrs. Li turned to look at her friend and said with a smile which was scarier than anything "Baby, I know you are wild but…can you and your husband restrain a little until you are inside your room?"     

Not knowing what to answer, Mrs. Kim smiled awkwardly but continued to curse her husband inwardly.     

Turning her attention back to the little brat, Mrs. Li sighed when she saw that big wide eyes looking at her innocently. Holding in her rage, she tried to explain "Little tan, those kind of things…..only couples will do that"     

"I know that" Little tan replied knowingly.     

Forcing a smile, Mrs. Li continued " Then why were doing it with little bean?"     

Looking at Mrs. Li for a second, little tan said innocently "Aunty, Aint I and Suzy a couple"     

Hearing his words, both Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Li almost fell flat on the ground. Mrs. Li could almost feel her hands itching hearing to this little guys shameless response. Gritting her teeth, Mrs. Li asked "Who said you that"     

"Oh….I heard Mom and yourself say that Little bean and Myself look like a couple and we will get married in future"     

"And what if I say that you cannot be a couple?" Mrs. Li asked while glaring at the little fellow.     

Shocked, Little tan was stunned for a moment. Getting his sense back, he escaped from Mrs. Li's hold and stood behind Little bean and hugged her from behind right in front of his mother and aunt and declared shamelessly "Aunt Lan, you cannot do it. Little Bean and I are already a couple and you cannot separate us and..and"     

"We also have children's….twelve children's"     

And pointing at the doll little bean was holding, he said "This is…this is our fifth child and you're its grandmother"     

Seeing that Mrs. Li's expression still looked red, he tried to convince her further "Aunt Lan, you cant separate a couple. If you don't separate us then…then we will give you lots of kids to play….you'll have many of them running around you. Please don't separate us….please" Little tan begged pitifully.     

Hearing the little brats shameless words, Mrs. Li badly wanted to kill someone. Standing at the side, Mrs. Kim's soul was almost out of her body as she kept thinking "No….that's not my son…my son cannot be this shameless…yes, he's not my son….he is…he is my husband's son..yes, he is my Husband's"     

Minutes passed and two ladies stood kneeling on the grass while trying to calm their nerves which were all messed up. Closing her eyes, Mrs. Li tried to take a few long deep breaths to calm her nerves, finally, when she was able to calm her chaotic mind, she opened her eyes and looked at the shameless brat. Beckoning him with her finger, Kim tan walked nervously and stood in front of Mrs. Li waiting for her to speak. Holding the little guys soft and fluffy hands, she asked in a soft voice "Little tan, do you like Roulan?"     

Without thinking for a second, Kim tan nodded his head hurriedly.     

"Then, do you want to marry her?"     

Nod, nod, Nod...     

"Then, will you listen to aunty?"     

Nod, nod, Nod...     

"Little tan, if you want to kiss little Roulan then you have to wait until you grow up. Only after you marry her can you do all these things…do you understand?"     

Nod, nod, Nod…thinking about something, Kim tan smiled mischievously and asked "aunt lan, what if we do it….before we grow up"     

Seeing that cheeky side of his, Mrs. Li could not hold the urge to punish him. Pulling his soft cheeks harshly, she forced a smiled and replied trough gritted teeth "If you do it between this time then….you can never be together and I Will never giving you my blessings. So, will you promise me that whatever a couple should do….you will do only after you marry little Zy?"     

Scared that his pretty aunt might not let him be with Suzy, he hurriedly nodded his head.     

Thinking that if he can impress his aunt Lan, he might be able to marry his little bean…he thought of something and smiled cheekily.     

With a wide grin, he held his aunt's hand and said "Aunt Lan, since you are so sweet and you're also letting me to marry your daughter (Mrs. Li: "….." not yet) I want to give you a gift as a thank you"     

Amused, Mrs. Li asked, "Oh…what gift foes my little tan wants to give me?"     

"Aunty lan, tell me how many grandchildren you want so that Little bean and I can start working hard from now on," Little tan said without knowing that his words carried a different meaning to the two adult women's     

Mrs. Li: "..."'Little brat, come here…..I promise that I will not beat you'     

Mrs. Kim: "..."'he's not my son'     

Little Bean: "???"'What is going on?'     

Little tan: " ~-~"'hehe….'     

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