Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

Under the Rain

Under the Rain

0As if she did not notice anything, XuanRong continued.     

"Your Majesty, you must not let Imperial Concubine Jin suffer. When Imperial Concubine Jin fell on the ground, ChenQie's heart almost leaped out of her throat. Ai. Too bad, the dragon seed was not able to sprout. Regardless of the child's gender, that fetus is still Your Majesty's precious child. Ha.. ChenQie just hopes that Imperial Concubine Jin will someday recover. ChenQie would want to visit her later if His Majesty permits it."     

Hearing XuanRong's words full of sympathy, Empress Wei clenched her hands inside her sleeves. She could not help but look at Xu Ji Mo. As expected, Xu Ji Mo's expression was a bit off. Although he tried to suppress his true feelings, his eyes could not hide his emotion.     

Empress Wei's smile became stiff. She knew that after the birthday banquet ended, Xu Ji Mo had been trying to search for the person who plotted against Imperial Concubine Jin and few days ago, one of her spies inside the Dragon Palace reported that Xu Ji Mo found a female corpse buried carelessly at the back garden of Imperial Concubine Jin's palace. It was a young female wearing an imperial palace maid's garb. During the investigation, Xu Ji Mo's private men found her ring. It was a green jade ring inlaid with her initials. It was a grift from her father when she entered Xu Ji Mo's place as his proper consort when he was still a young prince. She did not know how her personal belonging was found together with the corpse.     

She wanted to explain but she knew it was useless. No matter what she says, even if she would deny everything, His Majesty would only think that she was lying. So, she could only pretend that she did not know about the corpse nor she was aware that her maiden ring was found together with it. Besides, not matter how angry Xu Ji Mo was towards her, he could only restrict her movements inside the palace for a few months as her punishment unless he was prepared to face the entire Wei family head on.     

During those days, although Empress Wei was anxious, she was not in the verge of panic. And Empress Wei proved that she was correct. Even if the Emperor had already ample of evidence in his hand, he could only privately reprimand Empress Wei without confiscating the Phoenix Fu[1] in her hands and just ordered her to raise Imperial Concubine Jin's status as an Imperial Consort. Although Empress Wei hated the fact that she had to raise her rival's status, she had to compromise rather than surrender the Phoenix Fu. Without the Phoenix Fu, even if she was still the Empress, her power and authority would be nonexistent. Like a tiger without any claws.     

While Empress Wei was in deep thought, Xu Ji Mo was trying is best to hide his anger. Every time he would recall that Imperial Concubine Jin's miscarriage was the Empress' scheme, the love and good feelings he had for her ever since they shared bed vanished in thin air.     

Although he was aware of the schemes and dirty plots inside the Imperial Harem, he did not mind as long as no one would threaten his throne. But it was a different matter if someone would manipulate the things around him and cause trouble.     

"Your Majesty, will you allow ChenQie to visit Imperial Concubine Jin?" Not hearing Xu Ji Mo's reply, XuanRong asked once again.     

"WangFei ah. The imperial physician said that it would take a month for her to recover. Coupled with depression due to her miscarriage, her body became weak and even Zhen can't visit her anytime Zhen wants. Do not worry, after her recuperation, WangFei can visit her anytime you want. Zhen also feels sad. In order to compensate her for her loss, the Empress decided to raise her rank, making her an Imperial Consort."     

"Oh? Such benevolence! Her Highness is truly the epitome of women. This WangFei admires Her Highness' kindness." '….. and hypocrisy.' XuanRong inwardly sneered.     

'How pretentious. Others might think that a woman must be virtuous enough to accept the person who occupies the heart of her husband. Too bad, I am not a virtuous woman.'     

The four of them continued chatting until the tea set was brought. After the tea offering ceremony, Xu Fei Yi wanted to return to QinWang Fu. Xu Ji Mo immediately agreed since he no longer had any desire to continue his pretense.     

Thus, the newly wedded couple returned to QinWang Fu without any problems. After eating, XuanRong returned to her own courtyard. Zou mama and YuShen were able to finish transferring all her personal things inside her new courtyard. Her dowry servants were also given their own place to stay. Although her four personal maidservants and Zou mama were allowed to enter the back courtyard of QinWang Fu in order to take good care of her, the other dowry servants were still prohibited.     

"WangFei, the bath has been prepared."     

"Mmm.. all of you can retire early. No need to accompany me."     


"No. I insist."     

Without any other choice, YuYing and the rest returned to the servants' quarter. Even YuShang who was supposed to sleep on the connecting room was sent away by XuanRong.     

After she was done bathing, XuanRong walked towards the bed and laid. She could not help but think of their conversation a while ago.     

Although her plan to cut Empress Wei's power was destroyed and Empress Wei was able to protect the Phoenix Fu in her possession, still, she was able to successfully destroy Xu Ji Mo's trust towards her. For XuanRong, it was already enough for now. One must move cautiously.     

*rumble!!* *rumble!!*     

XuanRong was startled when she heard a very loud thunder outside followed by series of lightning.     

'it seems like it's going to rain.'     

XuanRong sighed and closed her eyes, preparing to sleep.     

Suddenly, XuanRong heard an awful sound of someone's cry.     

"WAAAAAAHHHH!!!! WAHHHHH!!!! Yi'er is very scared!!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!"     

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[1]. Tally: Made of bamboo, wood, metal (gold, silver, bronze) or jade and used as a proof of authorization.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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