Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG




Yue Shin kneeled and stared at Xu Fei Yi's eyes.     

"This servant knows what Your Lordship is thinking. This servant will no longer try to stop Your Lordship, but this servant will remind Your Lordship one last time. Please allow this servant to speak."     

Xu Fei Yi's countenance darkened. He was in a bad mood due to what happened between XuanRong and him, added by Mu Qing's answers from his question, Xu Fei Yi was currently brimming with murder. Still, Yue Shin did not care.     

"YOU DARE?"     


Yue Shin continued kneeling as if he did not hear Xu Fei Yi's question.     


"Then, if Your Lordship would refuse to listen and would instead punish this servant, this servant does not have any choice but to accept. But before that, this servant will still try to tell Your Lordship regardless you will listen or not."     

Xu Fei Yi sighed and waved his hand.     

"Rise. Speak what you want to say."     

"This servant thanks Your Lordship."     

Yue Shin stood up and looked at Xu Fei Yi's eyes without any fear.     

"Your Lordship, what Chief Mu said were all correct. It was not good to hide those things from WangFei but… is Your Lordship willing to drag WangFei and put her life in danger? Your Lordship, as long as we can find the cure for your illness, it is not to late to tell WangFei personally. Please be patient and do not act rashly. This servant knows that as long as you explain carefully, WangFei will understand."     

Yue Shin saluted.     

"This servant is done with his words. May Your Lordship think deeply."     

After saying his piece, Yue Shin left.     

Xu Fei Yi knew that Yue Shin was only trying to protect him. He could not help but sigh once again.     

'RongRong…. Will you really forgive me if I continue lying to you?'     


XuanRong ran endlessly. She continued running forward without turning her head as if she was being chased by a devil.     

"Ssss! Ah!"     

XuanRong winced when she subconsciously bit her lower lip and felt a searing pain in it. She felt that her lips were swollen like a dumpling. It was throbbing and felt sore. Thinking of that intense moment she and that person shared, XuanRong's face turned red once again.     


XuanRong cursed him in her heart.     

'How dare him take advantage of me?! Did he think that I am an easy woman just because I am indebted with him?! Huh!! The nerve!!! The next time I see him, I will no longer be polite!!'     

Although she was irritated and angry, XuanRong was oblivious of the fact that she did not feel any nausea when she was kissed by Xu Fei Yi nor she hated sharing her saliva with him. She was once forced in her past life, but the feeling was different. The sensation that she felt during the kiss almost made her irrational, selfishly wanting more. Still, XuanRong was an inexperienced little girl when it comes to this mature understanding and did not notice a single thing, making Xu Fei Yi's efforts went down the drain.     

XuanRong puffed her cheeks as she continued running until she arrived at the outskirts of town. In a distant place, away from the busy market and lively people in the capital, a two-story manor was erected. Pushing the door open, XuanRong entered the first floor. She then went forward and exited at the back door. When XuanRong arrived at the back side of the manor, she saw different types of unusual plants in the left side. Some were small and dull while the others had bright and shiny colors. Not paying attention to those exotic and poisonous plants, XuanRong went to the small shelf which was full of different bottles.     

Picking a few bottles, XuanRong placed it on the table and sat on the chair. In order to erase the kiss in her mind, XuanRong busied herself. Since she knew that even if she lay down on the bed, she would not be able to sleep, she had decided to visit Shu Er instead.     


A male wearing a yellow garment slowly walked towards her.     

"Shu Er."     

"This slave greets Mistress."     

"Mmm.. Sorry for intruding. I haven't visited here. Is everything fine here?"     

The man named She Er nodded.     

"Mistress, no need to worry, this slave will take good care of the plants and other living creatures here."     

XuanRong stood up and went to the separate room where all different kinds of insects and small animals were located.     

"How's the silver silk worms?"     

"Forgive this slave for being incompetent. No matter what this slave did, the silver silk worms would die once they were being fed with the poison from the three-eyed spider's blood."     

XuanRong went silent for a while before suggesting something.     

"Mix my blood with the blood of the three-eyed spider before feeding it to the silver silk worm."     

"Mistress, although this slave does not know anything, this slave understood how precious Mistress' blood is. This slave does not want to waste such precious resources. Besides, we are talking about Mistress' blood. How could I, this slave, allow you to suffer?"     

XuanRong rolled her eyes. Not only Shu Er, but everyone always treated her like a fragile glass that could be broken easily. Besides, she had plenty of blood to donate. Although she was also using her life essence in exchange, she was willing. In the first place she had her own resolve to retaliate and get revenge, she no longer thought to live like a normal person. She was prepared to die and offer her life as long as she could see those people who used and humiliated her grovel under her feet while begging for mercy.     

But no matter what she said, Shu Er rejected the idea.     

After a couple of conversation, Shu Er informed XuanRong that he will leave the capital.     

"Mistress, the violet lilies will bloom few days later. This slave must harvest the nectar. Since the violet lilies were planted at the cliff in Mt. Gu-an, this slave has to leave tomorrow morning. This slave has already contacted San'er and told him to take care of the plants and other living creatures in here."     

"Mmmm… okay.. please be careful."     

When the dawn came, XuanRong hurriedly returned to Qin Wang Fu.     

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[Unedited Chapter]     

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