It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Kill Elder Mr. Li

Kill Elder Mr. Li

0On the other side, Feng mian was having a very serious headache. After she learned that her father in law….Elder Li had not yet written a will….she felt ecstatic and immediately planned to kill her father in law before he could make one. If Elder Li expired without writing a will then all the properties, as well as the company, would fall into Li Chao's hands and then when It happened, she could call her daughter back and kick Suzy out of the company as well as the Li mansion.     

When that happens, she could let her daughter to take her revenge on Suzy as she pleased and also cold help her daughter to make a comeback while putting all the blame on Suzy. With such a perfect plan in her mind, she only lacked one thing. A mediator to do her work. Not long after she found a greedy maid and pulled her to her side with money. Giving her a pack of poisonous powder, she asked the maid to mix it in Elder Li's food and feed it to him for a whole week. Though she could directly poison Elder Li's food she did not want to take any risk. when elder Li would be found dead, there would definitely be a full-body checkup to find the reason for his death and when the truth will be out, it is evident that she would be considered as one of the suspects or maybe even as a murderer. To avoid such troubles, Feng mian had specially ordered a pack of slow killing position which would kill the person's organ first leading to his death within a week and it will be impossible to find any trace of the poison even by a top-class doctor.     

With such a perfect plan, elder Li would be found dead within a week. But it has already been two weeks since elder Li started to take in the poisonous food but there was no result. Neither did elder Li die nor did he fall unwell instead….he started to grow stronger day by day which frustrated Feng mian very much that she wanted to kill elder Li herself.     

Elder Mr. Li, as well as Mrs. Li who were having the freshly brewed tea that Suzy had given them, could not help but laugh out loudly.     

"Haha….dear, don't you think that our granddaughter is just awesome," Elder Mr. Li asked proudly.     

"Indeed….our little Zy is very brilliant. She even knew what these people were going to do"     


Few weeks before…..     

In Elder Li's study room, Mr. and Mrs. Li was sitting on the large couch sipping the tea elegantly and Suzy was sitting opposite to them while having her tea.     

"Nana, Nany, don't forget to take this tea twice a day," Suzy said out of blue     

"okay okay…we will, but little Zy, why should we have this tea twice a day?" Elder Li asked.     

"To keep you safe"     

"Huh…to keep us safe? How will two cups of tea keep us safe?" Elder Mrs. Li asked curiously.     

"This is not any ordinary tea…..not only does it give us taste and health, it will also keep your body safe from poison"     

"Poison?….but baby why are you speaking of poison all of a sudden?"     

"Feng mian had found that grandpa has not yet written any will. As per my understanding about her, she will take this chance to kill grandfather before he can write any will and in that case, slow poison can be considered as one of the best methods. I have checked her recent activities and I have found that she has ordered a pack of snake poison. This poison is currently unavailable in-country H and it is only available in the eastern region. Once it is consumed, it will start killing your cells and then the tissue. If you consume it for a week, not long after, you'll be found dead with multiple organ failure"     

"but little Zy, even if she poisons us, won't she still be caught later when the body examination result is out?" Elder Mr. Li asked doubtfully.     

Sipping the tea, she shook her head before replying "No, Feng Mian is not the one who takes such risk. This poisonous drug is very special, even if a world-class doctor run a thorough body checkup, he will not be able to find any trace of the poison…she has planned well before taking actions."     

"Oh, my buddha….what an evil woman" Elder Mrs. Li exclaimed in horror.     

" when grandpa is no more and due to absence of his will, all the properties under grandpas name and also the Li company will into Li chaos hands….including my shares as well as mothers properties. Since grandpa is the only guardian of properties under mothers name, that will also fall into fathers hand and the latter with any means will transfer all the properties under his name or to his woman or daughter"     

"hah….your father will do such things" Elder Mrs. Li sneered.     

"Once everything is under their control, they will kick me out of the company as well as the Li household then she will bring her daughter back to the mansion. She might even help her daughter to avenge her hatred on me. When the time is right, she may even use me to take all blame and give a grand comeback to Li xiying" placing her cup down, she leaned back and looked at the horrified face of her grandparents and said calmly " that's not the end. After all these things happen, they will not let me die nor live. They'll use me to work behind the scenes and come up with brilliant ideas to develop the company but all the credits will be given to Li xiying. Later, they might even trade me because of my appearance to acquire deals"     

Hearing Suzy explanations, Elder Mr. Li and Mrs. Li both were horrified. "Ba-baby… do you know about these things?"     

"Because I have almost experienced the same thing half a year back," Suzy said and shrugged her shoulders casually.     

"WHAT!…what did you say, little Zy when did you experience all these things? Why dint you say anything to your grandpa"     

"Don't worry grandpa…. I did not experience all these things ( but I experienced it all in my previous life)"     

"Baby, what exactly happened? How do you know about all these things?"     

Sighing, Suzy started to recall all the evil things her father and others tried to do but was backfired to them, she even encountered about the day when Feng mian tried to drug her and get her raped by a pedophile but that person did not have the heart but instead warned her to be careful...hearing about all the evil schemes those people had planned to do it on his granddaughter, Elder Mr. Li's anger flared up and he almost wanted to kill his son right there and then.     

Afraid that her grandfather's anger might affect his health, she hurriedly went up to him and started to calm him down. Elder Mrs. Li felt very much hurt that she could not control her tears and she started to sob hugging her granddaughter. Suzy was moved to the core seeing her grandparent's reactions so she hugged both of them gently until they calmed down and said " Nana, Nany, don't worry….I'm okay. Just you wait and watch…..I'll show them what it feels to mess with me. I'll let them wriggle in pain and experience hell. I'll avenge my mother's death"     

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