Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0"Really?" Xu Fei Yi's eyes twinkled when he heard Mu Qing's words. He stared at Mu Qing and spoke.     

"Mu Qing, let's go! Yi'er does not want to make Wife Jiejie wait."     

Mu Qing nodded and helped Xu Fei Yi board the carriage, since Xu Fei Yi would sometimes run away like this and would then come back all dirty, Mu Qing had already prepared several clothes for him inside the carriage. After dressing Xu Fei Yi, Mu Qing immediately ordered the coachman to resume the journey.     

When the carriage started moving, a silhouette was standing in a distance. It was Yue Shin who was punished by Xu Fei Yi. After he received the punishment at the dark tower, he was forced to train all their subordinates in the Dark Palace. The entire Moon Pavilion knew that he was cast aside by their Lordship, but they did not try to tattle him when he would sometimes sneak out from the Dark Place to stalk with His Lordship. Even Shadow almost bow down to him when he found out that none of the members had the guts to block his way. Yue Shin knew that Xu Fei Yi already noticed him, but Xu Fei Yi did not make any movement, as if silently allowing him to continue his 'stalking'. His Lordship was really soft hearted towards him.     

If Xu Fei Yi knew what Yue Shin was thinking, for sure, he would definitely roll his eyes. He did not try to send Yue Shin away because it was a bother for him. He was just too lazy to move and reprimand him once again. He would rather focus on his Wife Jiejie than think of Yue Shin's punishment.     


XuanRong arrived at the residence's hall and saw that many people were already inside. Since she cried heavily, when YuShen once again returned, she was deeply shocked to see the haggard face of XuanRong. Without any other choice, XuanRong had to change her dress because it was now wet with sweat and tears. Her make up had to be reapplied in order to hide the swelling of her eyes. XuanRong was now wearing a while hanfu with pink lace on the waist. Her hair that was very shiny and silky was braided in one side. The coming of age ceremony for girls, also known as the hairpin ceremony, allowed the young maidens to finally coils up their hair, leaving only few strands of hair in order to show that they were already old enough to be called a woman. Only those married women were allowed to tie up all of their hair.     

*dong* *dong* *dong*     

The gong was struck three times, indicating the start of the ceremony. When XuanRong was walking towards the center, she saw that Xu Ji An had already arrived. He was sitting beside XuanFei. When their eyes meet, she could not help but furrow her brows. Every time she sees him, she could not help but curse him repeatedly in her heart. The love she felt for him had already vanished. All that was left was her hatred towards him. XuanRong removed her gaze away from him and tried to locate her maternal grandfather. XuanRong saw that Chen Zi Tao was not the only person from the Chen family. Her Eldest JiuMu[1] was also present. In her previous lifetime, only her maternal grandfather attended her coming of age ceremony. At that time, her maternal male-cousins had already left the residence and returned to the academy. Her maternal uncles were sent to the borders by the order of His Majesty because of the rise of those territorial bandits. Although her Fourth JiuJiu[2] decided to return, he was not able to attend the ceremony because her Fourth JiuMu's pregnancy was not very good and she had to be taken care of. The entire Chen residence was in full alert, but she still refused to postpone her coming of age ceremony and forced her maternal grandfather to attend instead of allowing him to accompany her Fourth JiuMu. But since she already sent someone to monitor her, the entire Chen Fu was still at peace. Thus, in this lifetime, her Eldest JiuMu was able to attend the ceremony.     

When XuanRong arrived at the center, she kneeled and sat on the cushion that was placed on the floor. Zou mama carried a small box and placed it on the small stand at the side of XuanRong. After Zou mama left, XuanFei stood up and went towards XuanRong. Since XuanRong dearly 'love' her younger sister and she did not have any friends in the first place, she appointed XuanFei as the one who would coil up her hair and secure it with a hairpin.     

After the ceremony ended, the entire hall was filled with claps. XuanRong immediately went to see Chen Zi Tao and her eldest JiuMu.     

"This child greets maternal grandfather and Eldest JiuMu." XuanRong lowered her knees and curtsied.     

"This child ah. Stand up. Let grandfather see you clearly."     

XuanRong smiled and slowly rose from half bending her knees.     

"This granddaughter thanks maternal grandfather."     

"Come, come… Grandfather has something for you."     

XuanRong blinked her eyes out of confusion but she still followed Chen Zi Tao and went closer. She saw that her Eldest JiuMu pulled a small box and gave it to her.     

"Rong'er you are now a full- grown woman, you must remember to act properly. Do you understand?"     

"Yes, this child will not forget Eldest JiuMu's teaching."     

The three of them were talking and laughing when Xu Ji An suddenly went towards them and spoke.     

"Seems like Lady XuanRong forgot to give curtsy with this prince. Since it was the case, this prince could only show his presence to remind Lady XuanRong."     

When Chen Zi Tao saw Xu Ji An, he cupped his hands and greeted him.     

"This lowly general greets His Highness the Crown Prince."     

Followed by him, Eldest Chen Furen lowered her knees and curtsied.     

"This lowly woman greets His Highness the Crown Prince."     

Only XuanRong remained unmoved, not greeting Xu Ji An.     

Xu Ji An waved his hand and said, "Rise. No need to bother with those curtsies." He turned his head and smiled at XuanRong. "Lady XuanRong, it has been a while since this prince last saw you. It was unfortunate that the last time we meet, we were unable to exchange pointers. But now that we were able to meet again, this prince was very eager to talk with you and hear you share the life of those people in the suburbs. Would Lady Xuan mind?"     

Xu Ji An was smiling from ear to ear. He believed that as long as he would show his sincerity, XuanRong would be moved by his feelings.     

"Indeed… This Lady would mind."     




Xu Ji An did not expect that XuanRong would not give him face and directly refuse him. His face turned blue due to humiliation. His face contorted as he tried to suppress the feeling of wanting to strangle XuanRong to death.     

Looking at the horrible expression on his face, XuanRong almost laughed out loud.     

"Please pardon this lady. This lady was only----"     

Before XuanRong could finish her words, a baritone voice suddenly screamed, "Wife Jiejie!!!"     


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[1]. Your Maternal Uncle's Wife     

[2]. Maternal Uncle     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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