Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

Couple Performance

Couple Performance

0When XuanRong entered the Xiang Fu[1], she could not feel any ounce of nostalgia. For her, the only place she would consider her home was the small manor in Lu Shan where she stayed for five long years. Looking at the beautiful scenery inside the residence, XuanRong did not have any memorable memories. The residence was full of lies and deceit, people who were worst than snakes were shamelessly living inside.     

"Wife JieJie?"     

XuanRong was startled when she felt someone grabbed her hand. Lowering her head, she saw Xu Fei Yi's large hand was occupying hers. She suddenly felt warm, making her calm.     

"Mmm?" XuanRong felt comfortable, thus, di not mind being held by Xu Fei Yi.     

Sensing that XuanRong did not have any intention to pull her hand away, Xu Fei Yi beamed and shamelessly intertwined both their fingers. Blind to Xu Fei Yi's shamelessness, XuanRong did not notice that a certain man was currently eating her tofu[2].     

"Do not be afraid, Wife JieJie!! Yi'er will not let that goat man hurt Wife JieJie!!"     

Using his other hand, Xu Fei Yi repeatedly patted his chest as if he wanted to say, 'leave everything to me!'.     

'Goat man?' XuanRong dumbly stared at Xu Fei Yi before laughing merrily. Her eyes were sparkling as she tried to hold herself back.     

'Is it because of XuanLi beard that Fei Yi is calling him 'Goat man'?'     

Looking at the childish Xu Fei Yi acting all grown up, XuanRong had the urge to pinch his cheeks.     

'Fei Yi is very cute bah.'     

Smiling, XuanRong nodded.     

"En! Then Wife JieJie will count on Fei Yi then."     

Since the Prime Minister's residence was one of the biggest residences in the entire capital, XuanRong and Xu Fei Yi took a while before they arrived at the center hall.     

When the servant opened the door, XuanRong saw XuanLi and Xiao Lou sitting in the master's seat while the concubines were sitting below them. The family was complete except for XuanFei. Only the shu-children were not allowed to be present.     

The servant immediately ushered the couple inside and closed the door. When XuanLi and Xiao Lou saw the two, the did not say anything. Acting high and mighty, XuanLi waited for XuanRong to greet them, and XuanRong did not fail him. Unfortunately, instead of a greeting, XuanRong's poisonous tongue worked once again.     

"Oh? Father, it looks like you are not feeling well."     

XuanRong turned her head and stared at Xiao Lou.     

"Er Niang[3], you should have called a physician and let him check father's health. His mind has become muddled for the time being and does not fit to work."     

Hearing XuanRong's 'concerned' words, XuanLi's face turned red from anger.     

He slapped the armrest and stood up, pointing his fingers on her.     

"You, worthless---!!"     

But instead of paying attention to XuanLi, XuanRong looked at Xu Fei Yi and apologetically half-bent her knees.     

"Your Highness, please do pardon my entire family for not paying respect properly. You see, my father is already at the stage where he could no longer think deeply. He must have forgotten the law of Qian Zou. Please, Your Highness… Please do not mention this to His Majesty. Once His Majesty finds out, my father would lose his imperial post and be condemned by the citizens. Ai. Your Highness, please forgive ChenQie[4]'s second mother for failing her duties as a matriarch and a wife, allowing you to witness such stupidity."     

Xiao Lou cursed XuanRong after hearing her words. 'This bitch!! You are not only cursing your own father's health but your words are also trying to destroy us!!'     

"Your Highness, this---" But Xiao Lou's words was cut off by Xu Fei Yi's agitated voice.     

"Wife JieJie!! Why are you kneeling ah?"     

Xu Fei Yi immediately understood his woman's plot. Since his woman wanted to play, then he should accompany her and tease the clowns.     

Pulling XuanRong upward from kneeling, Xu Fei Yi's face were full of worry.     

Xu Fei Yi turned his head and stared at Xuan Li who was rooted on the floor.     

"You!! You, Goat man!! How dare you bully my Wife JieJie!! I will not allow you to bully my Wife JieJie!!"     

Hearing Xu Fei Yi's angry voice, XuanLi's heart skipped. Although he knew that the Emperor did not truly treasure his idiotic younger brother, still, if things got worse, in order to pacify Xu Fei Yi and maintain his good image as an Emperor, the Emperor would definitely punish him and his family.     

"Your Highness… no… I'm.. I'm fine.. please don't tell the Emperor, mmm? Please forgive father, okay?" XuanRong shook her head repeatedly.     

"No!! He bullied you!! He pointed his fingers and screamed at Wife JieJie.. Yi'er is angry!"     

Xu Fei Yi his head away, refusing to look at XuanRong.     

"I will tell Imperial Brother to punish him and beat him with an iron rod!!"     

XuanLi's face paled. He was nothing but an ordinary man who neither had strength nor agility of a military person. How could he endure the pain of being beaten by an iron rod?     

Immediately, XuanLi threw his pride away and kneeled.     


XuanLi screamed and glared at Xiao Lu and his concubines.     

"We beg His Highness to be lenient!!"     

XuanRong stared at the people kneeling in front of her. She could see the deep humiliation etched in XuanLi's face. Looking at him, XuanRong had the urge to laugh. Since XuanLi and Xiao Lou was already kneeling, she no longer wanted to play.     

'Mmm… but how can I appease this angry giant ah?'     

XuanRong held Xu Fei Yi's hand. Using her sweetest voice, this time, she called Xu Fei Yi 'Fei Yi' and not 'His Highness'.     

"Fei Yi… my father did not bully me, okay?"     

Xu Fei Yi turned his head and stared at XuanRong.     


"Really… Don't tell His Majesty, okay?"     


XuanLi and Xiao Lou exhaled in relief but before they even finished, Xu Fei Yi's words shook their hearts once again.     

"Okay… I'll only tell Mu Qing and have him cut Goat man's finger."     

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[1]. Prime Minister's Residence     

[2]. Taking advantage     

[3]. Second Mother     

[4]. Used by the empress/concubine/imperial consort in addressing herself in front of the emperor or her imperial husband.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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