It's Payback Time : dont mess with me



0The criticism posted were harsher than the comments a cheater gets     

" ha , who does she think she is , what if shes beautiful , isn't she a slut "     

" sluts are everywhere in the industry , is it not common in entertainment industry "     

" I wonder with which big CEO did she sleep with to get the role of female lead "     

" theirs no place for hardworking and pure actors like li xiying , unless and until theirs a slut "     

" go away Suzy, we dont want you to act , we will boycott your movies "     

" get lost you whore "     

" we only need li xiying, the real goddess "     

" shes surely a beauty with brain , an evil brain "     

The comments continued to flow on , the paid fans even started to slander Mu jun as per feng mians lead . Since Suzy was going to go down , she could also send Mu jun down , along with Suzy , as Mu Jun is one of the treasured actor of bright star , his down fall would be a great disadvantage for them .     

Since everyone were aware about Mujuns and Suzy's close relationship , then their relationship will definitely become an ambiguous relationship , because of this even Mu jun got implicated.     

" ha , That bastard Mu jun is also just like other actors, he's no different from those lusty actors "     

" he might have also been a bed partner with Suzy, dont you think they act wiered "     

" Slut and a bastard makes up a perfect pair. Now I'm definitely going to ship them "     

The online slandering continued, since their idol was implicated , Mu juns fans also started to join the war, if half of them were supporting Suzy, half of them were slandering her for implicating their idols .     

A day has just passed and the news had started bombarding . Before, the news was only about Suzy, but now even Mu jun was being implicated and Suzy would definitely not sit idol. If anyone dares to hurt her people , Suzy was not the one who would forgive them and ignore the matter .     

She scrolled down , looking at all those shitty comments, but those disgusting words never implicated her in any way. As she kept on scrolling, an evil smile appeared on wie wies face , ' I did not you were so stupid feng mian . You want to play right , okay then , I'll join you ' she said inwardly . She started typing some codes on her laptop for almost half an hour , and then a page opened with list of paid online fans . She could even gather their details and a mmessage sent to their account asking them to slander Suzy and even implicate Mu jun . She continued typing for some more time and closed her laptop after collecting some evidences.     

Just as she closed her laptop , her mobile started to buzz , it was her manager , she picked the call and heard a worried voice "     

Suzy, are you alright. Is everything fine? "     

Suzy smiled before replying: " I'm fine sister biyu "     

Manager biyu thought Suzy might be feeling bad so she said " Suzy, dont worry , our company will do something soon, you don't have to feel bad , just have some patience, I have ready gathered a few evidences , everything will get fine " .     

Suzy laughed before replying " sister biyu dont worry , I'm not sad nor unhappy . I'm just like usual type , you dont have to stress yourself and dont stress the company, I already have a way out "     

Manager biyu:" are you sure ? You don't have to stress yourself, just focus on your movie "     

Suzy :" yes sister biyu, you dont have to worry, just arrange for a press meet the next day " .     

Manager biyu :" okay "     

After discussing about the plans Suzy had , manager biyu ended the call . Just when she reached the desk put down her mobile, it started to ring again , she picked the call only to hear a person barking loud like a dog .     

Mu Jun: " what the hell is going on Suzy "     

As she heard his loud roar , Suzy involuntarily subconsciously pulled her phone phone away from her ears, putting it away from her sensitive ears before rubbing it , only when she heard no sound from that side did she ask calmly .     

Suzy :" hey , what's wrong with you ? "     

Mu Jun :" you still dared to ask me what's wrong , what the hell "     

Suzy :" hey , can you talk a bit lower , my ears are about to pop out "     

Mu Jun: " bloody hell , my brain is already popped out "     

Suzy :" you better put your brain in before you speak to me , you always speak nonsense with a brain , nd now i dont know what nonsense youll say without it "     

Mu Jun :" hey , little devil, can't you be a little serious "     

Suzy :" okay fine , I'm sorry Mu jun , I'm sorry that you were impl----"     

Mu Jun interrupted befor she could even complete " what the hell is wrong with these peoples brain, how the hell can they compare me , the most handsome man in country H to a monkey . They surely have bad eyes "     

Suzy narrowed her eyes before asking him coldly :" whom are you calling a monkey? "     

Mu Jun: " offcourse , its you , who else. "     

Suzy :"have you gone nuts ? And , what are you exactly talking about "     

Mu Jun: " this muddle headed fans of mine , they are shipping me with a devil , and....what the hell is it with " SUMU , heart , heart " , their eyes must have been definitely contaminated , how can they pair me with a monkey. can't they ship me with Jennifer or rosy , that would be the best pair , but. ....."     

Mu Jun continued blabbering continously without even stopping, he kept on saying his fans must have gone mad to pair him with her . Suzy narrowed her eyes before asking him ,     

Su Jun: " cookie, seriously? .....are you mad only because your fans shipped me with you , have you gone fucking crazy , I thought you were angry because you were slandered because of me "     

Mu jun:" what does it have to do with me?"     

Suzy almost fell from the chair hearing his ignorant reply, she tried to cool down before asking him " cookie , dint you see the news and the comments online ? "     

Mu Jun: " oh that, I have seen it "     

Suzy :" are you not feeling bad for being wronged . are you not getting angry "     

Mu Jun:" why should I? , infact I'm     

enjoying it " .     

Suzy: " are you really my friend , how can you be so cool when your friend Is slandered? "     

Mu Jun:" sigh .....befriending you is my biggest regret " he replied sadly     

Suzy took a deep breath before replying calmly " RIP cookie "     

Mu juns eyes turned wide before asking her carefully :" what do you mean ?"     

Suzy yelled loudly before hanging up :" because ...I'm... going to.... kill you..... as soon as I .....see you... tommorow ...tut tut( call ended)"     

when Mu jun heard Suzy, he dropped his phone subconsciously with bang before mumbling " I'm dead " to himself before rolling on the bed . he internally wished that there should not be ' tomorrow '.     

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