Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0After Li Jung Li was arrested, the Li family, especially Marquis Li, requested an audience with the Emperor. Kneeling day and night in front of the palace, Marquis Li and the rest of the Li family expressed their sadness. The imperial guards wanted them to leave but they refused to do so. Marquis Li was not a push over. He knew that they had to use the soft and hard method in order to force the Emperor to meet with him.     

"Your Majesty!!! Oh, Your Majesty!!! This old official's son has been framed…. This old official hopes that Your Majesty will bring justice!! Oh… my poor son… because of father, because many people wanted to destroy your father, you have suffered…"     

Behind Marquis Li were his wife and concubines as well as their daughters, and even the Li manor's servants were present, also kneeling on the ground.     

"Please give justice, Your Majesty!"     

"Your Majesty, please give justice!"     

"Our Young Master is innocent, Your Majesty!!"     

"Your Majesty!!"     

The onlookers could not help but point out those people who were kneeling. Some immediately identified them and it had not been long before the news of Marquis Li and his family kneeling in front of the palace gate circulated among the nobles and commoners.     

The citizen's reactions were mixed. Some of them, those who bore grudges towards the Li family supported Li Jung Li's death by a thousand cuts while the remaining ones thought that there must be a hidden conspiracy behind the situation.     

The noble's fraction was different. No one extended their hand towards the Li family and offered help. The rest of the nobles did not wish to get entangled with the current affair between the Li family and Baili family. Except those who whished for the Li family's destruction, most of the nobles had decided to wait for the palace's stand before making an action. They had to carefully select the boat that will not sink.     


Inside the throne room, Xu Ji Mo's head was throbbing as he listened to the report of his personal eunuch.     


Xu Ji Mo swiped the memorandums angrily.     

"Your Majesty, please quell your anger." The eunuch hurriedly advised.     

"How can Zhen remain calm after hearing what Marquis Li had done?!"     


Due to anger, Xu Ji Mo slammed his hand on the table. He could not help but swore a couple of times. All the rumors outside had been reported to him and Xu Ji Mo could not help but wonder if someone was pulling strings behind the scene but when he investigated, he did not find a clue. When Li Jung Li was arrested, he sent someone to check if he was being used by others. The imperial physician reported that he did not find any foreign substance inside Li Jung Li's body that would cause for any mental problem. In other words, Li Jung Li was healthy and if it was proven that he was really the man in the rumor, it would mean that he had been doing those things with his own consciousness intact and was not used by someone else.     

"Your Majesty, Duke Baili and Rui JunWang are requesting for your presence."     

Hearing the announcement from the outside, Xu Ji Mo closed his eyes in order to suppress his anger.     

He was tired.     

Waving his hand, Xu Ji Mo refused to see anyone.     


"XuanRong sat in front of the dresser and stared at the bronze mirror in front of her. Behind her, YuShang was busy brushing her hair.     

"It seems like the entire capital has been lively in the past few days."     

XuanRong smiled as she looked at YuShang's reflection in the bronze mirror.     

Hearing XuanRong's words, YuShang nodded.     

"What WangFei's words were correct. The capital is indeed very bustling because of the matters related to some of the noble families."     

XuanRong's eyes darkened but she did not say anything.     

YuShang continued.     

"WangFei, when this servant went out of the Fu, this servant has heard many entertaining gossips. Few days ago, a rumor about a man venting out his frustrated desire to other men circulated in the entire Qian Zou. That man's first victim was the heir of Prince Rui's residence, Rui Fang Li. This servant could not help but recall that Young Yaster Li Jung Li. This servant remembered that he has been supplied with WangFei's charm powder and this servant suspected that since he could not vent out all of his desire towards that disgusting Baili Chen, he must be the one doing those horrible things. Don't you think so, WangFei?"     

Being the youngest, YuShang was more open with XuanRong and did not hesitate to speak what was on her mind.     

XuanRong shook her head. When she plotted against Rui Fang Li, XuanRong did not told her maidservants. The darkness in her heart, she was afraid to show it in front of them.     

Looking at YuShang's eyes that were full of excitement, XuanRong could not help but sigh.     

"So? What happened next?"     

"This servant's guess was correct!! It was indeed Li Jung Li!!! Ha!! So disgusting!! When WangFei planned to tarnish Baili Chen and Baili family's reputation using Li Jung Li, this servant did not think that Li Jung Li would be out of control and would commit a much more horrible deed. Ai. Now that Baili Chen and the Baili family's reputation had sunken to the lowest, it was either the fish dies or the net splits[1]. Thus, he was reported by Baili Chen when that homosexual survived. Urgh!!"     

YuShang shivered while rubbing her shoulders animatedly. XuanRong could not help but laugh when she saw her action.     

"This servant heard that a couple of days ago, Li Jung Li was arrested and was sent to palace prison. When Marquis Li found out, he made a scene in front of the palace gate, hoping to have the sympathy of the people and at the same time, have the opportunity to see the Emperor. Too bad, the Emperor fell sick and refused to meet with everyone. Even the court session was stopped."     

YuShang placed the hairbrush on the table and swiftly helped XuanRong towards the bed.     

"Marquis Li is currently facing two towers, Duke Baili and Rui JunWang. Although Rui JunWang does not hold a power in the court, still, the Emperor would give him plenty of face because of his nominal title as the Prince of The Second Rank."     

XuanRong sat on the bed and YuShang immediately handled her a cup of water.     

"How's maternal grandfather's side? Is he planning to take a side?"     

YuShang shook her head.     

"This servant does not know. This servant will tell YuShen JieJie later to send someone and inquire old master's decision."     

XuanRong gave the cup to YuShang after taking a sip a couple of times.     

"No. Just tell someone to inform maternal grandfather that this time, the Chen family will not side with anyone on the surface but will extend help to Marquis Li's family in the shadows. In order not to still trouble with Baili Duke and Rui JunWang, one must be careful as if one is walking in an eggshell. If I am correct, the Emperor's decision will come in the next few days."     

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[1]. In a life and death battle, only one remains.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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