Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

His Question

His Question

0Intertwining his tongue and hers, Xu Fei Yi drank a couple of XuanRong's saliva. Pulling her closer, he deepened the kiss as if he wanted to consume her everything until nothing was left.     

XuanRong's mind was turning into a pile of bubble, making her close her eyes and follow his lead. She had no way to resist Xu Fei Yi's advancements and could only accept him wholeheartedly as he plundered and ventured into her deepest part. She could not breathe but she could not escape his fervent kisses. Her whole body was shaking as she tried to accommodate his desire.     

Like a fish out of the sea, XuanRong looked flustered. Face all red, XuanRong moved his face a little to find the chance to breathe.     

"Ngn~ Ahh.."     

When her lips were spared in a second, XuanRong subconsciously released a soft moan before inhaling a huge quantity of air.     


As if struck by a lightning, both XuanRong and Xu Fei Yi froze. Eyes full of disbelief, XuanRong forcefully pushed Xu Fei Yi away. This time, maybe due to his own confusion, he did not insist and released XuanRong from his embrace.     

XuanRong's face turned bright red when she recalled what happened a moment ago. Remembering the moan that had escaped from her mouth, XuanRong wished to bury herself under the ground and hide for all eternity.     

Such a perverted response!     

XuanRong could not believe that she was capable of producing such sound. Thinking of the reason why she behaved that way, XuanRong's anger towards Xu Fei Yi rose.     

Mixed with frustration, anger and helplessness, XuanRong could not stop her tears from flowing. After her rebirth, excluding her white lotus acting, she only cried once when her master died. XuanRong turned her head and glared at Xu Fei Yi as if she wanted to stab him repeatedly and sprinkle salt afterwards.     

XuanRong raised her hand and rubbed her lips repeatedly. Since her lips were already sore from Xu Fei Yi's 'care', XuanRong could not help but wince when she felt the stinging pain on her mouth. Still, she did not stop and continue wiping it.     

Before giving one final look that was full of murder intent, XuanRong left the area without looking back, leaving Xu Fei Yi standing alone.     


Looking at the direction where XuanRong went, Xu Fei Yi's eyes darkened as he licked his lips. Tasting XuanRong's sweet saliva, his anger subsided a little, but his mood went sour and felt bitter inside his heart.     

He did not know why he was unable to control himself, but if he would be given a chance to turn back time, he would still repeat what he had done to her… and worst, he would not let her escape. At first, he only wanted to punish her a little. He did not expect that he would lose control and act aggressive towards her. Still, he would never apologize and regret what he had done.     

Why would he?     

He liked it… and he wanted more.     

If not for the interruption, Xu Fei Yi could tell that he would take her here… on the ground regardless of any disturbance. He did not care if others would know how twisted he was. He long knew that he was a cruel and sick person that was why even if he did not know the reason why he was madly craving for XuanRong, wanting to taste every inch of her body and occupy her heart, he took great pains in order to have her.     

But he hated to see her like that. Her pitiful face kept on appearing inside his head. His nonexistent conscience kept on bugging him.     

Wiping the excess saliva on his mouth, Xu Fei Yi turned his head and stared at Long Hao Chen who was already at the death's door. What happened between him and XuanRong was already a couple of tea time but for Xu Fei Yi, it was not enough.     

Giving Long Hao Chen one last look, Xu Fei Yi vanished in the darkness.     

When he returned, he found out that XuanRong did not return to QinWang Fu. Anger rose inside his hear. He did not expect that she would be this stubborn.     

"Shadow." Xu Fei Yi called.     

"This subordinate is here, Your Lordship."     

"Send someone and track her location."     

Shadow nodded and just a snap, he vanished and left.     

'How stubborn. RongRong ah… was my discipline not enough? I guess I'll have to make sure that you won't escape next time.'     

Leaving XuanRong's courtyard, Xu Fei Yi returned to his own room where Mu Qing was waiting.     

"Your Highness…" Mu Qing greeted Xu Fei Yi when he entered.     

"Mmm.. You are still awake?" Xu Fei Yi asked as he walked forward and sat on the couch.     

"This subordinate was preparing to sleep when he saw His Highness leaving QinWang Fu. This subordinate decided to wait for His Highness' return. Since Your Highness is already here, this servant will now bid farewell."     

Mu Qing saluted but before he could even take a step back, Xu Fei Yi stopped him.     


"Do you need something, Your Highness?"     

"…. If… If you were forced to do something that you never want, would you get angry?"     

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[Unedited Chapter]     

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