It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Tonight, there's going to be a big surprise for you...

Tonight, there's going to be a big surprise for you...

0In a blink of an eye, several days passed and today was the day when the music festival award ceremony was going to be held.     

On a large ground, a huge stage was set up with dazzling and colorful lightings and the stage was set up with a theme of the Roman castle.     

Outside the ground, a red carpet was spread out for the actors, actresses, musicians and other important figures to walk on, protected by barriers at either side restricting the entry of reporters and fans while making sure that the celebrities can walk past the red carpet safely.     

When it was half-past four, celebrities slowly started to appear in front of the red carpet and walked down stunningly while showing their charms and beauties. After answering a few questions from the reporters and hosts, they were escorted inside the hall to their designated seats after signing on the autograph board.     

Not long after, When the reporters were still busy clicking the pictures of the celebrities who were still walking on the red carpet, a black Benz car pulled in front of the red carpet and a beautiful arrogant woman was escorted out of the car by a handsome manager.     

Xiya Ruya, a thirty-three-year woman, was one of the famous A list actress in the entertainment industry. A double-faced women who showed an innocent face but was filled with evil blood….this was not uncommon in the entertainment industry.     

When the reporters, fans, and hosts saw the incoming celebrity, their eyes lit up and moved their camera towards the gorgeous women who looked very innocent.     

Dressed in a gold-colored off-shoulder gown, she looked as innocent as an angel but was extremely evil inside.     

Initially, each celebrity had only two or three minutes of limelight but Xiya Ruya intentionally took up four whole minutes answering the reporters and host.     

Just when Xiya Ruya was about to leave, a white Porsche pulled up in front of the red carpet and a woman who looked like a dream got down from the car.     

Currently, Xiya Ruya was experiencing all the limelights on herself but the moment another car pulled behind her, there was a loud gasp and the cameras which were focusing on her initially had turned towards the entrance abandoning her in the middle of the red carpet. Composing her emotions, when she turned around, she was blinded for a moment before her vision got clear. Not far away from her, a woman in her early twenty's was standing at the beginning of the red carpet wearing a dark green dazzling gown with a black one-piece diamond necklace and her hair tie into a half pony. Her milky white skin glowed under the flashes and her million-dollar worth smile carried a dreamy look. Compared to the other actresses who were donned with pieces of jewelry and heavy makeup, Suzy was much more beautiful. In front of Suzy's beauty, the so-called goddess Xiya Ruya was also nothing in front of her.     

Embarrassed, Xiya Ruya gritted her teeth and clenched her hand and turned around to walk away from the red carpet. 'Suzy….I will keep this day in my mind' with that thought, Xiya Ruya disappeared from the red carpet.     

After giving countless number of posses, Suzy finally reached the stage where the host of the red carpet was eagerly waiting for her with twinkling eyes.     

When Suzy was about to walk up the stage, the host stretched his hand to support her like a gentleman. Suzy gave a dazzling smile and thanked him but unknowing to her, the host was struck with a cupid arrow as soon as he saw her smile.     

Rubbing his racing heart, he said "Miss Suzy, your smile is too powerful"     

"Haha…thank you"     

"Miss Suzy, what do you feel about this year's music festival?"     

"Since this is my first year attending the music festival, I'm extremely excited to see the various talented musicians gathered at one place and I'm honored to take part in this years music festival"     

"Miss Suzy, what is your opinion on the candidates who are nominated this year"     

"I don't have much opinion since I'm not a musician myself and don't have any rights to speak on their talent but I just want to say these few words which my mother used to tell me that…. if you win, don't take it to your head and if you don't, don't take it to your heart and I wish good luck to all the candidates who are nominated and also to the other candidates who aren't nominated"     

After answering a few more questions, Suzy was escorted inside the hall to her designated place.     

Being an award presenter, Suzy was given special importance hence her seat was in the second row.     

Not long after, the whole hall was filled. When Suzy was busy thinking something, she saw someone being escorted by a few higher officials and bodyguards to the first row.     

Seeing the man who was entering the hall, Suzy's eyes lit up and her smile widened.     

Wearing a white shirt and black pants with a black bow and a dark green coat with golden embroidery, Kim tan carried a majestic aura around him as he walked to the first floor.     

His handsome features attracted many actresses including Suzy herself. Looking at her hubby who was dazzling under the yellow light, Suzy's heart skipped several beats.     

When she saw that all the women present were eyeing on her man, she frowned and suddenly had the urge to hide him away. Trying to control her urge to kiss her man in front of everyone, she continued looking at him in a daze but suddenly her eyes widened when she saw his outfit. They were wearing a matching outfit and if not for the gold embroidery, then it would be a couple outfit.     

When Suzy was still in a daze, she saw Kim tan playing with his phone and suddenly smiled seeing something. Kim ting who was right next to his brother peeked at his brothers mobile but the next moment his eyes darkened when he saw what his brother was doing/     

When nobody was looking at, Kim tan had opened his cell phone to click a picture of Suzy's who was looking at him in a daze.     

Only he knew how he felt when he saw her walking on the red carpet in a live stream that was showed by his gossipy brother.     

Rubbing his temples, Kim ting suddenly had the urge to shift his place away from these to affectionate couple.     

Seeing Kim ting's grumpy face, the manager felt that something was amiss and therefore asked politely "Mr. Kim ting, is something wrong?"     

"Huh? Yeah….can you please change our place and shift it there? My brother gets irritated by heavy scent" Kim ting said as he pointed at the seat in front of Suzy. 'Forget it….just endure a little dog food. Who knows, at the end of the day, I might receive something shocking' he thought inwardly.     

Following Kim ting's finger, the manager saw that Kim ting was pointing at the seat in front of Suzy's. Looking back at their designated seat, the manager was confused 'Huh? What does he mean by heavy scent? When did men start to wear heavy scent? I don't smell anything and isn't it female's who wear heavy scent?' the manager thought and looked at Suzy doubtfully.     

Frowning inwardly, he could only make a little change and change their place.     

Not long after, the manager escorted Kim tan and Kim ting to the seat in front of Suzy. Seeing that they were walking right towards her, Suzy straightened her back and felt nervous all of a sudden and especially when she saw his dark gaze looking at her.     

To others, it seemed like Kim tan was looking straight but only Kim ting knew that where he was looking at.     

Not long after Kim tan took the seat and sat cross-legged on the sofa while Kim ting sat right next to him.     

When Suzy was just about to ignore them and look away, she saw Kim tan lifting his phone in such a way that she could see the things he was looking at and the next second she saw her picture on his phone in which she looked a little dazed. When he swiped to left, another picture popped out in which Suzy looked a little shocked and in the next one she looked a little angry and a few more photos displaying several emotions like longing, lust, sweetness, love, jealousy, etc…     

At the end of the slideshow, Suzy's face had turned as red as a tomato and did not dare to look at him anymore.     

Just then, there was a beep on her cell phone. When She picked her cell phone she saw an incoming text from Kim tan which said "You look beautiful"     

Reading the text, a smile blossomed on her face and she replied unhurriedly "Thank you and you look handsome"     

Without waiting for his reply, she sent another message with a grinning emoji "Tonight, there's going to be a big surprise for you…."     

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