It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Little Roulan is....alive?

Little Roulan is....alive?

0Even forgetting that the butler Anthony was right next to him, he even called his name so proudly that it pierced the butler's ears and was in the verge to bleed. Rubbing his ears which were already numb, he looked at the second young master weirdly.     

Hearing Kim ting's loud roar, those who were sleeping dead also jolted out from the bed and hurriedly ran out of their room towards the living room. The whole Kim family were dressed in their nightwear and their eyes looked a little dazed. Being awakened put of blue, their face looked gloomy and they were clearly unhappy except Kim lan who had yet to sleep.      

Kim tangs uncle and aunt did not open their mouth the whole time since they were still in their sleepy mood, Kim lan had a look a displeasure as she was disturbed when she was having a sweet talk with her wifey(Mu jun) over the phone and.....Mrs Kim did not have any expression and looked at her expressionlessly. Out of all the members, it was only Mr Kim who looked grumpy and was even furious. Initially, he was busy coaxing his wife to do some naughty things with him and when his wife finally agreed, his second son who has always been a pain in his ass after he growled called them out of blue making him flustered and afraid that he was caught red hand doing mischievous things to his mother.     

"You idiot....did you see the time?...have you gone mad?...why the hell did you call us here?"      

As Mr Kim bombarded him with questions,  Kim ting looked at his father's dark face and forgot the purpose he called them. Scanning his fathers face then his thing, his eyes suddenly lit up as he asked " hehe....why do you look so displeased father? What....were you doing something that you should not at this age..huh?" He said and raising his eyebrows simultaneously teasingly.     

Being caught red hand, Mr Kim's ears turned red and to hide his embarrassment he started to scold his mischievous son harshly " you think everyone is jobless like you? How dare you to speak to your father like that? Shameless"     

Listening to the father and son's blabber, Mrs Kim's head started to hurt and she raised her hands to silence them. Giving a cold look for her husband, she turned towards her son and asked "Kim ting, what is it? Why did you call us here at this time? "     

Remembering his purpose, Kim ting suddenly held his mother's hand and pulled her towards the sofa in the living room. Making her to sit on the sofa, he hurriedly switched on the tv and started to connect it to his mobile. While Kim ting was busy doing something,  the other people walked towards the sofa while uncle Anthony stood next to the sofa respectfully.      

After connecting the tv, he walked back and sat next to his mother and held her hand a hit nervously. Seeing his nervousness, Mrs Kim felt worried and asked " what happened? Why do you look anxious?"     

"Mom please don't ask me anything and just watch this video....after that you'll get to know that yourself"     

Annoyed, Mr Kim could not help but berate at his youngest child " what the hell do you want to show at this time? Don't you---" before Mr Kim could speak further, a soft voice was heard through the television. Turning their attention back to the TV, they were surprised to see Suzy singing a song on the stage. After listening to the music, Mrs Kim asked " Ting, dis you call us here to show how did your sister in law sing?"     

Shaking his head hurriedly, he grasped her hand and asked: " Mom, after listening to the music don't feel that this song is oddly familiar?"     

Only then did Mrs Kim realize what was the feeling she felt earlier while listening to the music. " how could this be...." she mumbled to herself in shock and looked at her husband who was looking even more serious. Meeting his eyes, she understood that he had the same opinion and she said: " it's not....possible is it?"     

Just then, another song started to play on the television and Mr and Mrs Kim turned their head towards the screen in flash when they heard the lyrics of the song. Looking at the huge screen which displayed the image of a girl wearing arn gown, sitting on the chair, singing along as she played the guitar. Each and every lyric bought pain to the couples heart and they could not believe their own eyes. Not only Mr and Mrs Kim but also the second master and his wife was also startled when they heard this very familiar song.     

At the end of the song, tears were streaming down from Mrs Kim's eyes as Mr Kim hugged his wife and tried to console her. Uncle Anthony was also not an exception as he wiped the tear that was about to drop and tried very hard to compose himself. While everyone were surprised and were having a hard time, Kim lan was the only one who looked relax and happy at the same time.     

Seeing that Kim lan did not show any sign of shock or surprise, Kim ting felt something was odd and asked carefully " lan....are you not shocked? Why do you look calm?"     

Hearing Kim ting's question, everyone realised that Kim lan did not show any reaction and looked at her in surprise. Suddenly, Kim ting's eyes went wide when something donned to him "you knew about this all this while? "     

Without showing much impression, Kim lan nodded her head and said " yes, as you have guessed...Suzy is none other than Little Roulan...auntie Zhen's one and only daughter. Because of some unexpected things I found out her other identity a few months back. Just like you all, even I was shocked and at the same time I was dumbfounded but at the end, I was happy to know that she was alive and just like my brother... she had been in love with him all these years. But to be honest, her love for him is greater than his...."     

" mean to say brother is..."     

"Your guess is right....he is with Suzy right now and by now...Suzy must be coaxing my brother who will be crying like a baby and to console she must have brought him to her bedroom to do something fun..."     

Understanding the meaning behind Kim lang's words, Kim tan felt embarrassed and scratched his head before asking " do you know about it?"     

"Duh...are you joking? It was me who helped her to decorate her whole house including her bedroom. It was me who helped her to buy some protections with the help of my wifey.....hah...finally, my best friend will join my group"     

Seeing Kim lan's excited face, Kim ting's face twitched. 'My dear devil sister, aren't you being very shameless?' He thought     

While on the other side, after learning that Suzy was none other than her little Roulan who was the sweet daughter of her best friend, Mrs Kim was left dumbstruck as she mumbles " little Alive?"     

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