Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

Coming of Age

Coming of Age

0"Ah~ Young Master Baili, don't ah~ Ahh~ Ah~~ Nnnm~"     

XuanRong turned her head and saw YuYing and her other two maidservants blushing intensely due to the sensual exercise that was currently happening below the room. YuYing and YuShang were staring at the two bodies on the bed foolishly. YuShang was even covering her face but failed to include her eyes as XuanRong could see the intensity of her stare. Only YuShen remained calm although her cheeks and ears were slightly red.     

"You like that eh? You like sucking This Young Master's crotch? Fine!! I'll poke you to death!!"     

"Ahh~ Ahh~ gentler, Ahhh!! Ahhh!! Hieee~"     

Hearing those lewd noises, XuanRong could tell that Baili Chen was thoroughly enjoying himself.     

"AHAHAHA!! You lowly whore!! Spread your legs more! Let This Young Master properly fill you up!"     

Looking at the disgusting man who was mercilessly gripping one of the prostitute's legs upward, pressing his whole weight on her while thrusting roughly, XuanRong could not help but recall that tragic night. She remembered that she was also forced to take that position while begging for mercy. Looking at the prostitute who was moaning loudly as she was being forced by Baili Chen, XuanRong's disgust towards herself increased. She was no different than that prostitute beneath Baili Chen.     

'Ha. How laughable. The more I look, the more I feel sick. XuanRong ah. Look… look at that woman… isn't her fate quite similar to the previous you, being forced to serve different men?'     

*crack* *crack*     

When XuanRong recalled her disgrace, she subconsciously gripped the tiles on the roof, making a cracking sound. The more hate she felt, the stronger her grip. An Wei noticed XuanRong's unusual expression and could not help but call her name.     

"Young Miss.." An Wei whispered. He lightly jumped and land beside XuanRong, lightly tugging her arm. When XuanRong felt that someone was pulling her sleeves, she was able to snap out of trance.     

"An Wei…" XuanRong shook her head to clear her thoughts. She looked at her hand and found out that the wound once again reopened due to the force she exerted while gripping the tiles.     

"Are you okay, Young Miss?"     

XuanRong looked at An Wei's face that was being covered with a veil. Even though she could not see his countenance, XuanRong knew that he was worried for her. She was still weak after the full moon, but she still insisted to use the essence of the female Gu to control the golden ant, making An Wei and the rest worry for her health.     

'That's right.. What happened in the past will remain in the past. I am not alone anymore.'     

"No need to fret. I am fine. I am just a little bit tired."     

"Do you need to rest? We can still postpone this---"     

"No. Now's the right time to follow our plan. Baili Chen is still outside Baili Fu. Once he goes back to the Baili residence, it will be difficult for us to move freely inside the residence. Since his carriage was broken, he would definitely get punished and might be grounded for a couple of months before he can go out of the residence. I cannot wait that long. For every moment that he was well and alive, I, XuanRong, felt suffocated and disgusted."     

XuanRong could not contain the hatred in her voice. Her eyes went sharp as she uttered those words.     

"AHHHH!! AHHH!!! AHHHH!! I'm cumming~ I'm cumming! Young Master~"     

"Shut up! Cum for This Young Master!"     

XuanRong's hand that was holding the silver box tightened. The situation below was beyond any young lady's imagination. The entire time, XuanRong could only hear lewd noises coming from Baili Chen and that prostitute. Once the two was done with their strenuous exercise, Baili Chen harrumphed and mercilessly stood up, pulling the woman out of the bed, pushing her to the connecting door where a small bathroom was placed.     

"Get up! This Young Master feels very sticky and want to wash myself. Go! Prepare my bath and assist me!"     

The prostitute was very tired after being tossed and turned a couple of times, but she still weakly tried to support herself and bowed to Baili Chen.     

"Mei Ling will then leave and prepare for Young Master's bath. Please stay here and make yourself comfortable. Mei Ling will call for Young Master once Mei Ling is done with preparing the bath."     

Without putting any clothes, the prostitute named Mei Ling entered the connecting door and left Baili Chen alone inside the room. Few minutes later, Mei Ling came out from the connecting door and told Bail Chen that the bath had already been prepared. Baili Chen stood up and followed Mei Ling. After few more minutes, loud moans and grunts could be heard from the next small room.     

Looking at the empty bed and the clothes that were scattered around the room, XuanRong knew that the this was the right time. She opened the silver box and used the 'command' to influence the golden ant.     


The golden ant spread its wings and slowly flew towards Baili Chen's inner garments on the floor. Looking at the small insect, XuanRong felt satisfied in her heart. The golden ant was a special type of ant. It was a red fire ant queen that had been fed with poison for one long year. The poison was extracted from a golden poisonous frog's back. After being fed with poison for a year, its color changed from fiery red to golden yellow, turning it into a golden ant that was well known for being a 'reverse poison' which can only be used for males. Once a male got bitten by the golden ant, he would lose all the drive to have sex with any females, making him impotent. His third leg would never rise up again no matter what he does. The only way to cure the poison was to have sex with men for five consecutive months. The man would need the Yang essence[1] of the other men to counter the Yin essence[2] from the golden ant to balance both energy.     

"Let's return to the residence." Giving one last look to the room, XuanRong stood up and left.     

'Baili Chen… this is just the beginning. Heheh.. what would you feel once you find out you're your third leg could no longer stand?'     


Two days had passed after XuanRong visited Baili Chen. After staying at the brothel for a couple of days, Baili Chen returned to the Baili residence. Like what XuanRong had guessed, Baili Chen was heavily reprimanded by his eldest sao and was punished severely. He was sent to the ancestral hall to reflect his sins and was not allowed to leave and see no one. XuanRong was not in a hurry to make Bali Chen realize that he was no longer a man. The next plot she was planning would involve the deep friendship between him and Li Jung Li.     

'on what extent to their friendship amount?'     

"Jiejie, what are you thinking? Can you share it with Fei'er?"     

XuanRong was snapped out of her daze. She looked at XuanFei who was smiling at her. XuanRong had the urge to slap her face but was able to hold back herself.     

"*cough* Nothing… Jiejie was only thinking of something…" XuanRong grabbed the tea cup and placed it on her lips, sipping the chrysanthemum tea slowly.     

She was currently at the residence hall together with XuanFei, Xiao Lou and the three concubines of XuanLi. They were having a small conversation since Xiao Lou called everyone who were present in the Fu. If what XuanRong was thinking was correct, the reason why Xiao Lou called them was because of her coming of age ceremony that would be held next month. In her previous lifetime, since her reputation got worst due to the rumor of her chastity being taken when she was nearly assassinated, XuanLi almost refused to celebrate her coming of age ceremony. If not because of the pressure coming from her maternal family, XuanLi would never allow her to show her face in the public.     

At that time, the ceremony was supposed to be simple, only consisting of her maternal and paternal family but because she cried in front of her maternal grandfather, insisting that she wanted to have a grand and luxurious ceremony, Great General Chen used his name and invited many noble families to attend her coming of age ceremony. Although her reputation was darker than the night itself, those people still attended her coming of age ceremony for the sake of giving face to her maternal grandfather. Even the royal family sent the Crown Prince, Xu Ji An to attend her ceremony.     

"Fei'er.. please stop bothering your big sister. Rong'er just recovered from a minor illness. Do not exhaust her." Xiao Lou sighed and continued speaking. "Please forgive your younger sister for behaving like that."     


'Hush! Do not make me angry. Behave yourself. You are already thirteen, two years from now, you will have your own coming of age ceremony."     

"Jie~ is Fei'er disturbing you? Is Fei'er annoying?" XuanFei did not listen to Xiao Lou and turned her head to ask XuanFei.     

XuanRong inwardly rolled her eyes. She wanted to say 'yes' but she managed herself to smile and say, "No, you are not. Jiejie likes talking with Meimei."     

Hearing XuanRong's reply, XuanFei exhaled in relief.     

"Fei'er only wants to talk with Jiejie because it has been a while since we had a deep conversation. After the banquet, Jiejie seldom leaves your courtyard. Fei'er wanted to visit you a couple of times because Fei'er noticed that Jiejie never once visited mother to offer a morning greeting[3] after arriving at the capital."     

Although XuanFei's words were full of worry, XuanRong knew that her words were implying that she, the Eldest Di daughter, did not show any respect to Xiao Lou who was her second mother and the Xuan Furen of the XiangFu.     

XuanRong inwardly raised her eyebrow. She placed the tea cup on the table and sigh. Face full of regret, XuanRong began wiping her eyes.     

"Indeed… Jiejie was unable to visit Er Niang because Jiejie was sick. Ai. Jiejie should have visited Er Niang even if Jiejie had to crawl on the ground. Ahhh… Jiejie is sorry… Meimei, don't worry… even if I am at the death's door, I will still not fail on visiting Er Niang's courtyard and offer a morning greeting to her.."     

Looking at the weak and pitiful XuanRong, Xiao Lou felt a sudden headache. Comparing the two, XuanFei appeared narrow minded, forcing XuanRong to offer a morning greeting even if she was sick. Xiao Lou glared at XuanFei, signaling her to shut up.     

"Nonsense! You were sick.. It's fine not to give mother a morning greeting. Your younger was thoughtless. She did not mean anything. She was only very concerned with you."     

"Yes, Er Niang. Rong'er knows."     

"Mmm.. that's right. I called all of you here to discuss Rong'er's coming of age ceremony next month. I am planning to prepare a banquet and invite the noble families here in the capital. Rong'er, do you have anything you want to request?"     

XuanRong smiled and shook her head. "Nothing, Er Niang… I will leave the entire preparation to you."     

"Mmm.. good! If that is your wish… "     

After half a shichen, they were able to finish planning XuanRong's coming of age ceremony.     

"All of you may return to your respective courtyards. I am a bit tired."     

"Rong'er bids farewell to Er Niang."     

XuanRong and the rest saluted before leaving... She walked away without paying attention to the three concubines behind her. When she was already far away from the residence hall, XuanRong heard someone calling her.     

"Da XiaoJie!!!"     

XuanRong turned and saw Feng-shi running forward. Feng-shi was the third concubine of her father and had the lowest birth among the three. She was only a tongfang yatou[4] before her status was raised as a low level concubine after giving birth to XuanLi's youngest daughter, the fourth young miss.     

"Feng YiNiang, what can Rong'er help you?"     

Feng-shi looked left and right before she moved closer to XuanRong.     

"D-Da XiaoJie… please open your eyes and see the truth. Don't trust other people easily."     

After saying her piece, Feng-shi immediately left without turning back, leaving the puzzled XuanRong.     


"How's Zhen's imperial younger brother?"     

"Reporting to the Emperor, this humble physician was able to stabilize His Highness' body. This humble physician already prescribed something to lower His Highness' fever. Although this humble physician tried his best, this humble physician was unable to cure His Highness' illness and could only help him alleviate his pain. May the Emperor punish this humble physician."     

"No need. Zhen knows you did your best. You may leave."     

"This humble physician bids farewell to the Emperor."     

Xu Ji Mo sat on the chair next to the bed where Xu Fei Yi was sleeping.     

Xu Fei Yi was very pale, and his complexion was not good. He suddenly uttered, "W-wife Jie…J-Jiejie… don't… d-don't leave Yi'er… urghh.." as his head kept turning left and right as if he was having a nightmare.     

Hearing Xu Fei Yi's incoherent words, Xu Ji Mo could not help but ask Mu Qing.     

"Mu Qing."     

"Yes, Your Majesty…"     

"Who is this Wife Jiejie Yi'er was calling?"     

Mu Qing fell silent. Few seconds later, he opened his mouth and slowly narrated everything to the Emperor.     

After few hours, Xu Ji Mo returned to the palace while in deep thought. Suddenly, a very wonderful idea appeared on his mind. If his plan succeeded, it would be killing three birds in one stone.     

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[1]. 'Yang'- refers to the masculine energies in life. Giving is an action of our divine masculine.     

[2]. 'Yin'- refers to the feminine energies in life. Receiving is an action of our divine feminine     

[3]. Children and Concubines were obliged to follow the custom of greeting the matriarch of the family every morning. Since XuanLi's mother is already dead, Xiao Lou had the highest authority.     

[4]. Bed maid- a maid whose primary work is to satisfy her master's needs in bed.     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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