Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

His Highness

His Highness

0"Your Lordship!!"     


Shadow was shocked when he saw Yue Shin kneeling on the floor. It was the first time he saw their chief acting pathetic. He and Yue Shin had been with the Moon Emperor ever since young. Shadow was trained to gather information while Yue Shin was trained for assassination. Only the two of them knew His Lordship's true identity and among the subordinates under the Moon Emperor's banner, Yue Shin held the title of being the second in command. Even he, His Lordship's shadow, had no choice but to follow Yue Shin's orders in the absence of the Moon Emperor.     

Looking at the kneeling Yue Shin, Shadow cursed himself for being unlucky. He wanted to run and escape. When His Lordship announced that he would marry someone, Shadow understood that the lady involved would be the Eldest Young Miss of Xuan family, XuanRong. Shadow knew that Yue Shin would definitely object His Lordship's plan to marry Lady Xuan but he did not expect that Yue Shin would be brazen enough to show his disagreement in front of His Lordship.     

"Please, Your Lordship! Please reconsider!!"     




After kneeling, Yue Shin kowtowed repeatedly. He could feel the increasing coldness of the surroundings due to His Lordship's displeasure, but he did not care. Yue Shin knew that after voicing out his objection, His Lordship would definitely punish him. He was afraid because he knew that His lordship would definitely not spare him, but he could not sit down and let His Lordship destroy everything they had plan for the past few years for the sake of a woman. Even if he had to sacrifice himself, even if he knew that he would be tortured in a very horrifying way, he had to stop His Lordship from his madness.     


The Moon Emperor's voice was not loud but Shadow and Yue Shin could feel the dangerous air around him. They knew that the Moon Emperor was angry… very, very angry. Yue Shin almost stopped moving while Shadow almost fell on the floor. When the Moon Emperor waived his right hand, indicating that he wanted to be alone with Yue Shin, Shadow felt like he had been given an amnesty. Just a short breath of time, Shadow's silhouette vanished in thin air as if he was being chased by a devil.     

Looking at the Moon Emperor's back who was standing in front of him, Yue Shin's heart was silently bleeding. It was the first time that the Moon Emperor got angry towards him, but then again, it was also the first time he tried to object His Lordship's decision. His life before he met the Moon Emperor was very tragic. He even wanted to stab his heart and free himself from the unfairness of the world. It was His Lordship and the deceased Empress Niang Niang that pulled him out of the dark. Before Empress Niang Niang died, she asked him to take good care of His Lordship. Since then, Yue Shin vowed that he would not let Empress Niang Niang down. But now, His Lordship was willing to endanger himself, not caring that marrying the eldest lady of the Xuan family would not bring him any benefits but rather, it would even disrupt their plan and destroy all their efforts.     

"Your Lordship! You must reconsider! Marrying Lady Xuan would not benefit you, instead, it would bring you harm. Lady Xuan's status is very delicate. Although she is not the Left Prime Minister's most beloved child and does not have any authority in the Prime Minister's residence, she is still the only maternal granddaughter of Great General Chen. Your Lordship knows that the Emperor is already eyeing the Chen family, planning to contain their massive power. When the time comes, even Lady Xuan would be implicated without a doubt. His Lordship should not get involved. Please, Your Lordship!! Please think wisely!"     




The Moon Emperor neither turned his head nor replied to Yue Shin's words. He remained standing like a statue as if he did not hear anything.     

Looking at the silent man standing in front of him, Yue Shin inwardly smiled painfully. He knew that His Lordship was too stubborn to listen to other people. Not getting any reply from the Moon Emperor, Yue Shin grit his teeth and continued talking.     

"Has His Lordship already forgotten Empress Niang Niang's words? Has His Lordship already forgotten that horrible night? Your Lordship---no, Your Highness, Xu Fei Yi, are willing to toss away all the plot we painstakingly planned for the sake of a mere woman?"     

After finishing, Yue Shin immediately regretted saying those words. He regretted not because he was afraid of Xu Fei Yi's punishment but because he reminded His Highness of that tragic night. That night when Empress Niang Niang was burned to death was the most painful memory for the young prince. Even when His Highness grew older, Yue Shin could sense the desolation within him. Talking about that matter was a great taboo for His Highness.     

"Yue Shin."     

When Yue Shin once again heard the Moon Emperor's voice, he could not help but shiver. He knew that he had been atrocious when he mentioned the past, but he already prepared himself for the worst. Dying in the hands of the person he worshiped might not be bad. Closing his eyes, Yue Shin waited for his death, but few seconds already passed by and his head was still attached to his neck.     

"BenWang[1] knows that you are only thinking for BenWang's sake but BenWang knows what BenWang is doing. Even if BenWang marries RongRong, BenWang will not involve her with our plan. It would only endanger her safety. If you are anxious because of my Imperial Brother, no need to fret. BenWang would make sure that it would be the Emperor's will to betroth RongRong with BenWang."     

When Yue Shin saw the confidence in Xu Fei Yi's eyes, he could only sigh. He new that no matter what he said, His Highness would definitely not change his mind. The only thing he could do was to make sure that Lady Xuan would not find anything once she enters QinWang Fu[2]. He had to make sure that Lady Xuan would not act beyond her status and would only be the wife of Xu QinWang and not the wife of the Moon Emperor.     

"…Yes, this servant understands. Please forgive this servant for being atrocious."     

"Mmmm.. Leave and prepare for the Bride's Price. Make sure to fill all the ninety-nine treasure chests with valuable treasures from the QinWang Fu and Dark Palace's treasury."     

"This servant obeys." Although Yue Shin was still reconciled, he had no choice but to obey Xu Fei Yi's orders.     

After Yue Shin left, Xu Fei Yi removed his outer garments and hanged it on the drawer. Wearing his white inner garment, he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Raising his hand, he slowly traced his lips using his forefinger. He could not help but reminisce the sensation he felt when his lips kissed XuanRong's forehead. Remembering her petal-like pink lips, he could not help but wonder how tasty it would be once he tries to eat it. Sensing the changes within his body, Xu Fei Yi could not help but mutter, "Wife JieJie ah… what did you do to me?"     

Xu Fei Yi felt like he would go mad if he would not possess XuanRong.     


When YuShen and the rest returned to the Fu, XuanRong was grilled until she could no longer breathe. She had to repeatedly confirm that she was okay before she was able to pacify her maidservants. In order to hide the incident, YuShen decided to ask Shu Si to help them take good care of the wounded guards and the coach man who fainted.     

The next day, XuanRong was being summoned by Xiao Lou.     


"Why are you anxious? Xiao Lou would definitely not move against me in front of other people."     

"But XiaoJie, this servant really thinks that it was that witch, Xiao Lou, who sent someone to assassinate you---." Before YuShang finish her words, XuanRong immediately interrupted.     

"No. She's not the one who sent the assassins. She is not an idiot. Did you really think that she can sit steadily as the Head Mistress of the XiangFu if she is a stupid person?"     

"Then, who could it be?"     

"it might not be her because she is wise but that does not mean that her maternal family is also the same."     

When YuShang heard her, she could not help but gasp.     


"Your guess is right, it was from the Xiao family. He is Xiao Lou's father and XuanFei's maternal grandfather, Xiao Gu Zeng."     

"Then XiaoJie, you must---"     

"Now is not the proper time to retaliate. Before striking back to the Xiao family, I have to settle my grudge against Baili Chen first. Prepare the golden ant. After tonight's full moon, I will make sure that bastard's third leg will never rise up again in this lifetime."     

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[1]. 'This Prince'- how Wangs refer themselves. Xu Fei Yi always use 'BenJun or This Lordship'.     

[2]. Prince of the First Rank Residence     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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