It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Marry the Song family!!

Marry the Song family!!

0When Li Chao and his family were brought inside by the maid, they saw that Elder Mr. Li and Mrs. Li were having their tea and did not even bother to welcome them.     

Waving his hand Li Chao asked the maid to leave but the maid did not budge even after hearing Li Chao and stood firmly with her bowed.     

Displeased, Li Chao glared at the maid and scolded "Don't you understand? I asked you to leave"     

Still bowing her head, the maid apologized "Sorry young master but we only follow master and madam's order. This is the rules set by little miss"     

"You…hmph"not bothering with the maid, Li Chao walked forward towards the couch while speaking "Father, mother, how long do you plan to ignore me? Can't yo atleast greet your son who came back home after a long time" just as Li Chao was about to sit on the couch, Elder Li glared at him and said "Did I permit you to sit?"     

"Father, do I even need to get permission to sit in my own house?" Li Chao frowned     

"Your own house? Huh…Li Chao, have you forgotten that you were kicked out of the house?"     

"Father-" just as Li Chao wanted to argue with elder Li, Elder Li just waved his hand and asked in annoyance "What are you here for? Get to the point"     

"Fine then. Father, look at the mess your granddaughter has created. She actually dared to declare her love right in front of the media. How shameless of her"     

"Shameless? Is declaring love in front of the public shameless? If you think that revealing once feeling is shameless then what about you? You dared to bring a mistress and introduced her as your wife to the public and now you are accusing your daughter who revealed her genuine feelings. Tell me who is shameless here"     

With his furrowed, Li Chao frowned and said "Father that is the past and…I don't find anything wrong in what I did back then. Xiao Feng and I were genuinely in love so as a matter of fact I declared my love to her in public and tittled her as my wife. What's wrong with that?"     

"Wrong? You dare to ask me what is wrong? Don't you know what kind of great sin you did back then? If not for Xiao Lan, you wouldn't even be standing here alive but what did you do in return? You broke her heart, you broke her trust. You fell with some cheep money minded woman and brought her home without any shame. When Xiao Lan passed, you did not even mourn but instead prepared for a second marriage soon after. Say, do you still think you are wrong?" Elder Li sneered     

"Father, why do have to bring the past? Aren't I leaving happily with my wife and daughter?"     

"Since you're living a good life with your wife, why do you want to bother my granddaughter? Why can't you just leave her alone and let her live her life? Why make a fuss when she declares her pure relationship?" Elder Li roared     

"Father, it might be okay for her to reveal her relationship anytime but did she bother to reveal it at this time? Doesn't she know that I have agreed to Song families marriage proposal? Why cant she does follow my arrangement and marry the person I looked for?"     

"Why should she marry the person you arranged for? What right do you have to interfeire in her life? Who the hell do you think you are?" Elder Mrs. Li yelled when she heard her son's word     

"Mom, I'm her father and I have every right to decide her future" Li Chao declared     

Enraged, just as Elder Li wanted to yell at his son, a soft laughter was heard from the stairs followed by a sarcastic voice "Father? Haha…Mr. Li Chao have you forgotten something?"     

Hearing the sarcastic comment, Li Chao frowned and looked up only to find Suzy standing on the stairs with a sarcastic smile.     

As soon as he saw Suzy's face, the rage that was boiling in his heart erupted with a blast " Little bitch, how dare you not pick up my call?"     

Walking downstairs, Suzy looked at Li Chao disdainfully and sneered "Why should I answer your call? Who do you think you are?" Before Li Chao could say something, Suzy looked like she suddenly realized something and exclaimed "Ahh, is it because you think you are my father? But Li Chao, have you forgotten? The father and daughter relationship between us no longer exist. You…are not my father and I…am not your daughter anymore. You are just….my grandparents son"     

"Little bitch, how dare you be disrespectful to your father?" Li Chao yelled     

"Disrespectful? Mr. Li Chao you should be happy that we have allowed you to enter the Li mansion and not sent you out. You should know how too be contended with whatever you get" Suzy lectured kindly     

"You-" before Li Chao could rage, Li Xiying suddenly walked forward and held back Li Chao. Turning to teary eyes, she asked pitifully "Sister, how can you be so disrespectful to father? You-"     

Waving her hand, Suzy looked down at Li Xiying with boredom and said "You don't have to act here. Everyone here knows youre true face and…." with a faint smile, Suzy tilted her head and said "can you use some new trick? Recording the voice and revealing it to the public has become an old move. Why not use that brain of yours to come up with new some new moves? Ah, I forgot….how can you even think of other moves with that idiotic brain of yours?" Suzy sneered     

"Suzy!-" before Li Xiying could say anything, Li Chao suddenly yelled "Enough"     

Turning to Suzy, he glared at the latter and said "Suzy, I'm not here to quibble with you. You are going with me to the Song family to apologize and at the same time, you are going to announce to the whole public that what you said in the morning was fake. Do you get it?"     

"Haha….fake? But too bad, the news I revealed today in hundred percent true" Suzy laughed     

"So what if you are in a relationship? I as your father haven't agreed for that so your relationship is invalid"     

"Who cares whether you permit or not? Your opinon never has a place for it" Suzy sneered     

"Suzy, don't test my patience. I'm your father and even if you deny it the truth is we are still father and daughter and as a daughter you have to follow your fathers words obediently"     

"And what if I say I wont?"     

"Suzy…don't force me to the end, just shut that *^#&$% mouth and marry the Song family obediently"     

Rolling her eyes, Suzy no longer bothered to speak with this madman.     

Seeing Suzy's ignorance, Li Chao gritted his teeth and said"Fine then, since you are not obedient I can only use force" with that said he reached inside his coat and took out a few papers. As soon as Suzy saw those papers, her eyes darkened and a cold aura started to boil around her.     

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