Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG




XuanRong was sitting on the bed while Xu Fei Yi was leaning on her. When XuanRong felt Xu Fei Yi's moist lips, her brain short-circuited. The lotus scent coming off Xu Fei Yi intensified, making XuanRong intoxicated. Two eyes met, one was full of surprise while the other one was full of desire. XuanRong blinked a couple of times, still flabbergasted. XuanRong could see Xu Fei Yi's eyes looking back at her and she could feel his lips gently pressing on hers, but it seemed like XuanRong's brain could not process the entire information. XuanRong knew but she could not react… She could not move due to shock.     

At first, the kiss was solemn and pure. XuanRong and Xu Fei Yi's lips were only pressed together without any movement but later on, Xu Fei Yi's hunger took over and he started devouring XuaRong's lips like a hungry wolf.     

Xu Fei Yi, gently sucked XuanRong's petal-like lips and teased it eagerly. It was the first time he kissed a woman. In the past, he would always avoid women for they would always try to seduce him. He simply hated being with those type of person. All of the women who tried to seduce him were now sleeping six feet under the ground. He hated their touch, he wouldn't even want to smell their foul odor, much more share a kiss with them. But…. XuanRong was different. He did not know why but he desired her.     

The kiss went longer and XuanRong started feeling suffocated. Due to the lack of oxygen, she could only subconsciously open her mouth, trying to inhale. Unfortunately, a certain devil started attacking her poor lips with great strength. The gentle touch between their two lips slowly transformed into a much more forceful kiss. Xu Fei Yi's tongue started exploring XuanRong's mouth, visiting every nook and cranny while trying to conquer her completely.     


XuanRong snapped out of daze when she felt the stinging pain on her lower lip as Xu Fei Yi started biting it with great craving. Pulling her rationality back, XuanRong discovered that it was already too late, Xu Fei Yi had already plundered her mouth as if he was an enemy trying to loot a defeated city.     

XuanRong could not believe what she was doing.     

She was kissing a stranger!     

What a shameful action!     

Even if he was her benefactor, they should not do things that were intended for married couples. Although she was quite confused about the way she felt towards him, she was still clear how one should act. She was an unmarried woman and she did not know anything about him. He appeared into her life and saved her in the abyss of darkness, but it would not mean that she would allow him to do what he wanted.     

XuanRong raised her left hand, trying to push Xu Fei Yi away but before she could even touch his broad chest, Xu Fei Yi caught her hand and placed it on the bed. Being carried away by his desire to monopolize XuanRong and his instinct to copulate with her, Xu Fei Yi's movement became aggressive. Although his movements were rash and intense, it was not rough.     

Since her left hand was already fastened securely on the bed, XuanRong did not have any choice but to use her other hand. She started feeling weak due to lack of air, but the power of her fist still contained some weight.     


XuanRong aimed for Xu Fei Yi's temple, wanting to knock him out. Too bad, Xu Fei Yi saw her plan and steadily dodged her fist without pulling back his lips. In order to avoid XuanRong's assault, Xu Fei Yi went forward and pushed their bodies on the bed. Because Xu Fei Yi was heavy, XuanRong's left hand was not able to support his weight and lost its strength, allowing their body to collide with each other while falling on the bed.     


The bed was made with a hard type of wood but a quilt made of a soft cotton fiber was placed on top of it, thus, the entire bed was soft and fluffy. When they fell, Xu Fei Yi caught XuanRong's right hand and placed it on top of her. XuanRong's hands were now fastened safely above her, making her unable to move no matter how much struggle she did. Due to their intense movements, XuanRong's dress loosened up, revealing her white inner garment and a portion of her fair neck.     

When Xu Fei Yi saw the revealing sight in front of him, his eyes darkened. He could not help but wonder what would it taste like once he licked it. Looking at Xu Fei Yi's eyes, XuanRong could see the burning desire inside of it. She felt her body suddenly became hot, making her face flushed.     

Not counting what happened during her previous lifetime, XuanRong had never encountered being this close with a man. Although Xu Ji An kissed her once, he only leaned his face and did not bother to hug her. Her heart was thumping very fast as if in any minute, it would jump out of her chest.     

Looking at the red-faced XuanRong, Xu Fei Yi's desire intensified. He lowered his head and slowly moved towards XuanRong's neck, inhaling her scent.     

"Why are you doing this?" XuanRong mustered the courage to ask. She knew, if Xu Fei Yi would really force himself on her, she would not be able to defend herself. Although she admitted that she felt something towards him, she would never let that horrible night repeat itself.     

Hearing XuanRong's question, Xu Fei Yi froze.     

Yeah. Why was he doing this?     

Xu Fei Yi was also puzzled. He was not sure if he knew the reason.     

"This Lordship does not know."     

XuanRong's eyes flickered when she heard his answer. She suddenly felt a tiny pain inside her heart.     

"Then, do you fancy me?"     

"I do."     


XuanRong was astonished by how fast the man answered her question. She could not help but blush. It was the first time that someone admitted that he liked her. She would be lying if she would say that she was not happy.     

"Then, do you want to marry me?"     

"I do."     


Once again, XuanRong was surprised by Xu Fei Yi's answer. She did not expect that he was willing to marry her even though they only met a couple of times. Basically, they were both strangers with each other. But, XuanRong would not erase the possibility that he said those things in order to get what he wanted. She was already tired with these uncertain feelings they had with each other. All that she wanted was to end her confusion.     

"If you marry me, you will no longer have the right to bring another woman and cross the threshold."     


"You will entirely devote yourself to me."     


The two talked calmly as if the events that occurred a while ago never happened. XuanRong continued asking questions. She had already forgotten that they were still half-lying on the bed. Their ambiguous position was very suggestive. Although her hands were already released above her, she was still lying on the bed while Xu Fei Yi was half-leaning, half lying onto her. If one would see them, one would immediately think that something sexual was currently going on, but XuanRong was oblivious to it as if she had already forgotten about that.     

"Then… are you willing to let me see your face and reveal your identity?"     

XuanRong's eyes shone after asking the last question. She was only trying to test her luck. She wanted to gamble. She wanted to give herself another chance and try to love another person again.     

Although XuanRong knew that her benefactor had a reason why he was wearing a mask and did not want to show his face, but she was a stubborn person. The more other people tried to hide something from her, the more she wanted to know about it. If he really loved her and was planning to marry her, he would never hide his identity.     

XuanRong raised her right hand and reached for Xu Fei Yi's golden mask. When her fingers touched the cold metal, she could not help but shiver. She subconsciously traced the hole that was intended for Xu Fei Yi's eyes.     

Xu Fei Yi did not reply but his eyes stared intensely at XuanRong. Although he did not allow her, he also did not reject her. XuanRong's fingers slowly moved towards at the back of Xu Fei Yi's head where the string of the mask was tied securely.     

"I… I want to know who you are."     

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[Unedited Chapter]     

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