Perfect Match, Secret Marriage



0In her eyes, It seemed like God had taken some extra time when he was making Kang Jun.     

Lu AnLing couldn't help but lick her lips. Her tongue brushed Kang Jun's thumb, which still laid squarely on her lip.     

He pulled the girl's cheek closer to him and kissed her. He wanted to be gentle and make her feel safe but Lu AnLing didn't want that. She began to kiss Kang Jun hard and the man felt no choice but to reciprocate.     

They kissed until they were both out of breath and once they separated Lu AnLing and Kang Jun gazed into each other with glazed over eyes. They could see each others desires clearly and they were both willing to supply what the other needed.     

Quickly, Kang Jun removed Lu AnLing's dress.     

Once it was off he stared at the girl's curves longingly.     

Feeling the cold envelop her body, Lu AnLing blushed.     

She wrapped her hands around her body and said, "Don't look at me."     

Then she tried to get off of Kang Jun to close the curtains but Kang Jun stopped her by holding onto her waist.     

Kang Jun: "Why?"     

Seeing his gaze, Lu AnLing turned away. "I'm a bit chubby and," Lu AnLing brushes her hand on the stretch marks on her stomach. Feeling the bumps, Lu AnLing's heart sank, but she didn't utter another word.     

Looking at her, Kang Jun frowned slightly. He reached for Lu AnLing's chin.     

"Lu AnLing, look at me."     

The girl obeyed Kang Jun's orders.     

He looked deep into her eyes and then he lifted his upper body up to kiss her lips softly. Lu AnLing felt his bare chest brush across her own sending shivers up her spine. Then the man suddenly put his cold hand firmly on her stomach, caressing her stretch marks.     

Kang Jun: "You're beautiful."     

Hearing this, Lu AnLing was filled to the brim with warmth. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they both fell onto the soft bed.     

Without words, the two continued to fan the flames of passion.     

They both removed every piece of clothing that separated their bodies before Lu AnLing put the condom on. She wasn't sure what she was doing but she successfully did it nonetheless.     

Once that was done, Kang Jun held onto Lu AnLing's waist. He gazed at her with slight worry.     

Kang Jun: "Are you ready?"     

Lu AnLing gulped, but in the end, she nodded bashfully.     

Kang Jun didn't know why Lu AnLing insisted to be on top. In this position, it was bound to hurt but as he traced her beautiful face with his eyes, the man couldn't say he was unhappy about it.     

Getting the okay, Kang Jun placed the girl right above his erection and then he looked at her apologetically, as if he was saying, 'I'm sorry, this might hurt' before he brought her down with haste.     

Feeling the hard rod penetrate her, Lu AnLing felt pain only for a second but it quickly turned into pleasure as they moved in unison.     

Their first time was a little bit awkward since they were both slightly nervous but once they had been at it for a while they were both feeling so much pleasure that every other thought dissolved into the air.     

Each time Kang Jun pushed himself into her, Lu AnLing would moan.     

This caused the man to lose control.     

As they gave themselves to one another, Lu AnLing's phone began to buzz.     

LoverboyMS: [Why's your life so rough nowadays? You need someone by your side. So, I have some good news for you. Drum roll, please... I'm coming home!]     


Hours later, once Kang Jun and Lu AnLing had gone through their third round, they felt their bodies wither into one another and without delay, they fell asleep in each other's arms.     

They were both naked, breathing hard and covered in sweat but this didn't stop them from feeling completely comfortable at that moment.     

In fact, Waking up, both Lu AnLing and Kang Jun felt as if they hadn't had such a perfect rest in way too long.     

Once they awoke, the pair were completely energized and their skins practically glowed.     

Strangely, none of them felt embarrassed either despite the fact that they weren't wearing any clothes. They just showered, got ready and then Lu AnLing went to her room to pack.     

"You don't need to bring anything right now. We can always come back to get your things." Kang Jun said from the doorway.     

Lu AnLing nodded but she still felt pushed to pack some of her luggage.     

Even after living in the hotel for around four months, Lu AnLing hadn't gathered many things. Since she was a child she didn't have the luxury to be materialistic and it had just stuck with her as she grew older.     

She had some important objects, like everyone else in the world, but if she had to combine the price of her precious items they most likely wouldn't even amount to the cost of her taxi fare; to and from her old workplace.     

Dragging the luggage out of the room with little effort, Lu AnLing felt a bit sad leaving the room behind.     

'But it's better than forcing Kang Jun to pay for it.' Is what the girl thought.     

Seeing the way Lu AnLing looked at the door of Room 976, Kang Jun took the luggage out of the girl's hands and said, "Don't be sad. We can come back here whenever you want."     

Lu AnLing shook her head. "No… I really don't want you to pay for a room unnecessarily like that."     

"It wouldn't be a big deal," Kang Jun smirk. "Seeing as I own both rooms."     

Lu AnLing: "Seriously?"     

Kang Jun kissed the girl on the forehead.     


Dumbfounded, Lu AnLing followed Kang Jun to the elevator.     

Though, truth be told, Kang Jun was just being modest. He not only personally owned the rooms but, he technically owned the hotel. Years ago, the Kang Corporation had acquired Hotel Helios from estranged members of his grandmother's family.     

It was pretty much a steal.     

Lu AnLing remembered years back when the father of a person from Lu Shuya's socialite circle had tried to purchase a room from Hotel Helios and he had gotten rejected. It was said that the hotel didn't allow anyone to do such a thing... though how come Kang Jun could?     

As Kang Jun and Lu AnLing stood in the elevator, Lu AnLing touched her chin. Her face went through changes of various emotions before a eureka face appeared.     

Lu AnLing turned to Kang Jun.     

"Don't tell me you own the hotel?"     

Hearing this, Kang Jun couldn't help but laugh.     

"Did I say something wrong?"     

Kang Jun touched Lu AnLing's cheek. Feeling the tickle of her hair, Kang Jun gave her a soft smile.     

"My wife is so smart."     

Hearing those words from Kang Jun's mouth made Lu AnLing turn completely red. She had completely forgotten what they were talking about. Now, the only thing she concentrated on was Kang Jun's voice, which echoed in her head.     

My wife…     

Lu AnLing wanted to bury her head in her hands. Happiness was bubbling within her and she couldn't help but feel giddy. If she was alone, she would probably have been dancing.     

The girl hadn't been this happy in a long time.     

She had almost forgotten how nice it was to love and be loved.     

Basking in her happiness, Lu AnLing smiled.     

As he watched her, Kang Jun fought back the urge to kiss her and once he was losing this fight, the elevator doors parted revealing the main lobby.     

With Lu AnLing's pink luggage in hand, Kang Jun walked out and Lu AnLing followed quickly behind. Seeing that the man was holding her suitcase, Lu AnLing frowned.     

The girl stopped Kang Jun in his tracks and then she pulled the luggage away from him.     

"It's best if you don't hold it."     

Kang Jun: "Why?     

"You don't see an obvious problem here?" Lu AnLing lifted her suitcase as if trying to get Kang Jun to have a closer look at it. "You know, with the color?"     

Kang Jun shrugged. "Nope."     

The only thing he noticed was that the suitcase was pink, but really, what did that matter? It was just a color. It wasn't like holding a pink suitcase would kill him.     

Lu AnLing smiled at Kang Jun.     

"Fine then, " she said. Her tone of voice gave away the girls amusement.     

Almost as if they were joined to the hip, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing walked towards the exit. However, before they could leave, Lu AnLing spotted Yang Yize.     

Instantly, the girl stopped and groaned.     

Suddenly she was glad she would no longer be living in the hotel anymore.     

Tracking her gaze, Kang Jun saw Yang Yize and frowned.     

'Why does this pest keep appearing in front of her.' Kang Jun wondered but instead of heading towards the front exit, Kang Jun grabbed Lu AnLing's hand and dragged her into a restricted area.     

At first, she was worried but seeing as Kang Corporations owned Hotel Helios Kang Jun had some special privileges. One of them was access to the employee elevators which lead straight to an underground parking.     

Walking with no shame, Kang Jun just dragged the girl and the suitcase along. Meanwhile, Lu AnLing's heartbeat was loud. She was afraid they would be in trouble if they got caught but when the manager laid eyes on Kang Jun and Lu AnLing, he smiled politely and bowed to the two.     

Kang Jun didn't react but Lu AnLing gave an awkward nod back.     

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