It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Plane hijacked!!

Plane hijacked!!

0The Next day early morning...     

While Suzy was still lazing out on her bed, her cellphone which was placed on the bed rang with an incoming call. Unlike the usual ringtone, this ringtone was quite special. Unlike other people who give special attention to the number, Suzy gave special attention to the ringtone. Since Suzy had a special identity and she always had to be in alert, she had created a kind of software in which no matter what number her uncle used to call her, but once the cell phone rings with this specific ringtone, it means that there was something important or an emergency case.      

As Suzy was still lazing out on the bed, as soon as the cell phone rang, her ears twitched and her eyes flew open. In the dark black eyes there was no hint of coldness nor a bit of sleepiness. All it contained was eyes that are as sharp as the eagle's eye.     

Getting up from the bed, Suzy stretched her hand and picked up the cell phone. Picking up the call, she got down from the bed and made her way towards the bathroom while speaking "What happened?"     

"It's an emergency. The devil's eye organization had hijacked the plane in which General Zhen and several government officials were traveling the previous night. Now the captain of the team is ordering the government to release their former boss and their men who were captured by the military men previously or else they would kill general and the officials"     

While wiping her face, Suzy made her way to her cupboard and pressed a secret button. The next second the cupboard opened wide and a small room appeared in sight. In the small room there was Suzy's black cloth which she usually wore when she disguised herself as Shadow. While wearing her clothes she continued to ask     

"How long had it been since they received the call?"      

"Almost three hours"     

"how long has been the plane flying?"     

"close to four hours"     

"Hmmm…If my guess is right they can hold on only for six hours at most"     

"Yes…and the time limit they have given to the military is also within that time. If the military officials fail to send their before within this time then they would directly crash the plane to the sea"     

"Seems like the other side is not suffering from low IQ. They have calculated everything clearly. It would almost take two hours plus for the military to receive the news and as soon as they received the news they will not have any opportunity to make a rescue plan since the time they have in hand is very short and upon that the enemy had clearly not mentioned the place they are supposed to deliver the prisoners. If my guess is right, the enemy might decide the location based on the enemies activities"     

"Hmm…I guess the same"     

After dressing up, Suzy moved to the glass locked where her mask was stored and unlocked the locked before pulling out the mask and wearing It on her face. While making her way towards the elevator that takes her to the underground tunnel Suzy asked"Anything else?"     

"No….this is the only things we have found currently"     

"Okay…order Team A to assemble in the base in half an hour"     


After giving her orders, Suzy walked to her baby and climbed on it before driving her bike off through the underground tunnel which connected to the mountains. After driving for twenty minutes or so, Suzy finally reached the end of the tunnel. Since the tunnel was located at a secluded area covered by leaves, trees, and bushes, no one was aware of this hidden path and even if they did find this place, it did not make much difference since the tunnel only opened when Suzy wanted to. If anyone other than Suzy entered the tunnel, they would immediately be locked in the tunnel because of its special functions and traps instilled in the tunnel.      

After driving out of the tunnel, Suzy drove through the main road and arrived at a small city located behind the mountains.     

To outsiders it was like a little city located behind the mountains where people could come in goa they wish but in actual fact this was the Cobra base which was hidden from the outside world. Those organizations that were still trying to find the Cobra base could have never imagined that the Cobras were located in such a small city. What more, even if they had considered the city, it was too easy to ignore since the city was more like a place made for fun.      

After driving through the city, Suzy arrived in front of a seven-storied building. After driving her bike inside the shop, Suzy got down from her bike and signaled her subordinator to take care of her baby while she made her way towards the elevator.      

Many people could use this elevator but only those shadow guards were aware of the real purpose of these elevators.     

These elevators were not made to take people upstairs but instead they were made to take people downstairs. These kinds of elevators were present in every high story building and only shadow guards were aware of their purpose. If one wanted to go downstairs, it was not that easy. One needed to scan his retina if he wanted to go downstairs and each person could only access the level they belonged to. This kind of system was carefully designed by Suzy firstly so that they could keep their enemies away from their base and secondly so that there wouldn't be a fight amongst people who belonged to different levels.     

After entering the elevator, Suzy scanned her retina and made her way to the ninth flower which was deeper and more distant than the other floors.      

When she reached the floor she made her way out unhurriedly and walked to the meeting room directly.      

Inside the meeting room, other than her uncle there was a hacker team consisting of ten of the best hackers and also a team of Cobra guards who were gathered a few minutes back.      

As soon as Suzy walked inside the people inside turned to them and greeted her with respect.     

Shaking her hands off, she looked at the big screen which was showing the current location of the plane and asked "Anything new?"     

"Yes…As per the news we received from the military the Alpha team is busy dealing with their mission out of the country and cannot be summoned within a short span of time and the alpha team are also busy with their present mission. The devil's eye must have planned it a long time ago"     

"Hmm…which team, are they sending out now?"     

"They are sending the hawk team. Though they are not completely aware of their situation, they are still trying to find out a solution to the problem"     

"Hmm…How many people are currently inside the plane?" Suzy asked after some thought     

"mm…Approximately 20"     

"So we can't choose this root then we are left with only one way"     

"What is that?"     

"Find the master behind the dog," Suzy said with a smirk     

"You mean to say the current boss? But it's not that easy to find him"     

"Why so?"     

"Since the enemy has planned a long time back then that means he might have also considered this point"     

"True…but it doesn't mean that we cannot"     

Turning to the hacker team she ordered "No.9 and 15 find the details about the devil's eyes boss"     

"No.11, 12 and 13 search if any barren house had been taken recently by a group of men"     

"No.6,7 and 8 hack all the hotel and resort system and find if there are any who matches with similar identification with the devil's organization boss"     

"And, No.3 & 10….you guys get ready…you will be joining the team"     

"yes, miss" The hacker team replied in unison and split up themself to work on the give orders.     

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