Perfect Match, Secret Marriage

Inheritance (1)

Inheritance (1)

0Lu Lili had barely been able to sleep properly ever since she had found out that Lu Li Jing was alive.     

She was so glad but also extremely confused.     

She had gone to her sisters funeral. Her father, the person who identified Lu Li Jing after the accident, had cremated his sisters body and had cursed Kang Guanting with Lu Lili, at the funeral. The two had bonded over their hate of the Kang family and their love for Lu Li Jing but now, Lu Lili knew that something was amiss.     

Did her father know Lu Li Jing was still alive?     

Lu Lili had many questions but there was no one to answer this.     

As she sat on the couch in the manor, Lu Lili could not help but wish that the old man was still alive...     

As she thought this, Lu Jiayi called out to her, "Granny, how are you feeling?"     

Lu Jiayi and her fiancé, a man whose name Lu Lili could never quite remember, walked over to her.     

"I'm fine dear," Lu Lili was not in the mood to talk. Her mind was filled with thoughts of her sister and if the woman could truly remain safe with the Kang's.     

Little by little Lu Lili grew to trust Kang Jun but still, Kang Guanting was still a different matter. However, that wasn't the only problem... Lu Lili had heard from her friends that Feng Zhengyi was back in town. Feng Zhengyi's name caused Lu Lili to frown.     

Thinking, Lu Lili accidentally ignored Lu Jiayi who had been talking the whole time.     

"Are you listening?" Lu Jiayi said.     

Hearing this, Lu Lili nodded but then she frowned once more and said, "I'm sorry darling, my hearing isn't what it used to be..."     

Lu Jiayi nodded.     

"Well... as I was saying," Lu Jiayi started as she smiled wide. She then straightened her back and touched the man by her side lovingly before she looked at her grandmother with pure happiness erupting from her. "Grandmother, we've already gotten registered... so all that's left is for us to throw a wedding. Mom told me to ask you to chose a date."     

Lu Lili: "I will."     

Hearing this, Lu Jiayi hugged her grandmother hard. Feeling her granddaughters warmth, Lu Lili smiled. She was so glad that her grandchildren were growing up and finding the people they wanted to spend their lives with.     

All she had ever wanted was for the people she loved to be happy...     

Though suddenly, something crossed the old woman's mind.     

Speaking of weddings, Lu Lili wondered when Kang Jun and Lu AnLing would hold a ceremony. The two had already been married a long while now...     

Letting go of Lu Jiayi, Lu Lili frowned and said, "A family meeting must be called."     

Lu Lili then turned to look at Lu Jiayi in the eyes and said, "Once you go home, please inform your mother, your sister, and your father that a family meeting will be held in a few days."     

Hearing this, Lu Jiayi was elated. Believing herself to be the first female Lu to have married, Lu Jiayi knew what this meant.     

Leaving the house, Lu Jiayi looked at the manor and smiled. The Lu family home was to be hers! She had thought, but she was actually gravely mistaken.     

Once the girl was out of her sights, Lu Lili took out her phone and called Kang Jun.     

Lu Lili did not expect the man to pick up. Kang Jun was the president of a multi-billion dollar company after all but after just three rings, Kang Jun's handsome voice came through the phone.     

"Grandmother, is something the matter?" Kang Jun said.     

Lu Lili: "The matter? Not necessarily... in a couple of days, the Lu family will be holding a meeting to decide on inheritance. AnLing has to attend and since you're her husband, so do you..."     

Lu Lili did not want to sound commanding but the meeting was one which the two were not allowed to miss. As being part of the Lu family meant that when called upon, the family members must gather.     

"We'll be there." Kang Jun said calmly.     

Lu Lili was going to comment about how easy he was to deal with but then, suddenly, Lu Lili began to cough.     

Lu Lili brought the back of her hand to her mouth so no germs would spread around the room.     

"Are you alright?" Kang Jun asked with slight worry.     

As soon as she heard this, Lu Lili looked down at the back of her hand. As she struggled to breathe, she gazed upon a few crimson red blood droplets.     

Turning away from it, Lu Lili smiled sadly, "I'm just fine."     


Lu AnLing and Mo Sheng, accompanied by Rong Xin walked around checking out high-end clothing stores. Looking at a couple of matching dresses and suits, Lu AnLing turned to look at Mo Sheng curiously.     

"Should we really look all classy or should we go more relaxed?" Lu AnLing asked.     

"Shorts and baggy clothing are in right now. I think we should take a bit of inspiration from the Korea bands. Halo Stars just debuted a new girl's group in Korea. They usually wear shorts and skirts with graphic tee's, and the fans are loving them!"     

Lu AnLing touched her lips and then she smiled. "That's a good idea."     

Mo Sheng was about to leave the story but then he saw that Lu AnLing was still checking something out. He went over to her and then examined what she was looking at.     

It was a royal blue suit.     

Mo Sheng: "You're thinking of buying that?"     

Lu AnLing nodded. "There's a couple of things I want to get. You can go explore a little. I'll be right out."     

Mo Sheng nodded and then left the store. Once he left Lu AnLing grabbed the royal blue suit and then found a matching pair for a child. She then walked over to where there were dresses and she picked out a matching dress for her and Kang Mei Xue, making sure that the dresses would match well with the royal blue suits. Looking at them, Lu AnLing smiled wide.     

It was a little corny of her to do such things, but even so, she wasn't embarrassed. Instead, she was happy.     

She wanted to show the world that she, Kang Jun, Kang Mei Xue, and Kang Mingyu were happy together. Because they were and Lu AnLing wanted their warmth to spread around to their friend groups and families.     

Lu AnLing was never the nicest person on earth but the more happiness she felt, the more she wished for others to be happy, also.     

When she finished paying for the clothing, Lu AnLing walked out of the store with a smile on her face.     

Once out, she looked around for Mo Sheng but he was nowhere to be found.     

Seeing a store which suited Mo Sheng's style, Lu AnLing walked towards it but then, she suddenly saw a face that she knew well.     

Lu AnLing's face paled as she froze on spot.     

It was a face she would never be able to forget because this was the man who had singlehandedly raised her. The man who she had hated and loved so completely but whom she always carried in her heart.     

"Dad?" Lu AnLing muttered but just as she said this, the high pitched voice of Tang Yiling screamed,     


The woman flew into the arms of the man Lu AnLing could have sworn was her own father and the man held the girl tightly before he smiled.     

Lu AnLing felt a burning sensation in the pit of her stomach which threatened to burn her to a crisp.     

Looking their way, Lu AnLing bit on her lips hard, as if she wanted to bite them off. Lu AnLing wanted to break something, she wanted to scream. She did not understand what was going on but by just looking at the man, Lu AnLing knew that he was her father, there was no mistake.     

Seeing the two disappear into the distance, Lu AnLing felt herself wither away. Without a second thought, Lu AnLing called Madame Tang.     

The woman answered instantly.     

Lu AnLing: "We need to talk. Now!"     

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