Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

His Arrival

His Arrival

0XuanRong grit her teeth and once again used the 'command' to order the female Gu. The time limit of one cup of tea time[1] had already passed and her body was now starting to deteriorate. XuanRong could feel that her innards were on fire but she stubbornly refused to yield. Since the foreign poison was not located on her Fourth JiuMu's head, she had to try and search at the other parts of her body.     

XuanRong, who was on the verge of collapsed, suddenly sensed the excitement of the female Gu. It was as if the female Gu had found something. XuanRong directed the female Gu to follow the faint trace of the foreign poison and found out that it was leading to her Fourth JiuMu's belly, where her little DiDi was conceived. Using her last strength, she ordered the female Gu to thoroughly eat the foreign poison that was accumulated at the fetus inside her Fourth JiuMu's belly.     


Once again, XuanRong puked black blood but this time, it was starting to coagulate, forming into a sponge-like substance. XuanRong could no longer hold herself and groan due to pain. Her eyesight was starting to get blurry and she could only hear silence, signifying that she was starting to turn deaf.     

Luckily, it only took an incense stick of time[2] before the female Gu was able to wipe out all the foreign poison on her Fourth JiuMu's and BiaoDi's body. Before passing out, XuanRong successfully ordered the female Gu to return inside her body.     


Mu Qing panicked when he saw that Xu Fei Yi was puking black blood nonstop. He could not understand why Xu Fei Yi's illness suddenly relapsed. Full moon was still far and Mu Qing did not expect that Xu Fei Yi's illness would flair up.     

"Where is the Imperial Physician?!! Call him!!"     

Mu Qing carried the weak Xu Fei Yi inside his inner room and placed him on the bed. Mu Qing turned his head and ordered one of the servants to prepare a bowl of water. Xu Fei Yi's face was very pale due to the lost of blood.     

"Your Highness, this servant already called an Imperial Physician. Please bear the pain."     

Mu Qing saw that Xu Fei Yi's semi-closed eyes once again opened up, but instead of fear and pain, Mu Qing was startled to see that Xu Fei Yi's pupil contained neither of the two. Instead, it was full of intensity, similar to a vicious tiger. Taken aback, Mu Qing was dumbfounded and was momentarily shaken. The look Xu Fei Yi had was very different from his usual weak and fearful him, it was as if the man lying on the bed was a different person.     

Xu Fei Yi raised his hand and pull the blanket on the top of his body, trying to go out of the bed. Seeing Xu Fei Yi's sudden movement, Mu Qing was awakened by his stupor. He immediately moved forward, wanting to dissuade Xu Fe Yi from leaving the bed.     

"Your Highness, please do not----"     

"Move." Xu Fe Yi spoke coldly, cutting all the words Mu Qing wanted to say. When he puked blood, Xu Fei Yi felt that something inside of him was becoming restless and agitated. His intuition was telling him that it was connected to XuanRong.     

Hearing Xu Fei Yi's cold reply, Mu Qing could not help but freeze. His movement stopped, he stared at Xu Fei Yi as if he could not believe what he heard.     

Xu Fei Yi knew that Mu Qing was now having suspicions, but he did not care. He had to find XuanRong. He pushed Mu Qing out of his way and stood up. His body was still weak due to his illness, but thanks to his internal energy and great physique, he was able to properly control and move his body.     

Many questions started appearing on Mu Qing's mind. He wanted to ask Xu Fei Yi and clarify things. Based on what he had seen, Xu Fei Yi was acting like a normal person, very different from his childlike attitude. He had many questions he wanted to ask but he knew that it was not the right time. Whatever reason Xu Fei Yi had for pretending that he was foolish, Mu Qing did not have any right to question him because he was the master and he, Mu Qing, was only a servant.     

"Your Highness, please listen to this servant. Your body is currently weak and has to be treated immediately. Please return to the bed and wait for the Imperial Physician to come."     

Xu Fei Yi turned his head and stared at Mu Qing.     

"I must leave."     


Mu Qing suddenly kneeled on the ground and kowtowed.     

"Your Highness, this servant pleads His Highness to think once again. Whatever His Highness was planning to do, let this servant do it for His Highness."     

Mu Qing did not stop kowtowing until his forehead started bleeding. Xu Fei Yi's eyes darkened when he saw the wound on Mu Qing's head. Mu Qing had accompanied him ever since he was young. Among all the servant his late Imperial Father gave him, Mu Qing was the only one who genuinely cared for his well-being.     


Xu Fei Yi commanded but Mu Qing did not stop. Without any other choice, Xu Fei Yi weakly returned to the bed and sat down.     

"You can now stop. BenWang[3] did not expect that one day, you will disobey BenWang's order."     

"This servant thanks His Highness."     

"Mmm. Go to the XuanFu and try to ask if something was wrong with their eldest Young Miss."     

Hearing XuanRong's name, Mu Qing did not show any reaction. He wiped the blood on his cheeks and left the inner room. The Imperial Physician arrived and checked Xu Fei Yi's pulse. Since Xu Fei Yi's illness was unique, the Imperial Physician could only give some medicines for strengthening the body.     

Moments later, Xu Fei Yi's condition slowly returned back to normal. He no longer felt the aching pain inside his chest and the urge to puke had also stopped. It took Mu Qing half a shichen[4] before he was able to return.     


"Reporting to Your Highness. Eldest Lady Xuan is currently at the Chen's residence, accompanying the Fourth Chen Furen who was ill. Nothing peculiar was reported."     

"Mmm. You are now dismissed."     

When Mu Qing left, Xu Fei Yi was the only one left inside the room.     

'Am I over thinking things?'     


When Chen Zi Tao and the two Chen Furen did not hear any noise coming from the inner room, they could not help but worry. They had been waiting for a quarter of shichen but XuanRong did return.     

Second Chen Furen could no longer hold it and convinced both Chen Zi Tao and the Eldest Furen to check XuanRong and Fourth Chen Furen's situation.     

At first, Chen Zi Tao disagreed but later on, after another quarter of shichen passed, he could no longer suppress the anxiety inside his heart. Since the entire courtyard's servants were sent away, the three of them were the only ones who were present. They slowly opened the door and entered the outer room. Later on, when they arrived at the inner room where Fourth Chen Furen's bed was located, they saw XuanRong lying beside Fourth Chen Furen. Her face was very pale and one of her hands was bleeding.     

Eldest Chen Furen and Second Chen Furen could not help but scream.     

Chen Zi Tao ran forward, not caring that it was inappropriate for a man to enter the inner room of a woman even if they were family.     

In a situation like this, who would care for those things?     


Chen Zi Tao placed XuanRong on his arms. He blamed himself for allowing XuanRong to enter his fourth daughter in law's inner room. He could not understand the reason why XuanRong had fainted and was bleeding, but he knew that if something happened to his beloved granddaughter, he would blame himself forever.     

Chen Zi Tao turned his head, wanting to order one of his daughters in law to call some servants and the in-house physician when he saw that someone entered the inner room. It was a man wearing a male servant outfit. That male servant was new and Chen Zi Tao had seen him a couple of times inside the Fourth Branch's courtyard.     

"Impudent! Who told you to enter the inner room of the Fourth Chen Furen?!"     

Chen Zi Tao roared but instead of fearing him, the servant cupped his fist.     

"Greetings Old Master. This servant is named Shu Yi, one of Young Miss' subordinate."     

Hearing Shu Yi's introduction towards himself, Chen Zi Tao was speechless.     


Without saying anything, Shu Yi went forward and checked Fourth Chen Furen's pulse.     

"Fourth Chen Furen is already cured."     

Hearing Shu Yi's words, the three Chens were very delighted. Although they were partly suspicious of the man's origin and the sincerity of his words, but they could not stop themselves from feeling happy.     

"Is what you said true? How about Rong'er? What is happening to her? Why is she not waking up?"     

Shu Yi moved his hand towards XuanRong palm and saw a huge gash on it. The wound was still bleeding and Shu Yi pulled some needles and placed it on XuanRong's palm, trying to stop the bleeding.     

"No worries, Old Master. Young Miss was only exhausted.     


[A week passed]     

"Jia! Jia!"     

At the border of Qian Zou and Jing, a very luxurious carriage was moving full speed ahead.     

"Your Highness, We are almost at the Country of Qian Zou."     

"Oh? This Prince is very curious of this pheasant country. Ai. This Prince has no choice but to follow Imperial father's order."     

"Seventh Prince, be mindful of your words. Once we arrive at Qian Zou, we are no longer in our own country. One hopes that His Highness would not seek trouble."     

The seventh prince, Long Hao Chen, closed his mouth. Among all the people under his Imperial Father's reign, Long Hao Chen feared the man sitting at the opposite side of him. He was Chu Ji Qing. He had no status in the court and held no post but he was one of the most influential person in the Country of Jing.     

Long Hao Chen suddenly turned meek after hearing Chu Ji Qing's warning but deep inside, he was mocking him. He was nothing but his Imperial Father's loyal dog. A dog who could only bark… like that stupid aid of that foolish prince.     

Suddenly, Long Hao Chen recalled the foolish Xu QingWang, Xu Fe Yi.     

'Heh.. seems like my days in Qing Zou will not be boring.'     

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[1]. Fifteen minutes     

[2]. Five minutes     

[3]. 'I'- used by the princes with a rank     

[4]. Two hours     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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