Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

Dear Husband

Dear Husband

0"This servant greets Her Highness, WangFei."     

After XuanRong had finish taking a bath, YuMi arrived. Since the servants were not allowed to approach the back courtyard of QinWang Fu without any approval from Mu Qing, XuanRong's dowry servants were not able to prepare XuanRong's things yesterday during the wedding. The servants did not know if Chief Mu Qing forgot but since everyone was busy yesterday, Zou mama could only compromise. It was not good to argue with their Guye's servants and affect the future harmony between husband and wife. Luckily, when the dawn came, they were allowed to enter and serve XuanRong but unfortunately, since XuanRong carried a huge number of things from the Prime Minister's residence, they were not able to finish putting everything into places, including XuanRong's personal things. Thus, when YuMi arrived, there were two young eunuchs behind her, carrying several clothes and jewelries.     

After placing the clothes and jewelries on the table, the two young eunuchs bowed their head respectfully towards XuanRong before they excused themselves. XuanRong smiled and thanked the two eunuchs, ordering YuMi to send them out of the room. When YuYing saw the clothes on YuMi's hands, YuYing went speechless. She could not help but ask YuMi after the later came back.     

"Where did you find these?"     

"Replying to YingJie[1], when this servant was walking towards WangFei's courtyard, this servant encountered Chief Mu and ordered this servant to bring these several outfits and jewelries to WangFei. These clothes and jewelries were prepared for WangFei by the order of His Highness. Chief Mu ordered this servant to let WangFei pick the one WangFei likes and let Wangfei wear it later."     

Hearing YuMi's explanation, YuYing nodded. She turned her head and asked XuanRong.     

"WangFei, which one do you like? Would you like to try this peach colored dress?"     

While asking, YuYing pulled the peach colored dress and let XuanRong see the designs and outline of the clothes. One by one, YuYing and YuMi showed the clothes to XuanRong.     

Looking at the precise embroidery with difficult patterns in each and every clothes, XuanRong knew how much effort the embroiders put in. Even the clothes she brought from the prime minister's residence were all inferior in terms of embroidery skills and type of cloth used. The cloths used in making the dresses were all place tribute from other country and only those from the Imperial Family were allowed to use it.     

A soft smile was plastered on XuanRong's face when she realized how thoughtful Xu Fei Yi was. She could not help but remember his big smile, looking stupid as he calls her 'Wife JieJie.'     

After selecting a purple colored dress with patterns befitting for a high-ranking lady, YuYing and YuMi tied XuanRong's hair in a bun and adorned it with beautiful hair ornaments. After she was done dressing up, XuanRong looked her reflection on the smooth bronze mirror in front of her.     

Looking at her own reflection wearing a married woman hairstyle, XuanRong could not help but froze. For a fifteen-year-old girl like her, wearing such thing made her look more mature. Though she did not look awful, she could not help but feel awkward inside.     

'…. I really look like a married woman…'     

Few moments later, an eunuch ushered XuanRong to the left wing of the palace where Xu Fei Yi was waiting.     

When XuanRong arrived, she saw a huge man-made lake with a small patio at the center. Walking forward, XuanRong saw Xu Fei Yi and Mu Qing. Xu Fei Yi was sitting in front of the table that was full of food while Mu Qing was standing two steps behind him.     

Together with YuYing and YuMi, XuanRong entered the patio.     

"This Wife greets His Highness and Chief Mu."     

XuanRong half-bent her knees and bobbed her head as she paid curtsey to Xu Fei Yi.     

Copying XuanRong, YuYing and YuMi also gave respect.     

"This servant pays respect to His Highness and Chief Mu." Both uttered simultaneously.     

"This servant pays respect to WangFei. Please, Your Highness. This servant does not accept your bow." Mu Qing awkwardly replied.     

Hearing Mu Qing's words, XuanRong smiled.     

"Chief Mu is an elder. As a person who belonged to a younger generation, it is only appropriate to show respect towards Chief Mu. Besides, Chief Mu is His Highness' closest person. How can I [2] not show respect to you."     

When XuanRong lowered her eyes, her and Xu Fei Yi's line of sight aligned.     

Two pair of eyes looked at each other.     

XuanRong could not help but blink her eyes. She felt like her eyes were playing tricks with her. When their eyes meet, XuanRong saw a sudden flash inside Xu Fei Yi's eyes which carried intelligence and sharpness, unbefitting to a person who had a mentality of a child. But when she blinked her eyes for a second, Xu Fei Yi's eyes were full of innocence and admiration as he stared at her. She wanted to confirm her suspicion but before she could even observe clearly, Xu Fei Yi, who was not saying anything ever since her arrival suddenly squealed in delight as he cupped his cheeks while looking at her.     

"Wife JieJie!!! Wife JieJie is so beautiful!!! Fei'er almost forgot to breathe!!"     

Hearing the admiration in Xu Fei Yi's voice XuanRong could not help but blush slightly. In her previous lifetime, because she was wearing those feisty dresses while acting haughty all the time, no one had ever said that she was beautiful. In this lifetime, although YuYing and the rest kept on saying how beautiful she was, she did not take it seriously. Besides, they were her servants. It was different when others say it.     

"This Wife thanks His Highness."     

Hearing XuanRong's address towards him, Xu Fei Yi's face fell. He looked at XuanRong pitifully and asked, "Wife JieJie, why are you not calling Fei'er 'Dear Husband'? Mu Qing said that yesterday Wife JieJie married Fei'er and became Fei's Wife JieJie… Why is Wife JieJie calls Fei'er 'His Highness' and not 'Dear Husband'?"     



Hearing Xu Fei Yi's confused question without any hint of shamelessness, XuanRong was taken aback. She could not help but look towards Mu Qing who was looking at the floor. XuanRong thought that Mu Qing was not trying to pressure her. Little did she know, Mu Qing was looking down because once he see Xu Fei Yi's innocent face while asking such a shameless question without flinching, Mu Qing was afraid that he could not hold his facial expression and might give everything away.     

Looking at Xu Fei Yi's dejected face, XuanRong sighed. Calling him 'husband' would not hurt her. Thus, without any second thought, XuanRong opened her mouth.     

"…..Husband.." Still, using the word 'Dear' was too much for her.     


Xu Fei Yi grinned when he heard XuanRong called him 'Husband'. He told XuanRong to sit down and eat with him.     

"Wife JieJie, eat this!! This is good!!"     

Xu Fei Yi picked a food and placed it on XuanRong's bowl. XuanRong could only eat everything Xu Fei Yi gave.     

When XuanRong's maidservants saw how caring Xu Fei Yi was towards XuanRong, they were both happy inside. They did not care that he had a mentality of a child as long as his feelings for their XiaoJie were all true. Thus, they did not mind seeing the two being lovey-dovey, feeding them dog food.     

XuanRong and Xu Fei Yi slowly ate with gusto, not caring that they were already late in visiting the palace for jing cha[3].     

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[1]. Older Sister Ying     

[2]. XuanRong is using the pronoun 'Wo' and not 'BenFei'.     

[3]. Tea Ceremony: 'Jing Cha' literally meaning, 'to respectfully offer tea'.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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