It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Oh Shit..!!

Oh Shit..!!


Hearing Kim ting's aggrieved story, Suzy was dumbfounded. She had imagined that their first encounter would be quite wild and interesting but never did she expect that their first encounter would be this 'Wild'.     

Sighing, she motioned for Kim ting to continue.     

A few days later, after searching around the whole city, Kim ting still could not find the location of that crazy woman who had appeared out of blue and had made his life upside down. Frustrated, Kim ting was in sour mood a few days because of this crazy women and also…because of his lovesick brother.     

But one fine day, in a small banquet that was held by one of his friends, he was gulping the wine offered by his friends and were having a friendly conversation when he suddenly saw that not so familiar face. Startled, Kim ting shook his head hard and tried to clear his brain. Blinking and rubbing his eyes he tried to make sure that he was not hallucinating but he was shocked when he saw that same beautiful face which had haunted him countless days.     

"Shit.."Cursing under his breath he threw his empty wine glass to his friend before following Shanaya who was making her way towards the garden.     

Because of his handsome face and family, Kim ting naturally attracted young ladies wherever he made his way. Since the banquet only consisted of young people, many young ladies were attracted to this young man and naturally wanted to build a connection with him.     

After shooing away a few annoying flies, when Kim ting almost reached the quiet garden, he heard the sound of a man pleading a girl to let him go.     

Flustered, when Kim ting hurriedly walked towards the garden, he was dumbfounded by the scene that had welcomed him. Near the fish pond, a man was struggling under the girl's feet while the girl continued to drink the beer from the bottle she had held in her right hand.     

He could hear the merciful cry of the young man who was asking her to show him mercy and to let him go. Seeing the pitiful face of the young man, Kim ting thought that the young man must have been bullied hence he walked towards the young drunk lady to talk some sense and to rescue the young man. But who would have known, Kim ting would instead fall into the Den while rescuing a rabbit.     

Taking large strides, Kim ting walked towards Shanaya and tried to call her but did not know how to address her. He thought for a while to find a way to grab the girls attention but was unable to come up with a way. Helpless, he placed his hand on the girl's shoulder and called out "Hey, young" before Kim ting could even completely address her, he was thrown over the shoulder and then to the ground abruptly making Kim ting dizzy and dumbfounded. Before Kim ting could even realize what had just happened, he was picked up from the ground and was kicked heavily before he was thrown on the ground heavily. Speechless and in pain, Kim ting completely forgot about what he had wanted to do.     

Trying to clear his head, he shook it to come out of his daze and when his eyes were finally clear, he was invited by the girls insecure and bloodshot eyes. His teeth and fist clenched tightly while she was giving a murderous aura around her. Under the young woman's cold gaze, Kim ting shivered uncontrollably but suddenly remembered that there was a youth who was held by this young lady a few minutes back. Looking past the girl, he tried to search the youth only to realize that the youth had long back ran away as soon as he was off Shanaya's grip. Gulping a mouthful of saliva, Kim ting cursed under his breath and forced a smile to look at the young girl but shivered seeing that cold eyes which carried strong killing intent. Afraid that the crazy girl would pounce on him and beat him up, Kim ting got up from the floor and ran away from the place and then from the banquet within a blink of an eye without even looking back or notifying his friends, but what Kim ting did not know was that as soon as he left, not long after, Shanaya lost her consciousness and slumped into the ground. Thankfully, one of her friend who was worried about her came searching around but found her lying on the grass unconscious. Later, shanaya was admitted to the hospital to get treatment and had to undergo a week lecture from her psychiatrist.     

Only after a few days did Kim ting learn that the young youth who was beaten up on that day had tried to molest Shanaya under her drunken state but was instead beaten up into a pulp by Shanaya. Not long after, news of that man taking drugs and molesting women was published on all the media channels and then he was thrown out of his family tree.     

While narrating the incident on how his ass was beaten to a pulp, Kim ting was looking at Shanaya coldly as if ready to pounce on her any time to take his revenge but the later did not even look at him making Kim ting frustrated.     

Just like this, Kim ting had become a sheep for Shanaya's merciless beating and among them, the fifth and the sixth one was the worst.     

The fifth time, he had painstakingly searched everywhere and finally received a clue that the women were coming to the shopping mall along with a few of her friends. It was the same day when Kim ting had caught his brother and sister in law being all lovey-dovey in the parking lot of the shopping mall. After circling the shopping mall several times, he finally found the women seating lazily in one of the stores while his friends were shopping some girly stuff.     

Without looking at what kind of store it was, Kim ting marched inside but was stopped by a salesgirl who looked at him with twinkling eyes.     

"Welcoming to our store sir, may I know for whom do you want to buy the lingerie and what kind of lingerie do you want to buy?"     

Dumbfounded, Kim ting thought 'Lingerie?' turning his gaze away, he was dumbfounded to see lots of lingeries surrounding him and his cheeks started to turn involuntarily red. But when he saw Shanaya sitting lazily while watching her friend who was almost done selecting her stuff, he was afraid that the crazy women would once again disappear, he nodded his head without looking at the young staff.     

Putting up a dashing smile, the salesgirl asked politely "Sir, may I know which one do you want?"     

Without looking at the salesgirl, he pointed to his right absent-mindedly and said "I want this one, just pack me this"     

Following the direction he was pointing at, when the salesgirl turned around she froze on the spot and was slightly dumbfounded...     

Trying to force out a smile, the sales girl looked at Kim ting anxiously and asked "Cough cough….sorry but sir, can you choose some other piece?"     

Without noticing the girl's nervous and shaky voice, Kim ting continued to look at a certain direction and said "I don't care…I just want that piece no matter how much it cost…just pack it for me.."     

Struck in a dilemma, the girl tried to convince Kim ting "sir…that.." before the girl could speak, a cold voice was heard from the side "Oh, you dare to snatch it away from me??"     

Feeling that the voice was very familiar, Kim ting turned around only to feel his heart stuck in his throat. His eyes widened     

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