It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Rescuing the Hostages

Rescuing the Hostages


Just when Suzy and others were about to head inside, a loud sound was heard not far away from them. Halting on their steps, they went closer towards the opening and peeked their head out. Just then, Wen Xiao's voice came through the headset     

"There was a sudden bomb explosion due to extreme heat. They have gathered to check the cause of the explosion"     

Checking around, Kim tan found no one around. Turning towards Suzy and others, he said "There was an explosion and people are checking there. It's a good opportunity, we should head out of the tent when no one is around"     

"Hmm…" nodding their head, they followed Kim tan closely while looking around cautiously. Since the tent was not far away from the storeroom, it took only a minute for them to reach the storeroom.     

As soon as they reached the storeroom, they started to look for the hole which connected to the stairways. While checking around, Kim ting found the pathway which was blocked by a wooden box. Moving a box away, they made their way through the hole. Since the hole was small, they had to crawl to move out of it. When Kim ting was about to move the box, the door of the storeroom suddenly opened.     

Just when the other person's eyes were about to land on the wooden box, a mercenary who was standing outside suddenly called him from outside.     

Taking the chance when the mercenary was not looking, Kim ting blocked the path with the wooden box and made his way out. When the mercenary turned back he found that the box was in its place.     

Scratching his head he thought 'did I miss something?' but shrugged his shoulder and made his way out when the other person kept urging him.     

On the other side, Kim ting finally breathed out as he said "Sigh…it was a close call"     

Shanaya who was at the side could not help but sneer "Coward"     

Infuriated Kim ting was about to record but was stopped by his brother's warning gaze. Giving a murderous look to Shanaya, he stood up to follow his brother and sister in law. Climbing the stairs, they kept checking each floor to find anyone hiding in the dark.     

Reaching the Sixth floor, they halted in front of the door. Before heading out, they wanted to check to situation hence Suzy contacted Wen Xiao first to check the situation outside.     

"What's the situation?"     

"There is one guard outside and two at the right and two at left. They guard the other corridor. At ceratin interval, the two guards move to the other corridor. If you take that chance you can escape their sight easily without a noise"     

"Okay, where are we supposed to go after we head out"     

"Right, there is a small corridor, if you walk for a few minutes, you'll find a wooden door. If you head in you'll find a narrow corridor. If you walk through the corridor, you'll reach the prison where the hostages are kept"     

"Okay…Can you control the power supply of this place?"     

"Yes mam"     

"Okay…how many minuted do we have now?"     

"Three minutes"     

"okay….at the count of ten, cut the power supply"     


Signaling Kim tan and others to stand behind the door, she started the countdown.     

"10…9….8…7….6….5…" at the count of four, she took a bulb from a box that was kept in a box and threw it towards the steps. With a 'clink' the bulb shattered into pieces at the fifth step.     

Hearing the sound coming from inside, the mercenary who was guarding outside opened the door and headed inside. Just then the power supply was cut off making the place dark. Taking a torchlight, the guard started to move downwards. Taking the chance, Suzy and the other came out from behind the door and headed out. Due to darkness, the guard was unable to notice them. When he turned around, he did not find anyone. Shrugging his shoulder, he went out and closed the door and resumed his work.     

Standing in the next corridor, Kim ting could not help but raise a thumb to Suzy. Smiling, they continued to move along the corridor. When they were about to reach the door, Kim tan stopped them on their path. Contacting Wen Xiao, he asked " How many guards are there inside"     

"Only two, one of them is sleeping"     


Suddenly, Kim ting had an idea in his mind. Smiling widely he asked " contact the guard and ask him to head upstairs"     


Not understanding what Kim ting was about to do, Suzy looked at him doubtfully for which the latter smiled and assured her. Shrugging their shoulders, they hid in a corner until the guard left. As soon as the guard left, they made their way inside. On their way, Wen xiao's voice once again came through the headset "Sir the guard is making his way upstairs through the elevator"     

"Good, stop the elevator for a few minutes and then inform him to get back to his work"     


Finally understanding what was his plan, Suzy could not help but raise a thumb to which the latter smiled proudly while looking at Shanaya provocatively.     

Making their way through the narrow path, soon they reached the end of the corridor and saw countless cells and among them, only one cell was lit. As wen xiao had said, one of the guards was indeed asleep. Moving past him, Suzy wiped some dust from the ground and blew it forward, when the dust was blown they could see a faint red light which was nothing but a lazer barrier which carried more than 100 w current. Typing something on her watch and she instructed something to Wen Xiao. The next moment, there was a faint flush. Once again swooping some dust from the floor, Suzy blew it towards the lazer barrier but this time there was no light.     

"The lazer barrier has been removed. We can make our way inside now" Suzy replied to Kim tan and Kim ting, then she saw Shanaya standing near the guard.     

"What are you doing there?" She asked     

"nothing, making him unconscious…..just for precautions" she replied carelessly and shrugged her shoulder.     

Shaking her head, Suzy headed inside to the last prison which was faintly lit.     

On the other side, the elevator suddenly broke and stopped on the eighth floor. Neither did it move nor did it open the door. Confused, just when he was about to call his subordinate to report the problem, he was informed to head back. Just then, even the elevator started to work. Shrugging his shoulder, he headed back.     

Reaching the last prison cell, when they stood in front of the prison they saw the hostages tied by a chain lying unconscious on the ground. Just when Kim ting was about to make his way inside the cell, Suzy stopped him and said "Wait…." lifting her left arm, she typed something on her wristwatch and then a blue light illuminated out of the watch and scanned all the members in the cell. When the scanning was done, she took out a round disc-shaped think and headed inside the cell and stuck it to above the cell door, exactly in the middle of the wall. Satisfied, she asked Shanaya to bring out the medicine. Taking out a few medicine, they injected into each hostage's veins. After a few seconds, all the presidents and vice presidents regained their sense. Before they could ask who were they, Suzy looked at her watch and said "we don't have much time, let's head out first. Any questions, you can ask us later"     

With that, all the people headed out of the cell. On the way, Kim tan contacted Wen Xiao and asked: " What's the exit path?"     

"After the narrow corridor, you'll find a room. If you head inside you'll find a secret door. That door leads you out of the base. Outside the base, our team will be waiting for you"     

"Okay" With that said, they made their way towards the room. Just as Wen xiao had instructed, there was a room in the next corridor. Opening the door slightly, Kim tan checked the room. When he found no one around, he motioned them to get inside. Closing the door, Suzy and Kim tan started to look around for the hidden door. Just then, with their keen sense, they heard the sounds of footsteps approaching them. Pushing the hostages to one corner, Suzy and Kim tan hid in a dark corner. Parallel to them, Shanaya Pulled Kim ting along with her and hid in the other dark corner opposite to Kim tan and Suzy.     

Kim ting was startled when he was dragged into a corner by Shanaya. Coming back to his senses, he started to protest against Shanaya, just then the door of the room was opened with a bang. Startled, before Kim ting could react, his eyes went wide when he felt something soft on his lips.     

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