It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Orchid's Bright Face

Orchid's Bright Face

0Kim tan's eyes widened and his heart was almost at his throat "Ni..nine out of ten?" Kim tan stuttered     

"Hmm…" assistant John nodded like a little kid.     

Kim tan almost lost his strength just by imagining Suzy's scary face. Moving his fingers through his hair, he mumbled to himself "I'm doomed….its really going to be hard to appease the boss"     

".…..", assistant John almost had the urge to say ' who said you to annoy her' but he did not dare to say it aloud.     

Inside the meeting hall, the CFO and CEO of the Kim corporation were present along with a few other subordinates and board of directors. Suzy along with the Luo Shen were also present in the meeting hall. The vice president, Kim ting was sitting lazily on his chair with a sour expression. For some reason, the meeting room was especially cold. Though others did not have any idea about the source, Kim ting, and Luo Shen were aware that Suzy was in a bad mood.     

'Why is sister in law looking like red chilies?' he thought. At that exact time, the door of the meeting hall opened and Kim tan appeared in front of everyone with assistant John following him behind.     

As soon as he stepped in, the first thing Kim tan saw was Suzy's horrific face. He could almost see dark fogs around her. Just then, Suzy suddenly tilted her head and looked at him, meeting his fearful gaze. Kim tan was almost horrified to death by Suzy's deathly glare and his first reaction was to run away from the meeting hall but because of his reputation and dignity, he could only try his best to appear unaffected and ignorant. Gulping a mouthful of saliva involuntarily, he hurriedly moved his gaze away. Though his face showed his usual cold expression, his eyes could not hide the negative emotions.     

From the entrance till the head seat, Kim tan could feel Suzy's piercing gaze which was almost tearing up his flesh and he did not dare to turn around and look at her.     

Kim ting who saw the silent conversation between his brother and sister in law from the side sensed that something was wrong between these two people. After thinking for a while, he concluded that the couple must have fought and looked at his brother's expression, he sensed that his brother was in the wrong. Finally understanding the situation, Kim ting grinned widely when a thought came to his mind.     

'Haha…finally, I can take my revenge. Weren't you both soo good in feeding Dog food? Now I'll feed you cat food…hehe'     

Kim tan was sitting in the head seat and Kim ting was seated right next to him as the Vice president. Suzy was sitting perpendicularly to Kim ting's left side. At present, Kim tan was safe since Kim ting sat in between him and Suzy like a barrier. But who would have thought, as soon as he was seated, Kim ting stood up from his chair and approached Suzy with a smile?     

"Miss Suzy, if you don't mind can you do me a favor?"     

"Sure Mr. Kim ting, if possible, I'll definitely help you out" Suzy replied politely with a smile on her face.     

"Ah…. it's like this….my astrology says that I should not sit facing the south, so…can you please exchange your seat with me" Kim ting asked politely but inside, he was grinning widely from ear to ear just by imagining the way his brother is going to suffer next.     

Hearing Kim ting words, everyone was confused and they had only one thought' when did second young master start believing astrology?'     

Assistant John himself was amused hearing to Kim tings bullshit reason. Moving his gaze away from Kim ting, he looked at his boss expression and as soon as he did, his heart skipped a beat.     

At this moment, Kim tan was sending his most powerful daggers to Kim ting to shut him up but Kim ting appeared unaffected and he was especially smiling widely. He wished that Suzy would not accept to swap their seats. If it was some other time, Kim tan would have thrown one of his expensive cars to Kim ting as a reward. While Kim tan was praying the other would not accept, right at that moment, he heard Suzy's words "okay Mr. Kim ting…"     

Initially, Suzy also did not want to swap the seats but at the same time he could not turn down his request…after all Kim ting was the vice president and she had to show some respect to him.     

While Kim ting switched his seat with Suzy, he could not help but grin widely. The shareholders and other subordinates present were also confused by Kim tings action but did not think much about it.     

As soon as everyone was settled, Kim's corporations' planning manager stepped forward to give a detailed study of their new project.     

It was one of the biggest projects for the Kim corporation with a budget of fifty million. Though Kim corporation had taken up lots of project with a budget of one billion and above, unlike other projects, this project would give prestige more than profit.     

One of the American biggest company called orchids, on the occasion of their hundredth anniversary were releasing one of their latest beauty product, Bright face in order to extend their production, they had made deal with the Kim corporation to help them in marketing their product in country H for fifty million.     

Orchid beauty carried a great honor in America and the CEO of orchid beauty held a special position in America. If Kim tan was able to succeed in this project, the Kim corporation without any doubt would sore high and reach another level.     

While the planning manager was explaining the details and history of the orchid beauty and their product, Kim tan was trying his best to come up with a beautiful plan to appease his girlfriend. Just when he was trying to find a way, from the corner of his eyes, he saw Suzy holding a pen tightly in her hand under the table and the next second, with a 'tsk' the pen broke into half. Seeing the beautiful which broke into half by her delicate hand, Kim tan gulped a mouthful of saliva involuntarily and a droplet of cold sweat dripped down his forehead slowly.     

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