Perfect Match, Secret Marriage

Daddy And I

Daddy And I

0When their talk was over, Lu AnLing and Lu Duyi came to join Kang Jun who was speaking amicably with Xu Shen.     

The two were speaking mostly about Lu AnLing and how Kang Jun had been treating her.     

Xu Shen asked all the questions, like a truly concerned father.     

Hearing this, Kang Jun was glad. Lu AnLing had surely been loved by the man. So, he did not mind answering any question Xu Shen had to ask.     

Because Kang Jun wasn't used to catering to others, he was still a bit cold and distant but compared to his usual demeanour, Lu AnLing could tell that Kang Jun was much calmer as he spoke to Xu Shen than how he was with the others.     

Watching them, Lu AnLing smiled. Xu Shen was truly a good man and an amazing father. If Lu AnLing had grown up with him as her real father, Lu AnLing was sure she wouldn't have gotten into as many fights and messes as she had had with Tang Yian.     

Thinking this, Lu AnLing felt as if she had disconnected from reality. She began to think of Tang Yian.     

This caused a vortex of emotions to rise up inside of Lu AnLing.     

"Lu Yuxi, let go of the poor man, you're wrinkling his suit!" Xu Shen suddenly said with an exasperated voice.     

Lu AnLing turned to look at the little girl who clung onto Kang Jun. She was nuzzling Kang Jun's chest and she was close to dozing off.     

Looking at them, Lu AnLing smiled softly. Sadly for Kang Jun, Lu AnLing was like the 'new toy' to Kang Mei Xue and Kang Mingyu, so the both crowded around her and begged for her love, but they still remained quite reserved around Kang Jun.     

Seeing how at home Kang Jun seemed to feel with Lu Yuxi in his arms, Lu AnLing was slightly glad for the man, but Xu Shen couldn't have possibly known this, so he feared that Lu Yuxi was being a bother.     

Putting his arms out towards Lu Yuxi, Xu Shen sighed, "Come on XiXi, be a good girl and come."     

Hearing this, Kang Jun shook his head, "It's okay, I can continue carrying her. My nephew does the same thing sometimes."     

As Kang Jun was mentioning Kang Mingyu, Lu AnLing's cellphone began to ring.     

Seeing the called ID, Lu AnLing picked up with worry, "Rong Xin... What happened?"     

Kang Jun could not hear Rong Xin's muffled voice but he could easily assume that something was wrong.     

Exchanging worried looks with Kang Jun, Lu AnLing listened to Rong Xin on the other end of the line.     

Nodding to something Rong Xin had said, Lu AnLing said, "I understand. Could you please hand him the phone."     

Lu AnLing took the phone and put it on her other ear. She then looked away from her family and smiled sweetly.     

"Sweetie?" While speaking on the phone earlier, Lu AnLing's voice was stern but right now, as she spoke to Kang Mingyu, her voice had completely changed. "Yes... I know. I promise we will do something when we come home. Daddy and I will be home soon. Be good until then okay?"     

After saying this Lu AnLing smiled before she hung up.     

The family members standing around her could not believe what they had just heard come out of Lu AnLing's mouth but they didn't ask any questions. Once the girl turned back to face them, she saw their strange expressions but she did not acknowledge them.     

Kang Jun: "What happened?"     

"Mingyu and Mei Xue wanted to go out to find us but Rong Xin didn't know if he should bring them out or not..." Lu AnLing pursed her lips as she said this.     

The kids had been worrying about her for a few days now and all they did was just stay around the girl because Lu AnLing had felt completely defeated after finding out her father was alive and living a happy life without her.     

Because of this, as if they could sense the girl's pain, the children were a bit afraid of being too childish in her presence or leaving her alone. It didn't help that even Kang Jun seemed a bit uneasy.     

And now, the two were feeling shackled to the house but mostly, to Lu AnLing's presence...     

Thinking about this, Lu AnLing felt a bit bad. She hadn't meant for that to happen but Lu AnLing had been stunted...     

"Who was that?" Lu Duyi asked Lu AnLing curiously breaking her train of thought.     

Hearing this, the girl paused for a second. She wanted to say that they were her kids, but that would require a lot of explanation. But luckily for Lu AnLing, Kang Jun spoke.     

Kang Jun: "it's my nephew and niece."     

Lu Duyi still looked confused so Lu AnLing smiled and sighed.     

"We've decided to adopt them. So they're like our own children now." Lu AnLing said happily but there was a hint of sadness in her voice. Thinking of her other child, Lu AnLing touched her ring on her right hand.     

Seeing this, Kang Jun put his hand on Lu AnLing's back.     

For a moment, the three people were in a position which truly seemed like a picture of a perfect family. Seeing this, Lu Xiaoling's heard skipped a beat.     

Only Lu Shuya and Lu Xiaoling knew that Lu AnLing had given birth years ago, so they knew what the pain in Lu AnLing's eyes meant but the way Kang Jun's eyes also flickered with the same pain, Lu Xiaoling wondered if the girl had told Kang Jun about it also.     

Giving Kang Jun a worried look, Lu Xiaoling said,     

"Do you two want to have children of your own?"     

Lu AnLing looked at Lu Xiaoling with a bit of confusion.     

Lu Xiaoling: "I mean, do you really not mind that they aren't your children? Don't you want biological children? "     

Kang Jun shrugged. "It doesn't matter."     

Hearing his response, Lu Xiaoling's eyes darted to Lu Yuxi and her whole body began to feel slightly numb.     

Lu Xiaoling then looked at Lu AnLing, with slight fear in her eyes.     

"AnLing, I need to talk to you about something..." Lu Xiaoling said. But as soon as she said this, there was a ruckus near the doorway.     

Everyone turned to look, including Lu AnLing and Kang Jun.     

They weren't sure what had happened but as soon as they saw Lu Xia walk into the house once more with Kang Liu Ran on her arm this time, Lu AnLing couldn't help but laugh slightly.     

Lu Xia and Kang Liu Ran walked all the way towards Lu AnLing and Kang Jun. once they stopped in front of the couple, Lu AnLing and Lu Xia had huge smiles on their faces.     


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