It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Sweet as candy to Wife but cold to bones to others!!

Sweet as candy to Wife but cold to bones to others!!

0After going around the island for two whole hours, they found nothing useful. It was as if the whole island was isolated and no human being was found, not even a single boat was seen near the island. For a moment, Suzy did not know what to do. While Suzy was in deep thought. Still looking at the screen, Kim tan was deep in thought hen something flashed in his mind. Looking at Kim ting he ordered "Bring it"     

"Huh?.."For a moment, Kim ting was dumbfounded and did not know what was he referring to but after a moment he realized what his brother was talking about and his eyes lit up with excitement. " yup…" he replied and went to his chamber to bring it out.     

Even Suzy looked at Kim tan curiously wondering what her hubby was about to do. Not long after Kim ting bought a silver suitcase along with him. Handing it over to his brother with a huge grin, he stood aside while giving a provocative look to Shanaya for which the latter rolled her eyes in frustration.     

Placing the suitcase on the table, he placed his thumb on the scanner and then scanned his iris for the suitcase to get unlocked. When the case was unlocked, everyone was dumbfounded. They could see nothing except a pair of forceps. While everyone was dumbfounded, only Suzy was looking surprised. Though it was quite dark, Suzy could still make out a small tiny black mosquito which was less than centimeter length placed in a row inside the suitcase. Picking a mosquito out of the suitcase. She placed it on her palm and examined it excitedly while she said: " Is this a robot?"     

"Yes... it is a robotic mosquito " Kim tan replied plainly.     

For some unknown reason, Suzy wanted to own it so she could not help but asked him excitedly "Can I have one?"     

though Kim tan did not want to give it to Shadow, for some unknown reason, his heart did not let him deny it and he immediately agreed "okay...ill lend you one after the mission is done" for some unknown reason, Kim tan's voice was a little soft surprising everyone.     

Everyone "....."     

Kim ting "....." ' why do I suddenly feel that they are showing off their affections?'     

Shanaya"..." 'Here she goes'     

Doctor cherry "...." 'Bloody hell...For god's can you stop acting are Shadow, not Suzy ...Ah forget it'     

"By the way What is its function?" Suzy asked with twinkling eyes and Kim tan could not help but smile a little when he saw her acting like a kid. Even though Suzy was wearing her mask and Kim tan was unaware of her identity, for some unknown reason he could not help but smile a little but he did not want to answer right now. " you'll get to know soon" he replied making Suzy's curiosity rise too high.     

Everyone "...." ' Did he just smile?'     

Kim ting: "...." " brother smiled....he smiled in front of other women....big news, I need to report this to my sister in law...yes'     

Unaware of the big hurricane his brother was about to set for him, Kim tan turned towards doctor cherry and asked, there was not even a slightest warmth in his words " is it safe for us to move to the surface?"     

' indeed, he's sweet as candy to wife but cold to bones to others...sigh, lovers re really hopeless' Doctor cherry thought inwardly but did not dare to voice it out. Shaking his head, he replied "No, it might be dangerous. We don't know where are our enemies hiding and there are also chances where our enemies might be hiding in the dark and watching us"     

"Hmm...then, do we have a way to disperse these out of the submarine safely without letting it get in contact with water?"     

"Yes....we have away. Wait a minute" with that said, he moved to the storeroom next to the controller and started to rummage through the drawers. After a few minutes, he came out holding a fish-like thing. When he pressed a button behind its fin, a small door opened near its forehead and after Kim tan moved the mosquitos inside, the door closed automatically. Pressing a button in the controller, another opening was formed. Placing the fish inside, he pressed a button and the fish was immediately dispersed from the submarine and was shot straight to the surface. Within a few seconds, the fish reached the surface of the water and the door opened automatically letting all the fish head outside. Once the mosquitos were out, they immediately started to fly towards the island which was not too far away.     

Keeping the controller aside, Kim tan opened the briefcase again and pressed a button and immediately the screen lit up and a digital plain keyboard screen appeared inside the briefcase. Only then did everybody realize that it was a controller. Pressing a few keywords, the screen immediately showed six footage showing the approaching island.     

Only then did they understand that those mosquitos were no ordinary thing but was a robot that worked as a moving surveillance camera. But since the screen was small, with all the six footage being shown on one screen, everyone could not see what was happening. When everyone was curious to know what was happening, Suzy moved towards the monitor and started to type a few things right in front of Kim tan and the next moment, the footage were all shown on the large screen inside the submarine letting everyone to get a look of what was happening. Since the footage shown was large, Kim tan could have a clear look of the surroundings. Even Kim tan himself was amused and for a moment felt that he should have learned to hack.     

While everyone was looking at the screen intently, Shanaya, on the other hand, was looking provocatively at Kim ting. From the beginning, both of them were showing their leader proudly while provoking the other person. For now, both of them were almost competing with each other while showing their leader's (Siblings') ability. Rolling his eyes, Kim tig tried to ignore her but still could not.     

It did not take a long time for those mosquito to reach the island and as soon as they reached, they disseminated and started to move in different directions. It took a long while for the mosquitos to finally see a partial light. Only the fifth and sixth mosquitos showed the approaching light whereas the mosquitos only showed darkness. Not long after, they could see think and ling walls upon which few mercenaries were guarding with a gun in their shoulder while looking around carefully. Few more mercenaries were hiding in the bushes and branches while guarding the place. When the mosquito passed through the guards, they saw many tents set up around a grey mansion. There were fire lamps everywhere and a mercenaries guarding each tent with a gun on his shoulder. A few trucks loaded with guns and bombs were parked near the tents. After scanning the whole place. They found that almost one fifty mercenaries were guarding outside the mansion. While the fifth mosquito was still going around for a more detailed view, the sixth mosquitos entered the grey mansion. After going around the mansion for half an hour, they finally saw a space which was guarded by lots of mercenaries who were almost A ranked or S ranked. The courtyard was dark with only a faint light coming inside. With one glance, Suzy could say that this was where the hostages were locked. Sensing something wrong with the surrounding, Suzy stopped Kim tan hurriedly.     

"Wait...dont go inside"     

Confused, he looked back at Suzy and then at the screen when he finally found something.     

" They have put up a lazer barrier"     

"Yeah, and if we let the mosquito to pass it, it will turn into ashes and the next second the enemies will be alerted. This may not be good for us" Suzy commented while still looking at the screen. After traveling around the mansion for few more minutes, they left one of the robots outside the cell to keep watching it and the other was left outside the mansion to keep the mercenaries moments in check.     

" hmm....seems like the enemies are well prepared " Kim ting commented with a cold smile.     

" Two trucks full of weapons, one fifty mercenaries guarding outside and the remaining seventy mercenaries guarding inside and upon that, the ones who is guarding inside are almost A ranked or S, this is surely going to be a tough battle" Shanaya commented while looking at Kim ting sideways.     

" look..." wen xiao commented out of nowhere when she saw something on the screen.     

" mosquito no 3.....something passed by"     

"Getting hold of the controller, Kim tan directed the robot mosquito to move backward. Just as Wen xiao said, there was something important that almost missed their eyes. Making their way inside, when they saw what was inside, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.     

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