It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Everyone is not as foolish as someone!!

Everyone is not as foolish as someone!!

0Seeing Suzy bullying Mr. Jiang effortlessly, other directors could not help but pity Mr. Jiang for his bad day. They were helpless and could only watch Mr. Jiang getting humiliated by a Young girl.     

"you…" just when Mr. Jiang wanted to retaliate, Suzy raised her hand and stopped him before he could speak. Looking at Mr. Jiang coldly, she said "Mr. Jiang, since you are no more a part of this company, I suggest you leave the meeting hall with due respect. Since we are between an important meeting, our time is very precious. I need to discuss a VERY IMPORTANT matter with my shareholders and its not good for a stranger to eavesdrop in other people's business…so I suggest you to quickly leave or, does Mr. Jiang wants to be escorted by my securities?" Suzy mocked mercilessly. With her lips curved upwards, she pointed the door with her chin and sneered" the exit is over there"     

Embarrassed by Suzy's humiliation, Mr. Jiang was unwilling to stay even for a second and turned around to leave the place. Just when he reached the door, Suzy called him again."Mr. Jiang…"     

Turning around, he looked at Suzy with his bloodshot eyes and did not speak.     

With a cold smile on her face, she looked down at his cell phone and then his face before sneering" Next time, if you want to help someone to eavesdrop in the meeting, I suggest you to use a better method because…..hah, everyone is not as foolish as the other person…..goodbye Mr Jiang…see yourself out" With that said, Suzy turned back and continued her meeting completely ignoring Mr. Jiang.     

Furious, Mr. Jiang clutched his cell phone tightly and stormed out of the Li corporation. On the other side, Li Chao who heard everything that Suzy said was shocked and at the same time was furious. Only now did he understand that Suzy was waiting for an opportunity to eliminate all the shareholders who were his supporters. It was more difficult for him to enter to Li corporation since all his supporters were kicked out of the building and he could not even eavesdrop inside the meeting. And the most embarrassing part was, Suzy was already aware of him secretly listening to their meeting and had even called him foolish. Rage build inside his heart and he smashed his cell phone on the ground furiously.' Little bitch…just wait and watch…I'll definitely take my revenge...Hmph'     

The meeting ended after half an hour and within these half an hour, Suzy clearly explained the project briefly but did not reveal the original plan. Seeing the cold and strict CEO, all the shareholders shivered and di not dare to make any sound. Throughout the meeting, they listened to the female devil quietly and did not interrupt her afraid to face her wrath. They finally understood her standpoint and promised themselves that they would never mess up with this female devil.     

As Suzy continued to explain about her plan, Elder Mr. Li looked at his granddaughter lovingly. He could not help but grin widely when he saw the cold sweat dripping down the shareholder's forehead showing how scared they were to even utter a word. Elder Mr. Li's face was filled with excitement and he was very proud to have Suzy as his granddaughter.     

Finally, when the board meeting ended, All the shareholders rushed out of the meeting hall hurriedly, afraid that any longer, they would definitely have cardiac arrest. Seeing the shareholders running away, Suzy's secretary was amazed. Stepping in, she saw Suzy looking at a document with her usual expression. 'What were they scared off?' she thought but did not think much about it and stepped forward to report Suzy's schedule.     

It was half-past one and Suzy had an appointment with a businessman in a nearby restaurant. Picking her bag, Suzy walked out of the door and left the Li corporation with her assistant.after an hour, Suzy returned back to the company with her secretary and just when she was about to head to the top floor where her office was located, Suzy stopped on her track when she saw a familiar person. Looking at the direction the person went, Suzy followed him quietly until they reached a large hall covered by numerous youngsters waiting for their names to be called out for their interview. Just then, she also saw the person's face and immediately, her eyes lit up as bright as a star. Turning towards her secretary, she asked: "What's going on?"     

"CEO Li, the HR department is recruiting new staffs for their department as the old staffs were all transferred to other branches"     

"oh..I see. The person with the tag 201….what position has he applied for?"     

"201? one second…..yes, the person there has applied for a normal employee post.CEO Li, is there any problem?"The female secretary asked doubtfully when she saw Suzy looking at the handsome youngster with a complicated gaze.     

"Huh? Nothing. Connect the CCTV of the interview hall to my laptop. I want to watch the recruitment process myself"     

"Yes mam…." the female secretary replied and continued following Suzy. She could not help but take another glance at that young man who was extremely handsome. ' Does miss liked him?…no no…thats not possible' she thought and continued following Suzy.     

It did not take a long time for the female secretary to make all the necessary arrangements. Once the arrangement was done, she informed Suzy and got back to her work.     

There were fifty individuals and it took more than an hour for the recruiter to reach the last three people in which one of them was the guy whom Suzy had chased earlier.     

The man was tall and skinny and was extremely handsome. He was wearing a black tuxedo and a pair of black shoes. His hairs were neatly combed sidewards and he looked like a gentleman. Even though he wore a suit made up of cheap material, it did not suppress his beauty and charm. Sitting straight with his heads up, he looked at the interviewer confidently.     

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