It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

I have Never hated you!!

I have Never hated you!!

0"This was what the monk had said with a deadpan expression…'When the red water combines, an unexpected existence will appear which would shake the whole world in the future'"     

"Uhhh…what does it mean?" Suzy asked when she could not understand what that statement meant.     

Li Ben Xing shrugged her shoulder and said "I don't know"     

"Huh?…then does my mother in law know the answer?"     

"No..even after thinking very deeply for a whole half-year, they were not able to come up with an answer"     

"Then why dint they just find the monk and asked him?"     

Looking at Suzy from the corner of her eyes, Li Ben Xing said "Do you think they are that stupid to not think of this"     

"Then…did the monk give them the answer"     

"Answer?…haha, that's too much. Forget about the answer, they were not even able to meet that old monk"     


"Because the old monk disappeared from there without any trace"     

"Uhhh….." Suzy was almost on the verge of losing her mind with countless number of questions in her head that was almost making her unconscious.     

"Haha….hold your curiosity for now since your not going to receive an answer for your question any sooner but tell me how is it going on between you and that little brat?"     

"hmm…everything is good but wait…how did you know that I got together with him?" Suzy asked while eyeing her grandaunt suspiciously.     

Rolling her eyes at Suzy's action, Li Ben Xing replied sarcastically "Do you think I'm an idiot. When I saw that eyes of your which was shining brightly after thirteen long years, I was already aware that you were with that little brat"     

"But what does that have to with my eyes?" Suzy asked while looking puzzled     

"Sigh….only a saint like me can catch such minute details"     


"Now enough of this nonsense and let's get back to work"     

"What work?"     

"Do you know why I brought you here?"     


"Today was the day when that which took her last breath. Once in fifteen years your grandmother would visit these children and distribute the gifts to the children on behalf of her ancestors hoping that one or the other day, her ancestors will finally be relieved of this sin. After your grandmother passed, your mother took up this responsibility and now I hope that you will take this place on behalf of your mother"     


After distributing the gift, Suzy played with them and even thought them a few things. Only when the sky turned dark did Suzy decide to go back home. After biding her goodbye to those children, Suzy made her way towards the gate where a car was waiting to drop her home. Even though the car was not parked far away, Li Ben Xing still decided to tag along with Suzy. On the way, Li Ben Xing could not help but ask "How's your movie progress?"     

"It's going good…..they are already done with the edits and the movie is ready to be screened. Everything is prepared and they are going to release the movie by this week and on 30th of this month, they plan to release the movie officially"     

"Hmm…thats good" after a short pause, Li Ben Xing asked hesitantly "Little Zy, Did you find me annoying all these years?"     

"No" Suzy replied without thinking further, But before Li Ben Xing could be delighted, Suzy continued "You were more than annoying" hearing Suzy's next words Li Ben Xing wanted to vomit a mouthful of blood.     

"Little brat, It has not even been a day and your tail has already started to grow so long"     

Chuckling to herself Suzy did not reply but continued to walk silently.     

When they were almost near the gate, Suzy suddenly thought of something and said "I have never hated you"     

Stunned, Li Ben Xing halted on her steps and turned to look at Suzy with mixed emotions "W-why?"     

"because I could not…..I don't know whether it was because I had already started to like you when I was in my mother's womb or it was because I was influenced by my mother's emotion, but no matter what I could not hate you…"Suzy replied while looking at Li Ben Xing seriously.     

"Even if I didn't hate you before, I did not like you but after learning that everything you did to me, where you were even ready to carry my hatred, you did not back away. The only thing I can say to you now is...Thank you…Thank you for all the things you have done until now and I promise that until my last breath I will not forget this"     

Hearing Suzy's words Li Ben Xing's eyes were full of tears. Turning around she did not say a word but instead continued to walk towards the car.     

When they were almost near the car, Li Ben Xing once again opened her mouth to ask "Little Zy, if I had not revealed my relationship with your mother but continued to act along with your stepmother and father, what would you do"     


Stopping on her tracks, Li Ben Xing turned towards Suzy and asked curiously "why?"     

"Oh…thats because I don't want to waste my time on brainless people" Suzy replied with a wink angering Li Ben Xing.     

" You….little brat get out of my sight…now, If I continued to speak even for one more second I might go red in anger. You…first disappear from my sight…" Li Ben Xing fumed     

When Li ben Xing was still fuming in anger, Suzy moved a step forward to peck on her grandaunt's cheeks and when she saw her face turned red, she smiled charmingly and teased "oh…your cheeks are turning red, but too bad...I'm not a man if I was then…I would have robbed this beauty who is looking so gorgeous under the moonlight" Hearing Suzy's flirtatious words, Li Ben Xing was stunned and speechless.     

Seeing that her old grandaunt was not fully covered, Suzy removed her jacket and placed it on her shoulder before saying " Beauty, its better if you go back inside. Cold air doesn't make you good. Now it's late so your great god granddaughter will be off….see you later beauty…bye"     

With that said, Suzy got inside the car and left the place.     

Even after Suzy left the place, Li Ben Xing remained in the same place for a while. After a few minutes, when she was finally back to her senses, a sweet smile bloomed on her gorgeous face.     

"This child...shes really a killer"     

"Hmm….thank god she's a girl or else.." A voice came from the dark and hugged Li Ben Xing from behind.     

Without turning back, she let the man hug her as he wanted to and continued to say "It's good that her mother did not say her that I married my old crush after that incident or else…that little brat would have teased me till I was red"     

"hahaha....Do you plan to reveal her the truth?" the man asked out of the blue     

"No, not yet….the time is still not yet ripe for her to know it and…..I don't think so we need to say it. I'm sure someone will reveal the truth behalf of us"     

"Oh…are you referring to that guy?"     


"Since my wife doesn't want to, then let's wait and see what happened" After saying that the man looked down at the coat that was protecting Li Ben Xing from cold and sighed "Sigh….I just bought a coat to protect my wife from cold hoping that I could act romantic once in a while but this little brat even took that chance, now I can only show my love with action..what do you say?"     



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