It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Din't do the Deed?

Din't do the Deed?

0Unable to control the excitement, Kim Lan jumped up and asked: "Now, tell me….how was last night?"     

The little Suzy who looked confused till now suddenly started to sob understanding what Kim lan was asking about.     

"Wuuuuu….sob sob…..wuuuuu"     

Confused, Kim lan lost all her excitement when she saw her best friend crying invisible tears. With a worried look, she walked towards the couch and sat next to Suzy and asked sweetly "Baby, what happened? Was my brother very harsh last night? Did he hurt you anywhere?"     

Hearing Kim Lan's series of questions, Suzy started to cry even more hardly making Kim lan confused "Baby, what happened? Why are you crying? And, why do I not find any bruises and hickeys on your body?"     

Instead of replying to Kim lan, Suzy continued to sob like a little kid and her teary eyes especially made her look more pitiful and innocent.     

"Wait…..don't tell me that you actually dint do the deed?"     

For the first time, Suzy finally answered her by shaking her head vigorously.     

Feeling the upcoming headache, Kim Lan rubbed her temples and said "So, you're still a virgin"     

'Nod Nod Nod'     

"Wasn't everything perfectly arranged?"     

'Nod nod nod'     

"Then, was he in a bad mood?"     

Looking at Kim lan innocently, Suzy shook her head saying 'No' with her action     

Seeing her friend acting Dump all of a sudden, Kim lan was annoyed and warned her friend in a low voice "If you continue acting dump then….."     

Scared that her best friend would not help her if she was annoyed, Suzy started to cry out of blue "Wuuuu…Babyyyyyy, you're brother is such a bastard? Wu wu wu….he is such an idiot? Sob sob"     

"What went wrong? Why dint you do the deed?"     

"He didn't want to"     

"Why didn't he want to? Was he not turned on?"     

"No no no….He was seduced by me….I could even see his big bulge under his pants and could also feel its temperature when our body was close"     

Rubbing her temples, Kim lan asked patiently "Then why dint you do it?"     

"Cause he dint want to do it"     

"Then it means he was not turned on"     

"No no no…he was very much seduced and I could see lust in his eyes"     

"Then why the hell dint he do it?"     

"Because he dint want to"     

Frustrated, Kim lan rumbled her hair into a mess and looked at her room to find something to hit her head to clear the confusion. Not finding anything soft to hit her head, Kim lan sighed and tried to clear her messed up brain. Taking a few deep breaths with her eyes closed, she tried to calm herself. Picking up the mug next to the table, she poured herself a glass of water and gulped it. Placing the cup down, without looking at Suzy, she said: "From the beginning of your snu snu…"     

Sighing, Suzy started to narrate yesterday nights story.     

Previous day, in the middle of the night…     

The temperature of the room on the first floor was extremely high and everything was about to turn steamy. In the corner of the room, two people were kissing each other hungrily and their hands were moving around rapidly. Sitting on the dressing table, Suzy was as tall as Kim tan who was straddled between her legs. Since they were very close, she could feel the heat that was coming from his little brother which made her shy as well as happy. Moving her hands down from his neck, she started to unbutton his shirt unhurriedly. Seeing her naughty hands which were very eager to strip him, Kim tan decided to tease her. Stopping her hand's midways, she held it above her head and moved away from her. Looking down at his exposed chest, he raised his head to look at her cherry face. When he saw her salivating on his body, Kim tan smiled seductively and started to move his hands from her legs to her thighs while giving it a light squeeze, he moved further upwards till it reached her hips. Seeing the nervous eyes and her red lips which she was biting seductively turned him hard further. With one swift motion, Kim tan raised her dress and three it on the gown. When he saw her only left with pink bra and panties, Kim tan felt that he could not hold on any longer. Lifting her up from the dressing table, he walked towards the bed before falling on the decorated bed with a thumb along with Suzy. Raising himself up, he looked at the beautiful women lying under him seductively. Under the dim candle lights, Suzy looked even more beautiful and there was a glow on her tender skin. Her teary eyes, which only carried his image as if he was the only person in her eyes….everything felt so dreamy. Never did Kim tan expect that one day, he would find that his little sweetheart was still alive and was now lying under him. Only he knew how happy and blissful he felt. Taking her hands with his, he kissed it before moving down to give her a long and loving kiss.     

Unlike the earlier passionate kiss, which was urgent and carried lust, this one was a gentle kiss, which carried love, longing, sweetness and also joy. There was no hint of lust, not seductiveness…it was a pure kiss that came from their heart which was full of sweetness.     

Giving a few more pecks to her plump lips, Kim tan started to move to the corner of her mouth then to her cheeks, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and then back to her lips. Giving another french kiss to her lips, he moved downwards to her neck, collar bone before stopping in front of his babies. Looking at his two babies, Kim tan's lips curved. "Seems like my babies have grown up a little" then looking up when their eyes met Kim tan smiled mischievously before commenting in a low and husky voice "Don't worry baby, under the care of my hands and my lips they will surely grow bigger in a matter of time"     

Hearing his comments, Suzy blushed and turned her face away, embarrassed to look at his mischievous eye.     

Seeing her acting like a shy baby, Kim tan chuckled and turned her face towards him. Looking into her eyes he said in a low husky voice "Don't worry baby, under my care not only your two twin babies but also.." pausing for a moment, he looked downwards. Following his sight, she saw him looking between her thighs and she immediately closed her legs to hide her shy flower from his sight. Lifting his head up, Kim tan continued " your sweet little flower will also be taken good care"     

Embarrassed, before Suzy could protest, Kim tan dipped his head and burrowed in between her babies while his other hand moved to her back to untie the strap to release the twin babies but he suddenly stopped in the middle and cursed "Shit…"     

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