Perfect Match, Secret Marriage

Everything Will Be Okay

Everything Will Be Okay

0Rong Yue Wan had had an amazing day.     

Due to the research, she was doing on Lu AnLing, Feng Zhengyi seemed to be giving Rong Yue Wan more and more trust as the days went by. But this was not all. Also, because Qiao Lan had also entrusted her with finding out the relationship between Ke Da Xia and her father, Su Bai, the girl had not bothered Rong Yue Wan uselessly, at all. In fact, Qiao Lan had been the quietest that she had ever been.     

This itself would be grounds for an amazing day but what made it even better was the fact that Elder Qiao had woken up after months in a coma.     

Rong Yue Wan was excited to see the old man and so, as soon as she had heard the amazing news, she had informed Qiao Lan and the two had headed to the hospital.     

There, the two headed to the room. On their way there, they had bumped into Doctor Su.     

After seeing how amicably Rong Yue Wan and Doctor Su acted with one another, Qiao Lan felt a bit suspect.     

"Who was that?" Qiao Lan asked curiously. But since it would be a hassle to tell the girl, Rong Yue Wan just simply said,     

"An old acquaintance. I just reconnected with them."     

Hearing such a simple and quick response, Qiao Lan did not ask another question.     

In Elder Qiao's room, the two girls approached the weak old man. He looked much older than he had ever seemed as he sat weakly on the hospital bed.     

Seeing him, the two girls couldn't help but let out sighs of relief.     

"Yue Wan, Lan, I'm so glad to see you..." Elder Qiao said     

The two girls reciprocated his happiness and then, they all began to speak of what had happened during his absence. Though, Qiao Lan made sure not to say anything about what had happened with Kang Jun just yet since Qiao Lan knew that the old man would try to get revenge for her despite not having his full strength     

Just as they all enjoyed a moment, Rong Yue Wan got a call from Feng Zhengyi and so she left the room. Meanwhile, Qiao Lan and Elder Qiao we're left alone.     

"How's your mother?" Elder Qiao asked Qiao Lan.     

Qiao Lan looked at the man quizzically and said, "I wouldn't know. I don't usually come to the hospital..."     

Hearing this, Elder Qiao laughed. "I'm flattered you came here just for me."     

Qiao Lan nodded. "Yes... but I would like to ask you something?"     

Elder Qiao gave the woman his undivided attention.     

"Why did you have a photo album filled with photos of my father and a woman named Ke Da Xia?" Qiao Lan asked simply.     

She had been curious ever since she had seen the album and Rong Yue Wan was taking her sweet time with the investigation.     

It was maddening. But now that her grandfather was awake, she could finally know the answers.     

There was a long pause for a second.     

"Did you see anything else?" Elder Qiao asked with worry.     

Hearing this, Qiao Lan cocked her head. "More? Was there anything more?"     

Elder Qiao shook his head. "This is not something you need to know.     

"Of course I need to know. This involves MY father..."Qiao Lan started.     


In Zhao Qin's office, Kang Liang was sizing up Zhao Qin. The man knew his mission; get close to the paediatrician... so, to do this, he had come up with a white lie about how his niece had an intense fear of heights and he wanted to know why so he could help her get over it.     

Zhao Qin gave many possible answers but then, he paused and said, "You'll have to bring her here so I can truly know if it's just a fear of heights or if she has another kind of problem."     

Zhao Qin had been wanting to leave for a while now and by now, the man was a bit fidgety.     

Seeing this, Kang Liang nodded and then he stood up. "If you don't mind, could I contact you if I have any more worries?"     

Hearing this, Zhao Qin nodded and then he gave Kang Liang his business card before he said, "You can ask me whatever you want but It's best to bring her here"     

Kang Liang nodded amicably before heading out the door. Once Kang Liang exited the room, Kang Liang had planned on just leaving but before he got too far away from Zhao Qin's office, he bumped into Chong Feng.     

"Hey." Kang's Liang said simply.     

Seeing Kang Liang Chong Feng calmly said hi, and then the two began walking together.     

Chong Feng himself was going home after a long time spent at work. But by the sullen look on his face, the man didn't seem happy to go home.     

Realizing this, Kang Liang said, "I haven't seen you around lately... what's going on?"     

"Taking care of my father. He's been such a pain lately." Chong Feng said simply.     

Hearing this, Kang Liang frowned, "Why?"     

"He messed with your brother and got what he deserved." Chong Feng said nonchalantly.     

Chong Feng did not care who knew his family situation or his father's wrongdoings; mostly when it came to the Kang's. He had been like an older brother or cousin to the boys after all. All except Kang Jun and Kang Zhi, of course.     

Though, Hearing what Chong Feng had said, Kang Liang rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh... I'm sorry?"     

Chong Feng shook his head. "No need. Like I told you, he deserved it."     

Kang Luang was a bit curious about the situation. He wanted to pry more but as they walked, Qiao Lan's voice came to their ears. "Just tell me who this Ke Da Xia is, and what does she had to do with my father!"     

Kang Liang and Chong Feng had been so immersed in their conversation that they didn't realize that they had been walking around in circles, nor that they had arrived in front of Elder Qiao's hospital room.     

Hearing Qiao Lan say his mother's name, Kang Liang froze in place.     

Inside the room, Elder Qiao screamed. "Enough Qiao Lan! That woman was just a whore. End of conversation."     

It took all that Kang Liang had within him not to burst into that room and kill Elder Qiao for the words he had just uttered.     

Whore? Who was he calling a whore? His mother was a good woman. Even despite having a hard life, she had never consciously gone against her values...     

She had been misunderstood and lied to by others and she had been treated like an adulterer but Ke Da Xia would not have ended up in that situation if it was not for Su Bai and Kang Mu...     

Kang Liang felt anger boil within him.     


Meanwhile, on the other side of town, at Lu Xia's place, Mo Sheng and Lu Xia were competing in a drink off.     

After they had dropped Wang Tingting home, the group had gone to pick up a whole medley of alcohol and they had begun to drink. Because Lu AnLing, Rong Xin and Tang Bingyi did not or could not drink, there was a whole bunch of wine, beer and spirits being shared between only Mo Sheng and Lu Xia.     

Watching them down one drink after another, Tang Bingyi and Rong Xin's eyes widened slightly. Seeing this, Lu AnLing smirked.     

Lu AnLing: "This is just the beginning. Trust me."     

Hearing this, Tang Bingyi and Rong Xin both looked at Lu AnLing with slight worry.     

Seeing this also, Lu AnLing said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."     

After saying this, Lu Xia, who had finished drinking a bottle of beer, lifted her bottle up and said, "let's play spin the bottle truth or dare!"     

Hearing this, Lu AnLing frowned and looked between Rong Xin and Tang Bingyi who sat on each side of her, as they looked towards Lu Xia.     

Lu AnLing then laughed dryly and said, "At least I think so..."     

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