Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0When XuanRong's breathing stabilized, Xu Fei Yi opened his eyes. The first thing that appeared on his eyesight was XuanRong's white inner garments. Feeling the soft sensation of her breasts, Xu Fei Yi's eyes darkened. A flow of heat suddenly moved towards the lower part of his body, trying to wake the sleeping dragon below him.     

But who was Xu Fei Yi?     

Since young, he was able to control his emotion, hiding it deep inside him. He was a man among men, able to suppress the pain brought by his 'illness'. Thus, in order not to be caught, he immediately tried to suppress the desire in his body.     

Few moments later, Xu Fei Yi was able to calm himself. His lower part was no longer swelling and has returned to normal. Unfortunately, Xu Fei Yi did not expect that suppressing it was much more painful than the relapse of his illness.     

Without any other choice, Xu Fei Yi detached himself away from XuanRong and stood up, trying to distance himself from the tempting food in front of him. Eyes narrowed, Xu Fei Yi moved swiftly and left the room.     


Xu QinWang Fu was divided in three parts, the outer part where the Palace's gate was located. It was also where the servant's quarter was placed. The inner part was where the halls, guest courtyards, gardens, kitchen and other places were located. The Inner part was intended for guests and other important people. The last one was the back courtyard of QinWang Fu. Since Xu Fei Yi was a Standard Prince of the First Rank, his palace was huge especially the back courtyard. The back courtyard was where Xu Fei Yi and his harem reside. It was very common for men to have concubines to attend with their needs, thus, having two or more courtyards was normal especially for a Wangye[1] like Xu Fei Yi who was allowed to have two CeFei[2] and a number of high to low ranking concubines to have countless of courtyards inside his palace. Unfortunately, the only courtyard that was occupied was none other than the courtyard where XuanRong and Xu Fei Yi stayed, which was intended for the Wife of Xu QinWang.     

Aside from XuanRong, no other female master was staying inside QingWang Fu. Even the servants were mostly composed of men. Only few female servants were hired to do feminine work such as, kitchen work, laundry, embroidery and needle work, but they were not allowed to go beyond the inner part of QinWang Fu.     

Although Xu Fei Yi was not an ideal husband for the young misses of the noble families, his status and face was still very tempting towards those women who wanted to climb the branch and become a phoenix. Most of them were QinWang Fu's own female servants or those low-born females sent as gifts from those lower rank ministers. Thus, in order to save Xu Fei Yi from being schemed behind his back, Mu Qing reduced the number of the female servants serving inside QinWang Fu while also restricting their access inside, and those who were sent as a gift, only Yue Shin knew their whereabouts.     

Due to his hidden identity, even when he was inside his own palace, Xu Fei Yi had to act foolish and stupid in order to avoid startling the snake under the grass[3]. His palace was filled with different kinds of vermin crawling under the floor. Although Xu Fei Yi wanted to clean his palace, he had to hold himself back. He was able to fool everyone thanks to the work of those spies. In order to fool others, he even had to fool his closest aid, Mu Qing.     

The only place he could move freely was at the back of the palace where the courtyards were located. His subordinates from the Dark Palace were scattered among the servants, blending in. They were the ones who were monitoring the spies. Therefore, the only ones who were allowed to come near Xu Fei Yi's own courtyard were Yue Shin and his other subordinates hidden in the shadow, acting as his shadow guards.     

So, when Xu Fei Yi left hurriedly, looking grim and irritated, the two shadow guards could not help but look at each other.     

'What happened to His Lordship ah? He looks in pain, like he was enduring something.'     

'Did his illness relapse?'     


In the deepest part of the dark alley, a person was standing inconspicuously in the darkness. The person was wearing a thick cloak that covered the person's entire face and body.     

Few minutes later, a man arrived in front of that person.     

"Who are you?"     

The person's voice was sharp, but one could tell that the owner was a woman without revealing herself.     

"You don't need to know."     

Beneath the cloak, the woman's eyes sharpened as she stared at the man in front of her.     

"Why did you help me?"     

The man fell silent. Seconds later he said, "You and my master's goal are the same. My master knows that you hate the Imperial Family and master wants to help you."     

Hearing the man's explanation, the woman was startled.     

'Same goal? Hates the Imperial Family?'     

"Are you from the rebel organization?"     

"Princess Xu Jing Xin should stop guessing. My master is not affiliated with the rebel group, rest assured."     

Hearing her name, the woman bit her lips. For her, it was very unfair that the other person knew her identity while she was oblivious to the identity of the person who helped her during the birthday banquet of her Imperial Father.     

"I… I want to see your master!"     

Hearing Xu Jing Xin's demand, the man shook his head.     

"My master does not wish to meet you…. for now… but do not worry. As long as you will accept my master's offer, my master will definitely meet with you, Princess."     

When Xu Jing Xin heard the man's refusal, anger slowly crept inside her heart. She felt like the other person was not putting her in his eyes.     


"If Princess does not want to have a collaboration with us, then, this servant bids farewell."     

The man saluted and turned around, preparing to leave.     


Xu Jing Xin shouted.     

Frustrated, she could only curse the man inside her heart.     

Taking a deep breath, Xu Jing Xin closed her eyes.     

"Fine!! I accept your invitation. What do you want? What is your plan?"     

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[1]. Prince with Rank.     

[2]. Side-Consort: One rank lower than the Main Wife.     

[3]. Alert the enemies.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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