It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Who said he is going to work there?

Who said he is going to work there?

0"Luo Shen"     

Turning around, he saw a young man of the same age looking extremely handsome, standing tall with an arrogant attitude. This young boy back then was Luo Shen's classmate. He was always second in every aspect whereas Luo Shen was first. Luo Shen had more number of admirers as well as marks in the whole school and was also first in sports. This indifference between them always made An Yi jealous of Luo Shen and he would always go to any extent just to come first but still…no matter what, he could not defeat Luo Shen.     

Looking at the young man expressionlessly, Luo Shen did not show any interest to speak.     

Seeing Luo Shen's lack of response, An Yi smiled coldly and sneered "Ah…it is Luo Shen the great"     


"what…are you shocked to see me here? I bet you have never expected to see me right?"     


"So sad, though you were first in everything back in school, you still lost to me...tsk tsk, now do you know who is the real winner "     


Angered by Luo Shen's lack of response and indifferent expression, An Yi was frustrated and roared " Hey, are you deaf or mute? why are you not responding?"     

Looking at An Yi expressionlessly, Luo Shen replied "Why should I reply to a man who's act's like a jealous wife"     


Hearing Luo Shen's comment, everyone laughed out loudly.     

Furious, An Yi roared "I'm straight bastard…"     

"Good that you are" Luo Shen replied indifferently.     

Angered, An Yi started to yell at him " What do you mean by that? Hey, Luo Shen…"     

Just then, seeing the huge crowd of commotion, An zifeng, the one who had interviewed Luo Shen previously, walked in curiously. "What's going on?"     

Turning around, few of the staff members immediately made way for An Zifeng to walk in. An Zifeng was An Yi's uncle and the assistant manager of the HR department. Many female employee in the HR department had crush on him and they admired him a lot.Previous day, he was the one who mocked and revealed Luo Shen's background during the interview.     

Looking at Luo Shen coldly, An zifeng sneered "Oh…its you again…the son of a murder"     

Hearing that, the group of people suddenly started to whisper among themselves but Luo Shen showed no sign of explaining and remained calm.     

Seeing that Luo Shen did not utter even a word, An Zifeng smiled coldly and continued " by the way, why are you here?"     

Luo Shen "Job"     

"hah…its tough to get rid of murderers and thieves .tsk tsk…Luo Shen, I didn't think you were a pushover….you were disqualified due to your background and we made it very clear for you that we will not let a murderer work in our company, but you still keep insisting…hah…don't you have any shame?"     

Not offended by any of the above comments, Luo Shen replied expressionlessly " CEO Li asked me to come"     

Hearing that, An Yi sneered coldly " Hah…do you think our CEO is blind? Why will she hire a useless piece of trash"     

Hearing his nephew's comment, An Zifeng also chimed in "Hah….I guess not. May be, CEO Li must have hired him to work as a cleaner or sweeper in our company…after all, he deserves it"     

Hearing An zifeng's comment, Luo Shen wavered a little. He could not help but believe what An zifeng said but still, his inner voice told him not to believe.     

Though Luo Shen appeared calm and least bothered, he would never let others to take advantage of him, and…he would definetly not leave those who step his bottom line. Looking at the crowd of people who were enough to spread the news, Luo Shen smiled coldly before he spoke "Mr. An Zifeng right? First, let me make it clear to you…I'm not a murder or a thief and I have no relation with my father. Second, your interview process is completely against the Li corporation rule. Third, this is not your house to show your power to anyone…this is the Li corporation and you are just a worker. I hope Mr. An yifeng will understand what's his standpoint"     

Angered by Luo Shen's words, An Zifeng roared " You…how dare you to speak to me arrogantly, you--"     

Before he could complete, Luo Shen replied carelessly " Sorry, I don't like to speak politely to Bisexuals"     

After that, there was a loud uproar and everyone started to whisper among themselves. Furious, An zifeng was about to retort when someone infromed about Suzy's arrival loudly "CEO Li is here" .     

Hearing that, everyone immediately parted to make way for Suzy. Seeing Suzy, An Zifeng was delighted whereas Luo Shen had mixed feelings.     

Looking at Luo Shen and then at An Zifeng, Suzy asked: " What's happening here?"     

With a charming smile, An Zifeng started to report "CEO Li, this guy came here yesterday for an interview but he was disqualified due to his background but he still appeared in front of the Li corporation. When I asked him to leave the place politely, he did not move and instead acted arrogantly and he kept saying that you hired him to work in our company, CEO Li, is it true?"     

Understanding the whole situation, Suzy smiled a little before eyeing Luo Shen who appeared quite uneasy." Yes, indeed, I hired him to work in our company"     

Disappointed, An Zifeng asked carefully " uh…CEO Li, is he going to work in the HR department?"     


The instant An Zifeng heard her reply, he was delighted nodding his head, he replied "You have made the right decision CEO Li…he does not deserve such positions"     

"Of course…He does not deserve that position" turning towards Luo Shen, she asked," why dint you report to your work yet?"     

Hearing Suzy's affirmation, Luo Shen's last chain of hope broke and he laughed inwardly for expecting something impossible.     

"You…did you hear that, why are you lazing out here…go and report to your duty immediately" An Zifeng order with a victorious smile on his face.     

Hearing his uncle's comment, An Yi also chimed in " Uncle, Luo Shen is new to the office, maybe he doesn't know where he needs to go tsk tsk….since you are my classmate, I will help you. Go straight and turn left….there you can find the cleaners room. You can change there if you want" An Yi mocked with a delighted smile on his face.     

Clenching his hand tightly, Luo Chen smiled coldly at his misfortune. Just when he was about to dash out of the Li corporation, he heard Suzy speak again "who said he is going to work there?"     

The smile the uncle and nephew had disappeared in an instant, and a bad feeling started to build up inside their heart.     


Mini talk:-     

Kim tan :while wearing his blazer he sang in his mind mind 'Lalalala...'     

Assistant John: ( who was standing infront of Kim tan looked at his boss and was confused)' why is boss so happy?...hmm, let me ask' " look very happy....something special"     

Kim tan:"(grinning widely) yeah...its a speacial day"     

Assistant john :" (curious) oh..sir, may I know whats special today?"     

Kim tan: (Grinning..) Im going to introduce my girlfriend to my parents"     

Assitant John : ( With a fake smile) Ah..that's good , that's good..." 'indeed, only miss suzy can affect our boss mood..sigh, it's better if I never ask about sirs mood to avoid dog food'...' heat really hurts to be fed with dog food.....second boss ....where are you?'     

Far away from them, in antartica, kim ting was catching fish in the cold water with a baby penguin next to him. When a light wind blew against him, he sneezed loudly and thought...     

Kim ting: " sneeze....uh, is someone missing me soo much? why do I sneeze a lot these days? is it because of the cold? or is someone really missing me?"     

Author:'not one but many..hehe'     

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