It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Sending flowers to her Hubby.

Sending flowers to her Hubby.

0Just when Suzy wanted to open her eyes, a soft body pounced on her abruptly and hugged her tightly before calling in a sweet and excited voice "Baby!!"     

Opening her eyes, Suzy looked down at Kim Lan and hugged her back and asked with a smile "What's the matter? Why do you look so happy? Did you hit a lottery?"     

"Exactly….I hit a lottery, No-No….it's more than a lottery" Kim lan replied excitedly     

Curious, Suzy rubbed her hair gently and asked "Oh!…tell me, what is it?"     

"Baby, my dreams are finally going to come true"     

"Wait…do you mean to say---" Suzy asked with glittering eyes     

"Exactly…..after working so hard for five long years, I finally made into Hollywood. One of the top best company in LA is now under my company…Yeah!!"     

Hugging her tightly, Suzy replied "Congratulations Baby, you have finally acquired your dream. Now the FM entertainment can no longer beat you"     

"Yeah….By the way, when are you going to fulfill your dream��� Kim Lan asked after pulling away from Suzy's embrace     

With a sigh, Suzy groaned "I don't think so I can fulfill it soon. Your brother is still busy dealing with something and I don't think so he will complete it any time soon"     

"Oh…don't worry baby. Your dream will definitely come true. Just wait for a little more while" Kim Lan comforted. Thinking of something, Kim Lan's eyes twinkled brightly. Nudging Suzy's arms, she danced her eyebrows and teased "By the way, what's with that confession…hmm? Tell me, did your heart flutter?"     

"How can it not? At that moment when he confessed his feelings to me in the public, I almost had this urge run out of waiting room and Kiss him right then and there. But thankfully Cookie stopped me before I could"     

"Since my brother confessed to you in the public and made you happy, why don't you something in return?" Kim Lan said mischievously     

"Something? Like what?" Suzy asked with a pout     

Drawing closer to her ear, Kim Lan whispered a few ideas making Suzy's face turn bright red before gradually returning back to its usual color. After thinking over it, Suzy decided to choose flowers to convey her love to her hubby. Since it was Kim tan who had always sent her flowers to make her happy, Suzy also wanted to try sending flowers to her hubby.     

Thinking of this, She made up her mind and picked her cell phone to call certain someone.      

Sitting right opposite to Suzy and Kim Lan, Mu Jun almost fell that he was a ghost whom neither his baby girl could see nor his big devil. When he wanted to speak and say that he was still alive and was right in front of them, the words he wanted to speak were stuck in his throat and he could not speak after remembering Suzy's warning earlier.      

Curling himself on the sofa, he decided to ignore the world for a short while.      

After making a series of calls, Suzy excused herself and left the office. Only then did Kim Lan finally turn to look at her wifey.      

Finally coming back to life, Just as Mu Jun wanted to cry pitifully Kim beat him to it by pouncing on him abruptly.      

'Why is she pouncing like that one everyone today?' he thought and was just about to ask what happened but Kim Lan once again beat him to it.      

Looking up from his embrace Kim Lan looked at him with twinkling eyes and asked "Baby, I finally fulfilled my dreams"     

With a sigh, Mu Jun smiled beautifully and rubbed her head and said in a gentle voice "You did great"     

"Hehe…shouldn't you reward me?"     

Hugging her waist, Mu Jun pulled her to sit on his laps and asked "What reward do you want?"     

"You!" with that said Kim Lan hugged his neck and kissed his lips.      

Caught off guard, Mu Jun was momentarily stunned before his eyes sparkled with joy. Pulling her closer, he reciprocated her action and kissed her back. Not long after, the whole room was filled with sexual cries of a man and a woman.     

Kim corporation….     

After working for half-day restlessly, the employees could finally relax during the lunch hour. just when the employees were heading to the canteen to have their launch, a handsome bodyguard in his black suit walked inside the office carrying a bunch of Purple Lilac (which signifies the first emotion of love) walked inside the company.      

Seeing an unfamiliar and handsome man in his black suit walk inside the company, many female workers and few male workers and stopped on their track and looked at the sturdy man curiously. Assuming that the sturdy man was about to propose to a woman who happened to work in their company.      

Fetching their phone out to record this marvelous scene, a few people even took the initiative to record his confession but to their surprise, the man just ignored them and walked towards the receptionist's desk with a poker face.      

Many of them almost believed that the sturdy man was about to propose to the receptionist. Not only others but even the receptionist herself also thought that the same and became anxious and was preparing herself to face the confession.      

Just as the situation was about to heat up, everyone was struck hard when they heard the bodyguard say "Mr. Kim's fiance has sent me to deliver these flowers to Mr. Kim personally" he said with an expressionless face.      

Dumbfounded, the receptionist stared at the bodyguard with her wide eyes for a minute before she came back to sense. Just as the receptionist was about to take the initiative to deliver the flowers, she noticed that the bodyguard was wearing white gloves and he was handling the flowers so delicately as if the flowers were his baby. Seeing the way he treated those flowers so carefully and delicately, the receptionist assumed that it was the fiance's order to not let others touch those flowers.      

Gulping back her words which she was about to spill, the receptionist forced a smile and lead the bodyguard towards the elevator awkwardly.      

Watching the bodyguard leave carrying a bunch of flowers, the employees looked at each other with envy. Who wouldn't love to receive a bunch of flowers from their loved ones? They of course were not one of them who disliked the idea.     

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