It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

It's our Honor to work with you!!

It's our Honor to work with you!!

0Not far away from Xu Man, certain someone was leaning against the wall as he watched the young girl make her way outside. Her footsteps were not urgent nor forged, she walked elegantly while shaking her hips to and fro. Her long hairs which were tied into high pony danced along her steps. Seeing the demeanor of the young girl, he was quite pleased.     

Recalling those savage words and her bitchy act and also that innocent smile she used frequently, a smile spread on his face involuntarily. Watching her back, he could not exclaim but exclaim "Interesting Girl"     

"Whose interesting?" Suddenly a feminine voice was heard next to his ears making his heart jump out of his chest. Holding his chest, Luo Shen stared at Suzy with wide eyes and started to cough loudly.     

Confused, Suzy stepped forward and patted his back and looked at the direction he was staring at earlier. What she saw was the back of a young girl who had a perfect hourglass figure. Recognizing the identity of the girl, Suzy could not help but grin widely.     

Eyeing her little brother, Suzy grinned widely and teased "Here figure is good, isn't it? She has a perfect hourglass figure and also a beautiful face"     

"uh?????" Luo Shen looked at Suzy with a weird expression.     

"Hehe, little brother, when did you start doing these kinds of things? How come I never noticed my brother had this kind of side, Huh?"     

"Sis…sister, what are you saying? I don't understand?"     

"hey, stop acting innocent, your sweet sister is not such narrow-minded women" Suzy teased him again, making him puzzled.     

"uh…sister, I don't know about what are you talking about….can you elaborate it?"     

"Tsk tsk….Little brother stop acting. It's already time up, let's go inside. You can check her out later"     

"Sister but…but….Sister? Ceo Suzy" helpless, Luo Shen could only follow Suzy with a bunch of questions in his head.     

Inside the meeting hall, all the related persons were already present and were waiting for director James and Suzy.     

Not long after, Director James made his way inside….shortly after him, Suzy also made her way inside along with Luo Shen. Seeing Luo Shen, the producer and others could not help but make a friendly comment "Oh…Whom do we have here!"     

"Our CEO Suzy's little brother Luo Shen"     

Seeing the producer's attitude, Suzy could not help but smile. Luo Shen did not speak much but instead just greeted them politely.     

Turning towards Suzy, director James exclaimed " Your Little brother and yourself have made it into headlines for almost a weak. I even heard that your fans have even created a little fan base of your little brother?"     

"really? I have never heard of it"     

"Why don't you let him enter the entertainment industry? With his face, he has a bright future in the industry"     

"Really? But I'm afraid that all the women might get swayed by my brother and might abandon their idols" Suzy joked and the director could not help but let out a small laugh. Looking at her brother who had regained his cold expression, Suzy said "I don't mind letting him go and act. Until he is willing, I'm ready to support him"     

"Seems like you are very close"     

"I guess we are"     

Not long after, the ting began and everyone discussed a few actresses. While deciding at the end, many people present were biased towards Qin Lui and almost considered to make her the spokesperson and ambassador for their upcoming product.     

"So, since everyone has positive comment towards Qin Lui, then it's decided that Qin Lui will be the ambassador for our upcoming product…so---"Before the producer could conclude, Suzy's composed voice was heard.     

"I disagree"     

"uh…miss Suzy, are you not satisfied with Qin Lui? Do you have any other actress in your mind?"     

"I do"     


Before Suzy could name the actress, Director James who was quiet until now suddenly spoke up " Xu Man"     

"Xu Man?"     

"yes…I guess she suits the role better than Qin Lui" Suzy voiced out     

"But Director, Suzy, Qin Lui has both beauty, skills and also has a huge fan base. Making her the spokesperson will be good for us"     

"yes, I agree with the producer. Xu Man might be pretty and also has skills but I don't guess she can take up such a huge responsibility. And also, not to mention her fan base….she has a very less number of fans and it might make our work difficult"     

"Mr. Ji, you do have a point but if we make Qin Lui the ambassador, then it may bring us some bad luck"     

"Miss Suzy, what do you mean to say"     

Without replying to their question, Suzy signaled Luo Shen to pass the photographs. Nodding his head, Luo Shen distributed two envelopes to each member inside which were a few photos.     

Leaning behind the chair, folding her hands in front of her chest, she looked explained patiently " As you can see, you can see the difference between the two actresses. One has a natural, tender and fair face while the other also has a fair and beautiful face but she is not bright nor her face is tender. The main theme of the product is a bright and tender skin so we need to choose an actress who suits the theme the best"     

"But Suzy, what's the big deal in that? We just need to do some touchup and editing to make her look bright on the screen and then..everything will be fine"     

Shaking her head, Suzy explained further "If it was like other ad's , we could use these common tactics but this time around, these tactics are useless. Let's not forget that the product we have taken up belongs to Olive Beauty which has a hundred years history and the competition to get this deal was no less. If we make one mistake, not only will Olive Beauty get affected, even the Kim corporation, as well as Li corporation, will make a huge loss. Other top countries who failed to get the deal are waiting for a chance to snatch the deal away from us. If we let Qin Lui advertise our product, then the other party might take this opportunity to reveal our flaws and with the help of Section 303 which states that Deceiving the public is strictly prohibited, they might cause trouble to the Kim corporation and Li corporation. So now, tell me, whom are you going to choose"     

Enlightened by Suzy's words, the producer and other people could not help but admire Suzy even more. "Indeed, Mr. Kim can never be wrong with his decision. It's such an honor for us to work with a genius like miss Suzy" the producer commented     

"Indeed….if not for Miss Suzy's reminder, we might have made a huge loss. We are lucky to have her here"     

"So, what's your decision now?" Director James asked with a pleased expression. Before the producer could speak, he suddenly stopped him and warned "Before giving me your answer listen to me first. I'm going to act as a director only if it's Xu Man who is going to be the spokesperson if not forget our cooperation and…..I have already come up with the best script"     

"haha…..director James don't worry…of course, we too want Xu Man only to be the spokesperson"     

"Yes yes….we all agree for Xu Man to be the spokesperson"     

Luo Shen who was standing behind Suzy quietly all these while stepped forward and said " Don't worry sir….we know what is your worry so we already have a backup plan to cover the negative parts. You can just trust us and relax. I'm sure miss Xu Man will bring good luck"     

Hearing Luo Shen's words, Suzy could not help but raise her words. 'When did my brother start to bother with actresses?' she thought     

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