It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Making a bet with Mr Meng

Making a bet with Mr Meng

0"CEO Kim tan, are you making a deal with the Li corporation just because of the special relationship between Miss Suzy and Miss Kim Lan? if it is, don't you think it is inappropriate"     

Hearing all the doubtfull questions coming out of the board of directors mouth, Kim tan smirked coldly before saying " Before coming out with your own conclusion, why don't you hear to CEO Suzy first "     

"hah….what's there to hear from her? She's just a young brat who is playing around with zero knowledge?" one of the board of director mocked while looking down on Suzy.     

"Oh really?….. then Mr. Meng, CEO Kim is also around the same age as me, do you mean to say that CEO Kim is also playing around with Zero knowledge?" Suzy finally asked with a smirk on her face.     

"Hey brat…don't compare yourself with our CEO, you are miles apart in all the aspect….Hah, what an arrogant brat, how dare you compare yourself with CEO Kim…..Is this what your Mother thought"     

Once She heard the word mother, the fire she was suppressing inside started to burn rapidly and her aura turned extremely cold. Kim tan, Kim ting, assistant Joh and Luo Shen who were closer to Suzy could clearly feel her terrifying aura and they could not help but gulp nervously. They knew more than anyone that her mother was her bottom line. One who would ridicule her would pay for it.     

"Oh really? ….then Mr meng, what if I prove you wrong ?" Suzy asked with a straight face.     

"How are you going to prove me wrong?"     

"What If I help you get more than you expect?"     

"More than We expect? Hahaha…..Miss Suzy, don't think too highly of yourself" Mr. Meng scoffed arrogantly.     

"I guess Mr. Meng did not hear me so…let me ask you one more time. If I help you get more than you expect?"     

" Does Miss Suzy wants to make a bet?"     

"You can take it that way"     

"Then…since Miss Suzy insists I don't mind to make a bet. If you lose, then you have to touch my feet and do as I say… you dare to bet?"     

Ignoring his provoking glare she said "if I win then Mr. Meng Will not take even a single cent from this project"     

"Okay….I agree with your term"     

Hearing his words, Suzy's lips curved up into an evil smile. Seeing that creepy evil smile, Kim ting Shuddered involuntarily ' Why do I feel that sister in law is very cunning than my brother?'     

Kim tan, on the other hand, was grinning widely. He knew that his baby girl will surely win because…..shes the best.     

( Author "…That's what he always thinks")     

When the bet was finally, Suzy signaled Luo Shen to project their plan before she stood up and walked towards the screen to give thorough details of her plan. Before Suzy could even speak, Mr. Meng looked at Suzy with dirty thoughts as he asked "I wonder how Miss Suzy is going to win the bet"     

"Don't worry Mr. Meng... it's not that easy to deal with me" With that said, She turned her attention towards the people who were looking at her curiously     

"First most…The plan I'm executing now is totally different from the other one. Before Discussing it, I want to know what will be your opinion or ideas" Suzy asked while eyeing all the representatives present.     

" Distributing free samples"     

" Discounts"     

"Advertising the product"     

"Recruiting an A-lister as the ambassador for the product"     

"Best slots In Malls for marketing the product"     

….…..once everyone was done saying their ideas, Suzy continued.     

"Good….but even an ordinary company can come up with most of these ideas. If we use the same idea as they do, then….what will make us different? Let me remind you, the project we have taken is from the Orchid beauty…which is one of the most famous company across the world."     

"So miss Suzy…what exactly is your plan," one of the board of directors asked curiously.     

"Simple….for now, lets put aside all those ideas and come up with a plan which focuses on less cost of production"     

"Hmmm….but how are we going to achieve it? "another board of directors asked.     

"Simple….advertising our product but not through media"     

"then …how are we going to advertise it?" the planning manager asked while listening to Suzy with utmost interest.     

"How will the customer get to know about the demand for the product?" Suzy asked while looking at everyone, waiting for an answer.     

"Commercial ads?"     


"Social media?"     


"market demand?"     


"No of stocks a shop holds?"     


"Uh….miss Suzy, We are completely out of ideas….why don't you say it yourself," the HR manager asked when he could not find any answer.     

Instead of replying, Suzy smiled before looking at Kim tan, as if asking for him to answer.     

"Observation" Kim tan answered without a second thought. All these while, Kim tan had that sheepish smile while looking at his baby girl. Since everyone was so much focused on the plan, they did not notice Kim tans behavior except…..Assitant John and Luo Shen who turned blind eye long back and….Kim ting who could not get through the change in his brother's character even after a long time.     

"Bingo….thats what I was expecting. People get to know the demand of the product while they observe….So in order to increase our sales, we need to attract them"     

"Hmm…interesting. How are we going to attract the customers"     


"CEO Suzy…you mean to say that you're going to hire few people and let them buy our product to fake in front of people?"     

"Hmm….Kind off but we don't have to do it every day. We just need to hire people to act one Wednesday and Sunday"     

"Because people visit malls and shops on these two days the most?"     

"Yes…..once the product attracts their attention, they will definitely buy them to at least try it once"     

"So… mean to say that once they use the product, most of them will definitely buy it again "     


"But miss Suzy, advertising it through commercial ads would be one of the easiest method"     

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