It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Release news that....Suzy's back!!

Release news that....Suzy's back!!

0"Sister….She's my elder sister" with that said, Luo Shen walked inside with his head up. The word 'Sister' bought him an unknown joy and he could not help but grin widely. Getting such an unexpected response from Luo Shen, the reporters were left dumbfounded. The older local people who were watching the whole commotion could not help but smile when they heard the proud declaration.     

Not long after, the whole interview was broadcasted throughout the media outlet. Everyone in the country was amazed by his Beauty as well as his honesty and braveness. One who knows his place survives till the end but one who fails to know his place is destined to suffer. Luo Shen was one such person. He knew his place and his limits.     

Luo Shen's declaration created commotion throughout the whole country. Those who were biased to fight against Suzy were left tongue-tied and Suzy's fans were more than happy and were even more enthusiastic to fight against those haters who kept trashing Suzy.     

After watching the news that was broadcasted, the public was also tongue-tied. They expected that Luo Shen would either accept the truth or deny it or remain silent but they never expected him to not only deny their claims but also declared themselves as siblings. Luo Shen's powerful question left many news media embarrassed. It was true that they could not prove anything just with a photo but they still wanted to give it a go hoping to get a piece of hot news but instead, never did they expect to humiliate themselves. After considering Luo Shen's explanation, many news companies started to retreat and concluded the news but there were a few companies who were foolish enough and did not know when to retreat. Among them, few of them were those who were under the FM entertainment control and were forced to retaliate against Luo Shen.     

On the second day, after learning that Suzy was not in the country, reporters started to claim that Suzy was ashamed of the truth and had left the country. Even when starlight entertainment released a news of Suzy's whereabouts, reporters continued to dig up more on Suzy. Seeing the false news, even the two nurses who had previously heard their conversation were angered. Therefore, they made a post on Suzy's and Luo Shen's conversation to clear the rumors but unexpectedly their comment caused the commotion to grow bigger. Though the two nurses did it out of goodwill, people started to troll and tag them while accusing them saying that they did it for money. The people in the hospital also started to treat them unfairly. Later, in the evening, along with the nurse's comment, a video footage of Suzy hugging Luo Shen was broadcasted on the news channels. Because there was no audio function, no one was clear about their conservation but their movements were enough for reporters to claim their relationship. Since the footage was too long, the media outlet only broadcasted a few scenes in which Luo Shen was either Hugging or blushing after Suzy's comment.     

Watching the news, Luo Shen was furious but before he could do anything, he received a call from Kim Lan asking him to stay quiet until Suzy was back. Tied up, Luo Shen was unable to do anything, but he still did not stop right there. Taking out his laptop, he tried hacking the CCTV camera but found that all the footages were deleted and he was unable to recover them. Even though Luo Shen was familiar with hacking, he was not up to the match of Li Xiying's hacker team. Frustrated, he called one of his friend who was working the news company for help, unexpectedly, he happened to have the full video recording of the CCTV footage which was sent by the hackers. Since their company decided to back off, they did not plan to dwell in the matters anymore.     

Once Luo Shen received the CCTV footage, he forwarded it to a dubbing expert who was working as a police officer and requested his to dub their conversation. Since the police officer was busy, it would take at least a day for them to Dub the whole conversation.     

Just when Luo Shen was thinking about other ways to solve the mess, his mother started to vomit near the bed. Getting up hurriedly, he called the doctor to check on his mother but then found that his mother was suffering from viral fever. With no other choice, he could only drop his work and look after his mother.     

After learning Luo Shen's current situation and also about the commotion which was going on, Suzy was furious. Smiling coldly, without looking at Kim tan, she said "Baby, I guess we have to postpone our plans for tomorrow"     

"It's ok, we can continue our date some other time, It's not like we are short of time"     

Giving a peck on his cheeks, she said "Thank you"     

Patting her head, Kim tan asked "What do you plan to do now"     

Giving a cold smile, Suzy replied "Since they dared to mess with me, of course, they need to pay for it"     

Chuckling, Kim tan caressed her hairs lovingly and said "If you face any problem, don't forget to approach me"     

"No no….how can I depend on you for such a small matter?"     

"Listen to me…..if you face any problem come to me…..after all, Husbands are meant to be taken advantage by wife"     

"Advantage my ass...husbands are wolf's in sheep's dress. It's not wife taking advantage of Husband but instead, it's the other way around" Suzy replied and with a poker face she continued "Wife takes advantage of her husband only once or twice in a week but a husband takes advantage of his wife almost every day"     

"Oh….my dear wife, care to explain how?" Kim tan asked curiously.     

"Don't think every women is foolish. Men are nothing but beasts….they don't let us go until our waist turns sour"     

Understanding the meaning behind Suzy's words, Kim tan's smile grew wider as he replied "If we think about it, it's indeed true" with a short pause, he moved closer to Suzy and with a mischievous smile on his face, he said "Since I love my wife very much, I won't do it until your waist hurts but instead…." nibbling his nose on her neck, he whispered in a low voice " I will do it until my waist hurts"     

"bomb" Hearing Kim tan's words, Suzy was stunned for a moment. Recalling his words, she suddenly had the urge to run away from this beast. Forget about herself, she was sure that his waist would never hurt no matter how many times he did it but instead it would be her who would be suffering from multiple bone fracture. Just imagining their future, Suzy could not help but gulp a mouthful of saliva.     

Seeing her fallen expression, Kim tan could not help but chuckle. Picking her up vertically, he said "Stop imagining such things for now….It's already late, I'll drop you back home" with that said he carried her out of the theatre.     

Not long after, they reached the home and Suzy got off from the car and bid farewell for Kim tan before walking inside.     

Once inside, Suzy's warm expression was replaced with coldness. Taking out her cell phone, she called certain someone and gave him a few instructions before hanging up. Dropping her limited-edition handbag on the sofa, she made her way towards her computer room. After typing something for a few minutes, she finally found the data of the person behind all these mess. Smiling coldly, she picked her cell phone and made a call. When the call was finally connected, Suzy said with a smile "Release news that...Suzy's back"     

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