Perfect Match, Secret Marriage

President Kang Jun

President Kang Jun

0In Kang Jun's embrace, a satisfied smile appeared on AnLing's face. Feeling a change in atmosphere, He looked down at the girl smiling in his arms and couldn't help but smile a bit himself.     

After releasing her, he began to pull AnLing with him towards his car.     

She had completely forgotten what she was supposed to do and allowed herself to be dragged. They both entered and once they both sat down, Kang Jun turned to look at AnLing who still smiled.     

Kang Jun: "Satisfied?"     

AnLing couldn't help but giggle. "Very. Thank you."     

"No problem." The smile in Kang Jun's eyes grew. Although his face remained the same, the happiness in his voice was apparent.     

A part of AnLing wanted to hug him, right then but she wouldn't dare. It was one thing for him to hug her but another for her to hug him. And by the interaction between Yize, the General Manager and Kang Jun, AnLing had started to realize that Kang Jun was a much more important individual than she had first expected.     

Though she hadn't really heard the majority of the conversation between the three men due to her uncontrollable heart, she understood this by the way it all ended.     

Yize had been demolished by the force called Kang Jun.     

'Ah… what a good day,' Her heart sang.     

Today had started off exceptionally well. AnLing hoped with all her heart that it would continue to be that way, but maybe it wasn't meant to be...     

"President Kang?" AnLing repeated from the small bit of the conversation she remembered.     

"Mmm." Kang Jun replied in his usual manner.     

AnLing had always been a very 'my pace' kind of person. She never cared about other people and their business but with Kang Jun it was different. She needed to now who she was getting into bed with.     

Ugh... in a business sense, of course! As in who was she renting from… Not in a sexual way…     

'What the hell!? Get your mind out of the goddamn gutter girl. Yes, he's hot but this isn't the time. Concentrate for once in your bloody life!'     

A light blush appeared on Anling's face as she looked up at him, a shy smile still lingered but she wasn't as satisfied as she was before. Her eyes communicated something completely different.     

Kang Jun could see it clearly.     



Calming herself down for a second, AnLing looked Kang Jun in the eyes.     

AnLing: "If you don't mind my asking, you're the president of what?"     

"Of a corporation." Kang Jun answered matter-of-factly.     

'Of what corporation, damn it!' AnLing wanted to scream.     

Hearing her question, Kang Jun was amused. He knew exactly what she meant but that didn't mean he was going to answer her question straight out. What was the fun in that?     

AnLing glared at him and he continued to look at her playfully. How she wanted to just facepalm at the moment but she fought back her urges and rephrased her question.     

"Mister Kang, who are you really?"     

He smirked on the inside but his exterior was cold and calm. "Do you really want to know?"     

'Of course! Would I be asking if I didn't?!' AnLing's heart screamed but she was only able to answer, "Yes."     

Kang Jun: "How much do you want to know?"     

For some reason, in the car, it felt like Kang Jun was much closer to her than he actually was. The car smelled like roses and fruits, just as Kang Jun did, and it was also warm. It reminded her of what it felt like to be in the man's arms. AnLing began to feel his presence as if it was enveloping her.     

She shook her head, trying to shake the feeling off.     

"Like everything, though give me the abridged version." AnLing blurted out.     

Kang Jun felt a smile tugging at his lip. She was curious about him? Good.     

At the moment, it was the best he could ask for.     

It hadn't been long since he had known her but already he could assume that the girl didn't like getting close to others. He had expected that in order to get closer to her he would have a much harder journey but it didn't seem like it anymore.     

Kang Jun: "Where do you need to go?"     

AnLing was shocked by the sudden change in question. She had totally forgotten she had something to do.     

"Uh… Dry cleaners. It's just 15 minutes from here. It's near that really famous bakery. You know the one, that only rich people go to since it's super expensive?" AnLing's words came out harsher than she had intended them too though Kang Jun didn't react at all.     

Kang Jun: "I'll drive you."     

Not waiting to hear her reply, he turned the car on and then reached for the gear shift.     

He drove off into the distance.     

Normally AnLing would have rejected him but they weren't done talking and she didn't want to get out and call a taxi in fear that she might bump into Yize again.     

Either war, the car ride was fated to be short by the way Kang Jun drove. AnLing found herself unconsciously holding onto her seat, again. She wanted to close her eyes and imagine she was safe on a roller coaster but Kang Jun's voice interrupted.     

"Search me up." Kang Jun's eyes did not leave the road.     

AnLing turned to him, perplexed. "Why?"     

"You said you wanted to know everything about me right?"     

AnLing let out a dry laugh, took out her phone and did just that. She didn't expect to find much. There were plenty of President's in the country and probably a whole lot more named Kang Jun.     

But when she typed up President Kang Jun, she found out that there was only one who was in the right age range and fit the mark.     

Suddenly a bunch of articles bombarded her phone.     

[Youngest President in Kang Corporation History: Kang Jun]     

[President Kang Jun brings Kang Corporation Back From The Dead]     

[Kang Corporations Super Secretive President!?: Who is Kang Jun and Why We Don't See Him In Public]     

[Kang Corporation Procures Billion Dollar Project Thanks to President Kang Jun]     

The more she scrolled through them the more her eyes widened in disbelief. For the first time she realized that she had heard of Kang Jun before.     

He was on the Top Ten most successful CEO's list and he was mentioned as being one of the men every girl wanted to marry but the only problem was that Kang Jun barely showed himself in public and when he did, no one would be able to get a good picture of him so some people assumed that he was very ugly.     

Where AnLing was sitting in the car she could confirm that those rumors were absolutely not true!     

Also, his public appearances were few and far between and he never really attended them, he was always been substituted by his younger brother.     

After a while, Kang Jun stopped the car but AnLing was concentrated on her phone. She deeply stare into it as she scrolled over a few articles.     

He watched her for a while as many shades of shock appeared on her face.     

Kang Jun: "Are you satisfied?"     

AnLing was unable to speak for a moment.     

Kang Jun: "No?"     

"Oh no…" She muttered but those words weren't directed at Kang Jun.     

'This is just too crazy.' Her heart couldn't take the shock. Out of all the people she could have met in her life and involved herself with, it had to be the Scion of Kang Corporation. An almost literal god in the eyes of men and women alike.     

Just as she was lamenting, a small group of women passed by the car. Once saw the beautiful black Maybach they approached without care and tried to gaze inside but the windows were tinted.     

Maybe the believed that there was a rich man in the car that would fall in love with their beauty like in the romance novels.     

As they approached, AnLing's heart dropped.     

Despite noticing the tinted windows AnLing unconsciously ducked. Imagining all the probable trouble that Kang Jun could bring into her life just for being Kang Jun made her lose control of her senses.     

She didn't want to get involved with the rich as it was but even worse, Kang Jun was part of the 1% of the 1%.     

Remembering what had happened in front of the hotel, AnLing brought her hand to her mouth. Her other hand turned into a first, trying to hold back the dull pain that was being to consume her. She had had her fair share of problems with the rich in the past, but she knew that Kang Jun wasn't that type of person by how kindly he treated her but...     

What if someone had seen her with him and recognized him?     

She started to feel sick.     

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