It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Just consider him as one!!

Just consider him as one!!

0Hearing that question, the grey uniformed men could not help but say proudly " Yes, she is our team captain…what, do you want to fight?"     

Scared, the one who asked the question immediately backed out "Woah…bro, we don't take that chance. Over leader 'Carrot' (Shanaya) is already very tough for us to handle, we don't want one more strong woman to add up to that list"     

"Sigh…..women are really something, they are almost good in every aspect"     


Inside a room where a monitor was placed, all the five people were sitting on a round table waiting for Suzy to speak as she was busy typing something few codes on her laptop. Wen Xiao who was sitting closer to her was observing her carefully while trying to grasp some points from. Feeling Wen Xiao's stare, Suzy slowly looked up and saw her staring at her screen. Curious, Suzy asked, " Do you understand what I'm doing?"     

Looking up at her expressionlessly, Wen Xiao exclaimed " Yes, you're looking into details of a few people whom we are about to face"     

Surprised, Suzy asked, "Do you know hacking?"     

"yes, other than fighting and observation, my specialized field is hacking. Though I'm not as good as you are, I can understand quite a few things you typed"     

Hearing that, Suzy felt one of her burdens was released as she smiled and said "Sigh…I guess I made the right choice. Now I can have hacker who can guide me during the mission"     

Bowing a little, Wen Xiao replied with great respect "It's my honor to assist you miss"     

Remembering something, she took a pen drive from her pocket and passed it to Suzy before saying politely " During the journey towards the beach, I had some spare time so I did some research and got hold of information on few terrorist who went missing during last two months. But because my laptop did not have many facilities I could only gather information on twenty-five people" when she said the last word, there was a hint of disappointment in her voice which was noticed By Suzy.     

Even though it was only twenty-five and there was still two hundred more, Suzy was still impressed by her ability. Her efficiency showed how serious she was about this mission. Smiling, Suzy thanked her for her help. Since her system needed a few minutes to gather all the information, she leaned on the chair and rested her head on her arm as she looked at the two women with amazing abilities and sighed "Sigh…..How can women be this impressive" and then moving her gaze towards Kim ting who immediately straitened his back, then she turned towards the cold looking Kim tan who was sitting like a woodblock and said helplessly " Except your brother, the other two leaders are women….why don't you consider it once again and appoint a women as the team leader?" Suzy suggested playfully.     

Shrugging his shoulder, not minding her playfulness, he said "Just consider him as one"     

Hearing this, Kim ting was left speechless and did not know what to say. Angered by his brother's negligence, he retorted back at his brother "Brother, how can you treat your only brother like this? "     

"No comment" Kim tan said without batting an eye. Hearing this, Shanaya who was holding her laughter for a while could not help but burst out laughing loudly.     

Feeling ashamed, Kim ting was utterly furious. Gritting his teeth, Kim ting forced out each and every word out of his mouth "Brother, just wait and see. As soon as I go back to Country H, I'll definitely report this to sister in law and will get justice from her"     

Hearing the word sister in law, Kim tans expression changed. Glaring at Kim ting, he replied coldly "Dare to approach your sister in law I'll definitely break your legs"     

Like a wounded puppy, Kim ting quietened immediately and kept sulking to himself.     

Shanaya Sitting at the side could not be anymore amused as she thought ' Excuse me boys, the sister in law you're talking about is sitting right here'     

Suzy herself was also quite amused. Never did she expect that her hubby would be this scared after hearing her name…..Sigh, it truly feels good to have your husband in your hold.     

Just then, Suzy's monitor completed accessing data and various images, including Wen xiao's appeared on the white screen in front. Ignoring all the images, Suzy focused all her attention off the S ranked and A-ranked terrorist. She could handle three or four S rank terrorist and her sister could handle two S ranked terrorists at once and about the remaining people, she was completely unaware of them. If it was only a matter of feast fighting, they could manage, but this fight includes weapons and explosions. Suzy could not take it lightly.     

" There are many S ranked terrorist than expected. The enemies are definitely well prepared" Suzy exclaimed without moving her attention from the screen. Seeing the number, Shanay frowned and asked " then what should we do now"     

"Lure the enemy out of their cave" Kim tan said with a faint smile For some reason, Kim tan was very excited about this mission. Though it was not that risky mission, he still felt excited than the other time 'why do I feel like that?' he thought but did not know why.     

"Mr. Kim, I guess its time to explain our plan to General Zhen" with that said, she made a video call to general Zhen. As soon as the video call was received, general Zhen's face appeared on the white screen.     

" General Zhen, how are things going on there?" Kim tan asked politely     

"Well, everything is fine here. The army from the other countries have already arrived and are waiting for further orders. Since country H has taken in charge, everyone is going to follow our team leader. There are almost two hundred people who are currently gathered here. We are waiting for your further details"     

"Mr. Zhen, are the criminals that our enemy requested been brought?" Kim tan asked with a cold light in his eyes.     

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