It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Protective Assistant Luo Shen

Protective Assistant Luo Shen

0Luo Shen was extremely fast and before the other men could move, they were already beaten into pulp by Luo Shen. Afraid that they might be beaten to death, the other men retreated in fear but before they could take more than two steps, they were once again beaten by him until they could not even lift themself from the ground. Groaning in pain, they rolled on the ground holding their injured body part.     

When Luo Shen was done beating the last man, he threw him on the ground and walked towards the leader. Stretching his hand out, he lifted him up by his neck and asked coldly     

"Who sent you here….?"     

Meeting his cold gaze, the bulky leader shivered and struggled to free his neck. Seeing him struggling to get rid out of his grasp, Luos Shen's grip tightened and his temperature lowered by few more degrees as he asked once again" this is the last time I'm going to ask you…..who sent you here?"     

Scared, the bulky man immediately opened his said and blurted out " I don't know"     

Furious, he increased his strength and threw the bulky man on to the floor and pressed him down and lifted his feast up to hit his face. With an inexplicable speed, he was about to punch when the bulky man immediately opened his mouth "wait…..don't hit me, I'll say ….I'll say"     

With his fist still aiming at his face, Luo Shen asked: "Tell me….who is that?"     

"I don't know who is the dealer…..that person called us and asked us to rape that lady and then spread that video everywhere. We don't know who he is but it was a middle-aged man and he paid half of the payment through the bank…." the bulky man immediately said whatever he knew.     

"What's his number…"     

Fiddling in his pocket, the bulky man took out his mobile and clicked on a number before passing it to Luo Shen with his shaky hands.     

Taking over the phone, Luo Shen immediately called the number but the number no longer existed. Noting down the number in his mobile, he threw the bulky man on the ground and gave one last kick to the bulky man before heading towards the car.     

Opening the car door, he occupied the driver's seat and immediately started the car and drove out of the parking lot. On the way, he reporter everything about what the bulky man had said "CEO Suzy, those people were sent by one of the middle-aged men whose identity is unknown. The had asked them…." he hesitated and could not bring himself to say the word 'rape' as it was stuck in his throat     

Suzy smiled and continued "they wanted to rape me….and then spread the video…am I right?" she said     

"cough cough…yes, mam" Luo Shen replied uncomfortably.     

"Sigh…cantthey use some new way to ruin someone…..the same old way again" Suzy complained.     

"Cough cough….I got the dealer's mobile number and bank account number. They must have used a burner phone and then must have discarded it after using it and about the account they used to transfer the amount, I will look at it later to find the real culprit…" Luo Shen said seriously.     

"Send the mobile number and account number to my cell…"     

"Okay, mam…"     

"By the way….earlier you were very good at fighting…where were you trained?" Suzy asked when she saw his earlier fight that picked her interest. Though his fighting skills were nothing when compared to her, he was strong and skilled. The only thing he was lacking was a trainer. Suzy even thought to allow him to join their underground group and help him to train but before that, she wanted to know the real him.     

"oh…that. Because my father would always come drunk and hit my mom, I wanted to protect her so I started training on my mom when I was small….gradually I became strong and was able to protect my mother" Luo Shen said expressionlessly but there was dullness in his eyes when he remembered those hard days.     

Seeing that dull glow in his eyes, Suzy understood his pain and patted his shoulder lightly and said " You have suffered a lot…." for that Luo Shen only nodded and did not reply. "I guess I'm the only person who has a skillful person next to me," Suzy said proudly to which he only smiled a little and replied "I guess it's me who is lucky to find a boss who is very understanding"     

"Ahh…. I'm flattered by your comment" Suzy said and smiled sweetly.     

Remembering something, Luo Shen thought that this was the right time and said "boss….I have something to tell you"     

"hmm….go on"     

After hesitating for a few minutes, he finally said "Uhm…actually, I might join an underground organization"     

Surprised, Suzy asked "underworld organization? Do you want to be a killer?"     

"no, no boss...this one is quite different. When there was no hope for my future, I decide to join one of the underworld organization. Luckily, I passed in the entrance exam and was selected to attend the training session. And at the same time, I was hired by the Li corporation. Now I have only a week left to attend the training session so…."     

"Whats the organization name ?" Suzy asked curiously.     


"Cobra?" Suzy was surprised to hear her own organization name. ' Is it a coincidence? The person I wanted to join my organization had been hired long back by her organization itself…..'     


"But, why are you telling me all these? Aren't you afraid that I might stop you?" Suzy asked doubtfully while watching his every expression and action but she could not find any difference.     

"That's why I'm saying everything. If the CEO doesn't want me to join the underworld then I'll readily give up the opportunity."     

"But why…isn't it such a good opportunity?" Suzy asked curiously.     

"It is…but I'm afraid that it might affect the CEO's position. Once everyone gets to know that I'm from Underworld, they might start doubting on you and your life may also be put in danger …your the only person whom I respect other than my mom and I don't want to put your life in danger so….I'm saying everything in advance. CEO, if you feel that I might bring you danger or if you are doubtful, I can quit being your assistant."     

Hearing his honest words, Suzy was moved. Waving her hands, she said "Forget it….I don't want you to quit your job and also…joinig underworld is too dangerous. You're the only person your mom has by her side...until shes healthy, stay by her side and protect her" Suzy said indirectly hinting him to drop the idea of joining the underworld.     

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