It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Look at the world not with your eyes but with your mind !!

Look at the world not with your eyes but with your mind !!

0After freshening up she headed out to complete her unfinished business. On the way out , she met her close friend Mu Jun, a friend whom she met in Switzerland . He's tall , fair , most handsome person . He's a famous actor in the country H , with a huge fan base . He had come here for shooting one of his film along with attending the business school for few days . Suzy had a small role in Mu Juns film , it was just a small role but Mu Jun saw huge skill and potential in her .     

The second time , he met her in the business school, both of them were in the same class , so they got together pretty well. As they spent some time together, they got together really well. Infact , they were now like best friends.     

Suzy was just heading towards the class when she heard an angry and scary voice from behind . Mu Jun was fuming in rage , he yelled loudly .     

Mu jun:" SUZY!! I'm going to kill you bastard "     

Her eyes went wide , she took few steps back , creating some distance between them , afraid that he may jump on her , she yelled loudly .     

Suzy:" hey ! Hey! Hey...can you calm down a bit"     

Mu jun:" bloody hell!! Calm down my foot"     

Suzy:" cookie , tell me what happened atleast"     

Mu jun:" bloody hell!! Are you asking me what happened! You killed my baby , it was just a month old but you killed it . I'm going to kill you little devil"     

Suzy:" oh !....uhm cookie , when did you get a baby? Who was your wife ? Hey , this is not fair , you dint even call me for your wedding "     

Mu jun:" what the hell. Stop acting dumb. You took my latest Suzuki GSX-S750 , which was released recently. Yet you took it last night without my permission and...and you even wrecked it . I'm not going to spare you little devil"     

Suzy:" hehe , sorry Jun ,my bad . I took it for a race last night and do you know what happened their??"     

Mu jun:" hey , your tricks don't work on me , stop changing the plate . What the hell did you do to my baby"     

Suzy:" ugh , will you stop claiming it as baby , it makes a wiered sense "     

Mu jun:" shut up , I'm calling it as my baby and I will "     

Suzy:" okay , no one can ever change a psycho manic like you "     

Mu jun:" okay , now tell me , where did you take it last night"     

Suzy:" oh , I took it for a race previous night. Guess what , I won the match . Their were ten players and everyone were Male, hahaha..."     

Mu jun:" as expected of a devil"     

Suzy:" but..."     

Mu jun:" but what?"     

Suzy:" actually , I disguised as a male and attended the race but one of the player found out the truth "     

Mu jun:" so what's their in that?"     

Suzy:" the exciting thing is , it was none other than the famous celebrity John, he too attended the race in disguise "     

Mu jun:" what , are you serious . Was it really John Mathew?"     

Suzy:" yes , it was him . Ah he was soo handsome ."     

Mu jun:" what the fuck , hey why dint you call me"     

Suzy:" as if I knew "     

Mu jun:" ah , forget it , my bad . Hey , let's go party tonight , treat from my side"     

Suzy:" no cookie , I had to go pack up today . I need to attend a celebration banquet tomorrow night "     

Mu jun:" oh , okay then . By the way, I'm leaving after few days , my manager just signed a new movie , so I may get busy with the shoot "     

Suzy:" okay then , keep in touch. Bye"     

After the classes , Suzy went straight to the mall with two bodyguards behind . She was just picking whichever things she saw , she let her bodyguards to pick most of the gifts .     

Her eyes caught on a dress , in one of a store . It was long yellow gown , shining bright under the show lights. It was a pretty dress.     

In her previous life , Suzy had actually bought this same dress to wear on the party but unfortunately , it was easily snatched away by Li xiying and instead she was made to wear an uncomfortable ,over revealing sexy black dress . when she entered the banquet , she easily became the prey for many lustful gaze , many fat CEOs who were lusty brats, were all drooling for her , while women's who were present their were looking at her in disgust.     

Though knowing about the future , she still bought the dress , it did not mean she will let her sister to snatch her dress this time , she actually had different plans . She continued strolling around , but suddenly halted in her place . Right infront of her was a mesmerizing, eye catching dress , which was named as galaxy . It was the combination of blue , black and purple colors giving the vibe of galaxy. Its layers were designed with golden borders and also with various sizes of shining diamond , one who would look at the dress would easily feel they are having a view of real galaxy , it was a wide long ball gown .     

Suzy was soo much mesmerized that she didn't even know when she came so close to the dress , in the next minute she immediately purchased the dress , afraid that someone else may snatch her precious treasure.     

After purchasing her dress , Suzy went inside the parlour to ge some facial and to have some transformation. After two hours she came , fully transferred from a beautiful young women to a , stunning , gorgeous , goddess. Her face looked a little lively after some facial , her hair was coloured brown and was long and bouncy , finely matching her skin tone . She looked too beautiful. when she bad black hairs it did not mean she looked ugly , she looked beautiful but as beautiful as Li xiying , this was the reason she forced Suzy to change her hair style , making it black and too curly , though she tried very much to outshine , but li xiying could never suppress her charm and aura , it was present in every corner of her cells , blood and her veins , which she got from her mother .     

The bodyguards who were initially waiting for Suzy were stunned by her appearance. their was even few minutes , where the bodyguards failed to identify their own boss. when they realized it was their boss herself by her aura , they were shocked . They never expected their boss would look even more beautiful with her brown silky hair than she was in her black curly hair .     

looking at her bodyguards reaction she could easily guess what was going in their mind . Satisfied by her look , she headed back to her home to pack her luggage.     

while she was packing her luggage , the screen of her mobile lit up with a beep , the screen showed the notification of an incoming message , it was from a unknown source , the message was     

' look at the world not with your eyes open , but with your mind if not.....hell is always near you waiting for a chance to pull you '     


cookie is a nick name given to mu Jun by Suzy , and little devil was the nick name of Suzy given by mu Jun because he thought she was actually a devil.     

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