It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Nose Bleed!!

Nose Bleed!!

0Looking at his mobile screen, Kim tan gulped a mouthful of saliva and looked at the sexy picture without moving his gaze. No matter how he tried, he could not move his gaze away from the screen.     

"Kim tan…kim tan…are you okay?" Suzy asked as she saw Kim tan looking at her in trance.     

Hearing Suzy's voice, Kim tan was finally back to his sense. Moving his gaze away from the scream, he started to cough abruptly. Looking at the screen from the corner of his eyes, he said in a low and husky voice " baby…cough cough….it would be better if you change your position"     

"Huh? Change my position? But I feel comfr-----Ahhhh!!" finally understanding the reason behind Kim's tan's weird behavior, Suzy screamed in embarrassment and swiftly changed her position and held a pillow in front of her chest like a shield.     

Earlier when Suzy was calling Kim tan, she was lying on her stomach while wriggling her legs up and down. She was wearing a light pink silk gown which was quite a loose fit to her body. Since she was not wearing a bra, her whole upper part could be easily seen throw the gap.     

Seeing her embarrassed face, Kim tan chuckled lightly and looked at her intently without uttering any word.     

Feeling awkward by his passionate gaze, Suzy cleared her throat and asked hesitantly "you…how much did you se…see?" as soon as she realized what she asked, she bit her lips hard and her face turned crimson red. While she was planning to end the call, she heard Kim tan's shameless words.     

"oh! Me? Hmm…I guess everything" he replied playfully.     

"ev…everything?" she stuttered while gulping a mouthful of saliva.     

" you want to know what I saw?" Kim tan asked and raised his eyebrows playfully.     

"uh? no….I don't want to know" Suzy replied hurriedly     

Pretending like he did not hear anything, Kim tan continued to speak" I saw two huge mountains"     


"they were soft and fluffy and the skin was as whitish as the milk"     


"between the two mountains, there was a slight gap where there was a droplet of waters"     

".…" hearing his words, Suzy subconsciously touched her chest and indeed, droplets of sweat were formed in there.     

"and at the peak of the mountain, there were two hot volcanic openings and…"     

"Ahhhhh!…shut up shut up shut up. I dont want to hear anymore" Suzy screamed and covered her red face with her palms. Looking at him from the gaps of her finger, she said pitifully " you…how can you describe it…. it's not what a gentleman does. Yo--you are not a gentleman."     

"what did I do? Praising such a beautiful scene….is it not what a gentleman also does?" Kim tan asked innocently.     

"you…pervert…shameless…what are you talking about? which gentlemen will praise about such thinks openly " Suzy almost yelled at him.     

"Huh? Baby, what are you thinking? I was just praising the painting hung behind you, but why are you yelling at me as if I said something shameless" Kim tan replied innocently.     

"huh?" she blinked and she blinked again when she did not understand what he meant. Turning around swiftly, she saw a painting hung just above her. Indeed, the painting was just as Kim tan described.     

Turning around hesitantly, Suzy saw Kim tans wronged face and felt a little guilty. Rubbing the back of her neck, she asked: " you were….you were talking about this painting till now?"     

"yes yes…what did you think was I seeing"     

"nothin nothing," she said hurriedly and shook her head left and right. Just when she was about to release a deep sigh, she heard Kim tan's shameless word "well, other than painting, I saw a masterpiece"     

"huh? Masterpiece?" she asked doubtfully.     

"hmm….your masterpiece…which is under your dress," he said in a husky voice and winked at her in the end.     

Hearing his shameless comment, Suzy's eye widened and her skin turned dark red. Pointing her index finger at him accusingly, she said" you…how could you"     

"what…am I not allowed to see those things" Kim tan defended himself shamelessly     


"Haha…baby, why are you embarrassed? You should get used to it. In the near future, of course, everything under you dress belongs solely only to me"     

"Uh?" Suzy was dumbfounded hearing to Kim tan and her heartbeat unexpectedly started to beat wildly.     

That was not the end, seeing Suzy's dumbstruck face, Kim tan's heart fluttered and he continued teasing her " And…not only the upper part but also" he paused for a few seconds and looked at her seductively before replying in a deliberately low and sexy voice " but also…..the lower part will also belong to me"     

' boom…dump…trrrrr….dub-dub...pffff...bang-bang...system crash-system crash ' Suzy finally lost her senses and her mind started to have wild imaginations and in the next second…..she felt something hot gushing out of her nose.     

Seeing a drop of blood trickling down from her nose, Kim tan was horrified and his heart started to beat rapidly. Kim tan was almost scared to death and he was almost on his way towards his garage. Just when he was about to open the car door….Suzy returned to her sense and hurriedly covered her nose and explained " Baby, don't worry. Its just due to heat…nothing else. Don't worry, I'm alright and ill be fine after taking the medicine. Okay"     

"Are you sure… it really due to heat?" Kim tan asked doubtfully.     

"yes yes, …its because of that. don't worry, ill be alright after taking the medicine"     

He released a deep sigh of breath when he heard she was okay, but Kim tan was not at all aware that the nosebleeding was caused by him and was not because of her body condition.     

Suzy also released and deep sigh when Kim tan did not understand. She blamed herself mentally for carrying her insight to that extent and felt embarrassed when caught in act. Thankfully, Kim tan was such an innocent guy ( cough..cough) who did not know about certain things.     

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