Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0Xiao Lou stood up and went to sit beside XuanFei. She raised her hand and softly caressed XuanFei's hair.     

"Don't worry, even if she will marry into the royal family earlier than you, I will make sure that she will not have the Emperor's favor."     

XuanFei raised her head and stared at her mother who was looking at her lovingly. She nodded and replied, 'En, daughter knows."     

Xiao Lou sighed while looking at XuanFei. "Fei'er, you are a very sensible child and mother knows that you know how to act properly… but why do you always lose control with your emotions when that stupid girl is around?"     

Hearing her mother's words, XuanFei fell silent. Her hands inside her sleeves curled into fists while gripping her clothes. When XuanFei was young, she dearly loved her eldest sister regardless of the difference between their status as the daughter of the deceased first wife and the second wife, but when XuanFei learned the truth behind her mother's hatred towards XuanRong and XuanRong's birth mother, Chen Yi, XuanFei slowly changed. Her love turned into hatred. She hated XuanRong for stealing everything that was supposed to be hers. If not for XuanRong's mother, her mother would have been married to her father as the main wife and not as a lowly concubine. If not for Chen Yi's death, Xiao Lou would still remain as a lowly concubine forever and she, XuanFei, would also remain as the Shu-born daughter of the XiangFu. What XuanFei hated the most was when XuanRong effortlessly caught the Crown Prince's attention. She did everything in order to gain his affection but what did she receive in the end?     


Not a single glance.     

Not a single praise.     

It was all because of XuanRong's fault that all her efforts went down the drain.     

She would never forgive XuanRong for stealing her status, stealing the Crown Prince's attention and humiliating her in front of the guests during the banquet.     

Looking at the hatred inside XuanFei's eyes, Xiao Lou shook her head. She raised XuanFei with utmost care and she knew her own daughter's personality. XuanFei would never show her true self in front of other people… but when it came to XuanRong, her daughter would always lose her self-control.     

"Fei'er, no matter how much you hate that stupid bitch, you must not show it in your face nor in your actions. Remember, you must consider everything first to avoid doing something stupid. Do you understand?"     

"…. Yes, mother. Daughter will try to be careful."     


XuanFei could not sleep. The moon was already up in the sky, but she was still wide awake. YuYing and YuShan were behind the connecting door, sleeping inside the small room which was adjacent to XuanRong's inner room. Not planning to disturb their sleep, XuanRong tiptoed and jumped out of the window. She went to the roof and sat on the roof. XuanRong raised her head and stared at the moon. A few seconds later, An Wei appeared behind XuanRong. Sensing the man's gaze, XuanRong softly laughed and turned her head to see An Wei.     

"Why are you standing over there? Come and sit beside me."     

XuanRong slowly tapped the space next to her, indicating that she wanted An Wei to sit beside her. Without saying anything, An Wei walked forward and sat at the left side of XuanRong. After An Wei sat, XuanRong resumed watching the moon.     

"I know what you are thinking…" XuanRong suddenly spoke. Her eyes were still looking upward, gazing intently at the beautiful moon but her senses were focusing on the man beside her.     

"You must be wondering why I allowed the engagement between me and His Highness, Xu Fei Yi."     

An Wei did not respond to XuanRong's words. Instead, he also raised his head and stared at the moon. Two silhouettes were sitting harmoniously with each other. One was thinking of the past while one was thinking of the future.     

XuanRong did not know how long time passed. Hearing the rooster's call, XuanRong knew that it was almost morning, she should return to her room to avoid making YuYing and YuShen worry.     

Standing up, XuanRong raised her hands upward and yawned. Both she and An Wei did not sleep for the entire night, making her lethargic.     

"I'll go back now."     

Not waiting for An Wei's reply, XuanRong turned and was planning to leave when An Wei opened his mouth and spoke.     

"Young Miss, whatever your decision is, this subordinate will always support you. If you want to kill someone, this subordinate will kill them for you. If you want to go to the after-world, this subordinate will follow you. Young Miss, in this lifetime, I, An Wei, will always be by your side forever.."     

XuanRong's footsteps stopped and she froze. When she turned, XuanRong's face was smiling as she looked at An Wei with happiness in her eyes. An Wei was almost blinded by what he saw. Even at the end of his last breath, An Wei could still not forget XuanRong's beautiful smile.     

"En! I know.." After responding to An Wei's vow, XuanRong jumped and left the roof, leaving An Wei who was mesmerized by her.     

'Young Miss, this subordinate only wants you to be happy. This subordinate will not wish for anything and will not desire to have your heart. As long as you allow this subordinate to stand by your side and protect you, this subordinate will gladly offer his life for you… and for your future family[1]…'     

Looking at the place where XuanRong sat a couple of minutes ago, An Wei smiled painfully and closed his eyes to stop the tears wanting to escape from it.     


"Imperial Brother…. Did you come here to visit Yi'er?"     

Xu Fei Yi smiled as he saw Xu Ji Mo entered his room.     

Xu Ji Mo nodded and sat on the bed. He raised his hand and affectionately rubbed Xu Fei Yi's hair.     

"Your Imperial Brother misses you. Since you are sick and could not visit the palace, Imperial Brother decided to visit you instead."     

Hearing Xu Ji Mo's words, Xu Fei Yi squealed in delight. He called Mu Qing and ordered him to prepare food for Xu Ji Mo.     

Looking at both brothers who were very engrossed in talking with each other, Mu Qing was very happy and could not help but smile widely.     

'If the old emperor saw this, he would definitely be very happy.'     

"Yi'er, Imperial Brother have a surprise for you…"     

"Eh.? What is it, Imperial Brother?"     

"Since Yi'er is already old enough to marry and have a wife, Imperial Brother decided to find a wife for you."     


Xu Fei Yi exclaimed. His face showed excitement like a five years old child who was given a small treat, but few seconds later, his face that was full of happiness suddenly turned sour.     

"Yi'er already have Wife Jiejie as Yi'er's bride.. Yi'er does not need other wife to be my Wife Jiejie…"     

Hearing Xu Fei Yi's response, Xu Ji Mo laughed out loud and whispered on Xu Fei Yi's ear.     






Xu Ji An roared, making his servants tremble in fear. Two days passed and it was already well known in the entire capital that the Eldest Di-daughter of the Prime Minister's residence would marry the only living sibling of the Emperor, Xu QingWang. Some people were happy while others were not. Obviously, Xu Ji An was among those people who were not happy of the Emperor's imperial decree of marriage.     

Ever since that night at the banquet when XuanRong sang while playing GuQin, Xu Ji An had been constantly thinking of her. Because of his Imperial Mother's warning, Xu Ji An decided to avoid meeting with her. Since Xu Ji An knew that his Imperial Father was a paranoid man, he could not express his desire to possess XuanRong. Although the power behind XuanRong could help his fight for the throne, Xu Ji An knew that being associated with her would only bring him harm. He was afraid that his Imperial Father would think that he only wanted the Chen family's power that was why although Xu Ji An wanted XuanRong, he never made his move… but… it would not be the same if XuanRong would be the one to express her desire to marry him.     

Xu Ji An was only waiting for the perfect opportunity to make XuanRong fall in love with him. When he found out that there would be an upcoming banquet in less than a month in order to celebrate XuanRong's coming of age ceremony, Xu Ji An knew that the time has come. Unfortunately, before he could even release the bait, the big fish had already been caught by someone else, making Xu Ji An regret deeply.     

'No… I still have a chance. Even if she marries him, as long as I can capture her heart and body, my plan will still succeed.'     

Xu Ji An laughed maliciously.     


"XiaoJie… You are very beautiful…"     

XuanRong smiled.     

"Thank you, YuYing."     

YuYing wiped the tears in her eyes.     

"I can't believe that today is XiaoJie's coming of age ceremony."     

Looking at YuYing who was trying her best to stop her tears, XuanRong laughed.     

"Why are you crying ah.."     

XuanRong teased YuYing.     

"XiaoJie… LaoYe is calling you.. The ceremony is about to start.."     

YuShen arrived and informed XuanRong.     

"Ah? Is that so…"     

XuanRong stood up. Because of her sudden movement, a small box that was placed at the edge of the dresser fell on the ground.     


The box shattered and inside of it was a beautiful butterfly-shaped hairpin.     

Staring at the hairpin, XuanRong's eyes dimmed.     

YuYing and YuShen did not notice anything but YuShang, who was standing near the door saw the changes in XuanRong's expression. She could clearly see the sadness in XuanRong's eyes, making YuShang bite her lower lip due guilt.     

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[1]. XuanRong's children and husband.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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