It's Payback Time : dont mess with me



0Just then the door of the room was opened with a bang. Startled, before Kim ting could react, his eyes went wide when he felt something soft on his lips. When Kim ting kept blabbering, with no other choice, Shanaya had used her lips to shut his mouth. With their lips pressed together, Kim ting even forgot to breathe and kept numb without making any noise.     

On the other side, Suzy who just happened to see their kissing scene was dumbfounded and was left speechless. With her mouth wide open and her eyes stuck on Kim ting and Shanaya, she poked at Kim tan and pointed towards the direction where the couple were kissing. When Kim tan moved his eyes towards the direction where the couple were kissing, he too was left speechless.     

'are you serious? You're making out in such a situation? Couldn't you do it outside' Suzy complained inwardly.     

While Suzy was complaining inwardly for being fed with dog food, Kim tan on the other side was having a different thought running in his mind. ' Even I want to do that...Even I want to kiss my wifey…..(pout pout pout)'     

Shaking her head, She ignored her cousin and brother in law and continued focusing on the movements inside the room. Since the room was dark, the person was unable to see Suzy and others. They could hear him opening a few drawers and rummaging around. When he finally got what he needed, he closed the door and left the room. When the sounds of footsteps finally disappeared, Suzy and others finally came outside.     

While Shanaya appeared to be emotionless, Kim ting was left blushing like a teenager while holding his cheeks with his palm. At present, Kim ting appeared as a shy and innocent girl whereas Shanaya looked like a cold and aloof boyfriend.     

Ignoring the two of them, Shanaya looked Kim tan and said "We don't have much time, we need to find a way to get out of here"     

"You check here, Ill check there. There must be some way here"     

With that said, Suzy and Kim tan started looked around, Shanaya also joined them and started to look around to find a way only Kim ting was left standing alone like a love-struck puppy. The softness he experienced earlier kept repeating in his mind and his heart continued to beat rapidly. Holding his heart with hands, he leaned backward lost in thought. When Kim ting leaned backward, he happened to push a book in the shelf backward and the next movement, the bookshelf shift into two startling Kim ting and the others. Seeing the secret pathway, Suzy sighed and thought 'Sometimes love-struck fools do wonders'.     

Sighing, she walked towards the open bookshelf. Taking a light ball from her pocket, she hit it once and a faint light started to illuminate through the ball. Passing the ball to Shanaya, she pressed a button on her bask and a night vision glass appeared in front of her eyes. Taking out her pistol, she walked inside and Kim tan followed behind her to cover her up. Shanaya signaled the hostages to follow them while following them from behind. Walking a few steps forward, she turned around only to see Kim ting standing motionless at the entrance. Rolling her eyes, she walked towards him and pulled him by his collar and continued to drag him along with her.     

It took them almost twenty minutes to reach the entrance. Thankfully,  neither a CCTV nor a guard was guarding on the way. Reaching the entrance, Suzy saw their team waiting for them with a jeep standing at the side.     

Walking towards the leader, she asked: "Are the things been transferred?"     

"No mam. We are afraid that we might get caught while shifting the things to the submarine, so we have just loaded it in one of the ships. We will transfer the goods later."     


After thinking for a while, Kim tan asked: "Do you have a spare bomb called 'NH25'?"     

"yes, sir. Since this bomb had special features, We picked two of them from there"     

"Good...I need those two later"     

"Okay, sir…"     

Suzy: "Where are other members?"     

Qiao An: " they are in their position waiting for further instructions"     

"Good" she replied and turned towards Kim tan to ask something but caught hold of Kim ting who was peeking at Shanaya with a blushing face. Unable to ignore it, she pointed at Kim ting with her chin and asked: "Is this your brother's first kiss?"     


"Sigh…okay, now what's the next step"     

"let's prepare for an attack"     


With that said, Suzy and others departed. Handing the hostages to Qiao An, she instructed her to take them to a safer place and guard them along with her team. Once everyone left, Suzy and Kim tan teamed up and headed towards the right while Shanaya and Kim ting headed towards the left.     

Reaching the place where their team was waiting for them, Suzy briefly explained them the plan before dispersing.     

Throughout the mission, Suzy and Kim tan worked and planned together not parting from each other even for a movement.     

Once everyone took their position, Suzy held her gun up and looked at Kim tan with a smile and asked "Mr. Kim, shall we play a game?"     

"If you say so" with that said, they made their way forward. First, with their exceptional targets, they killed all the mercenaries who were guarding outside and then those who were watching everything from outside.     

Standing in front of the door, Kim tan and Suzy took out a grenade and pulled its pin before throwing it towards the door. With a blast, the doors burst out startling the mercenaries. Just when the remaining people lifted their gun to fire the mercenaries, everyone was startled to see Suzy's and Kim tan's speed. Before they even realized, Suzy and Kim tan had already five mercenaries each. Getting back to their sense, just when the mercenaries were about to attack Suzy and Kim tan, Shanaya and Kim ting jumped down from the wall from the opposite side and started to fire bullets.     

The whole base now became a battlefield. Bullets were raining from every direction. Hiding behind boxes or trucks, they kept attacking each other except the four people who were fighting and raining bullets like killer machines. Their eyes were cold and they were emitting murderous aura around them. The mercenaries were especially afraid and Kim tan and Suzy were like lion killing their prey. The mercenaries could not believe their when they saw Suzy, a woman fighting no lesser than a man. At the moment, they wanted to escape from these two killer machines but they were held back by their pride.     

While Shanaya was busy tackling the enemies, one of the mercenary walked towards her slowly to attack her. Just when he was about to stab her from behind, Kim ting happened to see the mercenary and jumped on Shanaya and rolled to the other side. Getting up, he checked whether she was injured or not. When he saw that she was not injured, he sighed but he could not stop the anger that was developing inside. Pulling out a dagger, he jumped on the mercenary and stapped his left arm then he twisted his left arm which he used to attack Shanaya and then stapped his back and stomach multiple times. By now, there were already a few drops of blood on his face making him look dangerous. Without wasting even a second, he continued to attack those who tried to attack Shanaya. As she watched him attack those who tried to harm her, Shanaya could not help but smile as a layer a warmth spread in her heart. Picking up her gun, she continued attacking the enemies.     

Those who were initially guarding inside also stepped out to attack their opponents, but before they could even do that they heard a loud sound and building started to collapse slowly. Those who were lower floors were able to come out quickly but those who were at the higher floors were struck and collapsed along with the building. Within an hour, the whole base was massacred by Suzy and Kim tan's team. Not even a single person was found alive.     

The leader who lead the team was quick-witted. As soon as he saw the number of people who were about to attack, he was already planning to run away but was stopped by his pride. But later when he saw Suzy and Kim tan, he immediately recognized who they were just by their appearance. When he saw their attacking skill, he longer had the heart to become a mercenary. Pulling five S ranked mercenaries as guards to protect him, he went out using the hidden route. But too bad, when he reached the entrance before he could even realize, he was killed by Kim tan's team who were initially waiting for their arrival.     

On the other side, after planting few bombs everywhere, Suzy and Kim tan along with their team made their way out of the base, towards the coastal area.     

Switching their headset, Kim tan contacted Sergeant Lewie who were on their way towards the right island. Once the call was connected, he said "Stop right there"     

Immediately following his command, Lewie picked the communicator and said "Stop"     

Following his command, the helicopter stopped moving. Everyone was confused by Sergeant Lewie's sudden command. Instead of explaining, Lewie continued concentrating on the other side. Then he heard a female voice coming from the other side.     

After getting an Ok signal from Kim tan, Suzy started to count "3..2…1...Mission completed" and then pressed a button. The next movement, there was a loud boom and the terrorists whole base was blown out. The sound was soo loud that, the people who were far away from them also could hear it faintly. When all the armies were confused at what happened, they heard Sergeant Lewie speak from the other side with a smile on his lips.     

"This is sergeant Lewie speaking. Congratulations everyone, Mission…..completed"     

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