It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Someone is plotting against your man and this time it's serious!!

Someone is plotting against your man and this time it's serious!!

0It did not take long for the driver to get rid of the reporters. After crossing a few alleys, the driver was able to get rid of the annoying reporters easily.      

Afraid that the reporters might catch up to them if delayed, the driver swiftly drove in the opposite direction towards the Li corporation.      

The reporters who were still looking forward to catching up with Kim tan's car weren't even aware that the car had long back passed them and headed in the opposite direction.      

As the reporters continued searching for Kim tan's car desperately, Kim tan's car had long reached the underground parking lot of the Li corporation.      

Making sure that no one was around, the driver knocked on the backseat window and informed Kim tan that everything was clear.      

Only then did Kim tan get down from the car and walked to the other side to open the door for Suzy.      

Pulling her out gently, he caressed her head gently and hugged her lightly and said "be careful, don't be too stressed about the work. If you need anything then you can call me any second hmm?"     

"Fine, don't worry and you too don't tire yourself out" Suzy sighed and she patted Kim tan's back     

Moving back, Kim tan looked into Suzy's eyes and smiled "How is that even possible? If I don't work then i won't be able to earn enough money. If I don't earn enough then how can I take care of my twenty-four children?" Kim tan smiled shamelessly     

Standing at the side assistant John and the driver looked at Kim tan with their eyes wide, unable to believe that their boss could be soo shameless.     

Twenty four kids? Are you building a soccer team and a baseball team?     

Flushed in embarrassment, Suzy glared at Kim tan and pinched his waist and cursed "Shameless"     

Seeing Suzy's flushed face, Kim tan laughed loudly. Pecking on her lips, he caressed her hair with a loving gaze and said "Alright, it's getting late. You should head up."     

"hmm...see you later" Suzy smiled and waved at Kim tan before she walked towards the elevator.      

Once the elevator door closed, the gentle smile disappeared without a hint and was instead replaced by a cold and emotionless face.      

Getting inside the car, he looked out of the window and ordered coldly "Go to dark knight base"     

"Yes boss"      

On the other side, once Suzy walked inside the office, she was greeted by her handsome younger brother who was arranging some files on the desk.      

Seeing Suzy enter the office, Luo Shen smiled widely and greeted "Good morning boss"     

"Good morning" Suzy replied before she walked across the table and sat on the table.      

Keeping her bag aside, she looked up at Luo Shen who was wearing a turtle neck shirt and a black coat. Looking at him from head to toe, she couldn't help but sigh "Hey, are you too free at night? cant you give it a break...huh? can't you tell your girlfriend to go easy on you? huh? You come to the office fully covered from your legs till your neck. Even if you want to hide those marks aren't you indirectly admitting that you had fun the previous night...huh?"     

Scratching the back of his awkwardly, Luo Shen smiled "Sorry, I will try to restrain myself from now on"     

Rolling her eyes, Suzy scoffed "Forget it...What's my schedule?"     

taking out the tablet, Luo Shen's expression turned serious when Suzy spoke about business. After tapping a few times on the tablet, he passed it to Suzy and reported "At eleven you have a meeting with the department managers about the companies recent development. At twelve-thirty you have an appointment to meet the Ag groups president. At one-thirty, you have a lunch appointment with Ms. Xue Ling at Tuna restaurant. From three to six all the appointments are set by your manager. I had already contacted her and received your evening schedule."     

Looking through her shoulder, Suzy nodded her head and asked while still looking at her tablet "Hmm...anything else?"     

"Yeah, the receptionist received a bunch of invitation today and I have asked your secretary to handle it. But there is one particular invitation that was personally delivered" Taking out the invitation from his pocket, Luo Shen passed it to Suzy while saying "Madam Song wants to invite you for the charity banquet that will be held at the end of the week. She had even asked her assistant to personally deliver the card to you"     

Raising her eyebrows, Suzy reached for the card and said "Attending the charity banquet is very much beneficial to me as an actress but...what made her ask her assistant to deliver the invitation personally? this is weird"      

Nodding his head, Luo Shen said "I also had the same opinion so before you arrived I have already checked it and found that very few had received an invitation personally by Madam Song's assistance and almost all of them are people belonging to the highest level. Even your stepmother was not given such privilege"     

"Hmm...seems like another plot is boiling up. Keep the invitation aside for now. I will look into it later"     


"You can leave now" Suzy waved her hands and gestured Luo Shen to leave     

Bowing his head, Luo Shen turned around and left the CEO's office.      

Once Luo Shen left the office, Suzy finally answered her phone which was silently ringing in her hands for a while.     

"What is it?"     

"I have checked it through. The one who had drugged Mu Jun was indeed a C class actor but she was instigated by your step sister. But your sister seems to have grown up a bit. She had not used any direct means to contact the actress. She had avoided all the possible means that could provide us the evidence"     

With her lips curved upwards, Suzy asked "Don't tell me that you are not capable to take care of my sister who has grown little brain"     

"Of course not. If I couldn't even take care of a tiny bee like your sister then I wouldn't have stayed and worked with your mother and nor with you"     

"I know, so did you get hold of anything?" Suzy asked indifferently     

"Well yeah. Though your sister had avoided all the possible means of getting evidence, she's after all still a little girl with little brain. The means she had used to contact that actress was a maid who happened to work in the Li household long back and the main turned out to be this little girl distant relative but in truth, she is her ex-fathers illegitimate child. The young child who was seen in Mu Jun's room was the maid's daughter"     

"Woah, not bad. This spider web is quite interesting. Uncle you can stop finding evidence since I don't plan to use legal method to punish her"     

"Oh....then fine. I will ask my men to stop their research. Ah! by the way, I had long been wanted to ask you this"     

"Hmm..what is it?" Suzy asked indifferently     

"Tell me the truth....that younger brother of yours, he isn't your illegitimate brother right?"     

"Pfft..what the hell! what nonsense are you speaking about?" Suzy yelled in disbelief     

"Honestly speaking, other than you I have never met anyone who was not only good at fighting but also good at grasping but now through your brother is not on par but he isn't bad. Within a month he was already able to defeat tens of lower-level cobra guards. If this goes on then in other two or three months he will be able to fight the mid-level cobra guards"     

"What nonsense, Luo Shen has been training his body for a long time but he lacked a good trainer who could guide him. Now that you are guiding him, his hidden strength is finally surfacing out of its hiding"     

"but still, I do suggest you go for a DNA test. What if he is your long lost biological brother?"     

Rolling her eyes, Suzy decided to ignore his words. With a serious expression, she asked "Uncle, you wouldn't have called me urgently just to speak about these matters right?"     

After hearing Suzy's words the other side paused for a moment before the other side reported in a serious tone "Someone is plotting against your man and this time it's serious"     

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