It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Fatty Zhen, shorty Gong!!!

Fatty Zhen, shorty Gong!!!

0"And I have got thinner so stop calling me fatty" with that said, Elder Zhen flicked his forehead with his fingers but did not use much strength.     

Though it did not hurt, Elder Still rubbed his forehead and pouted "Why do you always flick my forehead? So annoying" Elder Gong grumbled.     

"Here they go…fighting like kids" Came a weak voice from behind and when they turned around, both of them were surprised to see an old man in his eighties, approaching them with the help of a young brat.The old man looked extremely thin and weak. He was wearing a long brown coat and a hat that was covering his bald head and he had a wooden walking stick, supporting his weight and helping him to keep his balance.     

"Teacher yan…"Both elder gong and elder Zhen exclaimed at the same time in shock.     

Teacher Yan was close to the two elders since their childhood and was also one of the teacher who was targeted for their mischievousness. Even after seeing countless number of students, teacher Yan could not forget these two troublemakers as their image was deeply rooted both in the his brain as well as heart.     

"Hahaha…..I never expected to see you both again….but destiny brought us together after more than fifty years"     

"teacher yan, Welcome to 'Weekend with stars'" Suzy welcomed with a warm smile and helped teacher yan to walk up to the stage.     

Once Teacher yan was on the stage, Elder Gong and Elder Zhen bowed their head and said at the same time " Hello teacher….its nice to see you again"     

"Haha….yeah yeah…it's nice to see you again"     

After letting elder Teacher yan sit on a chair, Suzy smiled before asking "Elder teacher yan, can you please say something about Elder Gong? How was he during his childhood"     

"Sigh…..these two brats appear strict and cold, but in fact, they are very mischievous. Back then, during school days, these two brats were always on my nerves and kept messing around. But they always had their own bottom line. When it came to the country, these two would be standing first in the line. Patriotism ran in their blood and they were always proud of their nation."     

"yeah, …we can see it clearly through their achievements" Suzy commented and side-eyed her grandfather, Elder Zhen, who had that smug smile on his face.     

"Elder Gong, what about their academics?"Suzy asked curiously to which, both Elder Gong and elder Zhen started to cough abruptly.     

Seeing their reaction, everyone was almost clear abut the answer but they still waited for teacher yan to speak "Academics? These two rarely attended classes and were always roaming around and were having fun themselves. Sometimes, they would even skip exams just to attend political strikes. But they were especially good at sports. They had many female fans and they were very proud of themselves" When Elder teacher yan completed his sentence, Elder Gong and Elder Zhen had that smug smile and were grinning ear to ear. Seeing that same reaction again, Elder teacher yan could not help but shake his head.     

"Thank you Elder yan for attending the show. E are really very thankful to you" with that said, she guided Elder Zhen and Elder teacher yan to the couch that was arranged for the family and relatives.     

The show continued for a little longer before concluding it. At last, Suzy took a group photo of Elder Gong and all his acquaintance and framed the photo before hanging it on their 'Weekend with stars album'.     

"Everyday is a new start to learn and today, I learned a lot from Elder Gongs stories and I hope everyone did. Tomorrow I'll see you again with another successful story until them….happy weekend and Good night everyone"     

With that said, the show finally concluded.     

Even after the show ended, Elder Gong and Elder Zhen did not go but instead stayed inside Elder Gong's room and chatted for a while. While the two elders were laughing, Suzy walked inside and greeted him before introducing herself once again " Hello grandpa Gong, I'm Suzy, also known as Li Roulan...nice to meet you"     

"Li…Li Roulan? So you are that precious granddaughter this fatty was talking about till now" Elder Gong asked in surprise.     

"Yes...that's me" Suzy replied with a smile.     

"By the way child, how did you know about our friendship?" Elder Gong asked curiously.     

"Grandpa always talked about you whenever he spoke about his childhood. He always watched the Olympic games and would always squeal in joy whenever he sees you on the screen and would proudly say that you were his best friend….so I knew pretty well about your friendship"     

"haha….good girl, good girl...I must say fatty, you have got such a beautiful and filial granddaughter "     

"haha…offcourse, whose blood is running in her veins…hmmm" Elder Zhen said smugly, feeling proud of his granddaughter.     

"Little child, I must say this…..thank you. Thank you very much for letting me meet my friend. If not for you, I would have not met my friend as well as my teacher"     

"Grandpa Gong, your too humble…. It should be me who should thank you for attending the show," Suzy said gratefully.     

"No no…..It should be me who should thank you. Attending this show is one of the best choices I have ever made….haha"     

The two elders continued to speak for a long time and the young women just smiled and left the two elders to speak as much as they want. Even though she was concerned about them, she did not have the heart to spoil their moment and left two drivers and cars to drive them back home when they were out, but who would have thought that the elders would talk soo much that they did not come out until late night. Only When Mrs. Gong called Elder Gong did the two elders realize that the sky was dark. Smiling sheepishly, they exchanged their number and address before parting their ways.     

Since they got together again, they were going to meet each other, just like they used to during their childhood.     

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