Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0XuanRong's eyes that was concealed under her hair narrowed, she vigilantly looked at every corner of the room, trying to find out whether someone was inside the room or not. Not seeing any abnormality, XuanRong sighed in relief but her instinct told her that she was not alone.     

XuanRong laughed and mockingly spoke, "Seems like someone went inside uninvited."     


XuanRong slapped the water on the tub, making a huge wave of water. Using the huge wave to cover her naked body, XuanRong stood up, planning to reach the clothes she hanged on the small screen partition.     


Before she could even reach the clothes on the screen partition, the entire room went black. The candles had been put off. XuanRong blindly reached out her hand to pull the clothes when her wrist was coughed by a big hand.     

On reflex, XuanRong twisted her wrist and used her other hand to attack the unknown person who wanted to assault him. She threw a straight cut, but she was not able to land a blow on that unknown person. The unknown person pulled the clothes on the small partition and used it as his shield. When XuanRong touched the smooth clothes, she immediately grabbed the edge of it and forcefully pulled it towards her. Since she was already standing inside the tub, XuanRong could feel the coldness of the surroundings due to being naked. If the candles were lit, the unknown person would definitely see her naked body. Luckily, because the room was enveloped in the darkness, XuanRong did not waste her time covering herself while exchanging blows with that unknown man.     

When XuanRong pulled her clothes closer, the unknown person also pulled it, forcing her to be pulled as well.     


XuanRong extended her arms to grab the tub and raised her leg to give the unknown person a round kick.     


Her leg was caught by the unknown man but XuanRong snaked her left arm on the unknown man's hand on her leg and forcefully tore it away from her. Still holding her clothes on her other hand, XuanRong gnashed her teeth and once again tried to kick the unknown person.     

This time, she was able to kick his chest, forcing him a couple of steps backward. XuanRong victoriously smiled when she felt her foot was able to push the unknown person away. Unfortunately, XuanRong's happiness was short lived. Since she was holding her clothes tightly, when the man was pushed a few steps backwards, he forcefully pulled the clothes together with him. XuanRong, who was also holding the other end of the clothes, was pulled as well.     


Since she was still standing inside the tub with ample of water inside, the XuanRong was caught off guard and slipped forward. She tried to raise her hand, wanting to grab the edge of the tub, but she was too late.     


XuanRong's chest collided with the unknown person. Her twin peaks were squashed to death. When she realized that her twin peaks were being pressed on the unknown person's chest, XuanRong felt that her blood rose to her face, making her look like a ripened tomato.     


She could not help but scream like an aggravated girl. XuanRong raised her hand and swung it forward, trying to slap the unknown person who 'molested' her.     

Sensing her anger, the unknown person immediately moved away but XuanRong was now fuming mad. She no longer cared that she was naked and attacked the unknown man fiercely without minding her nakedness.     

Regrettably, no matter what she did, the unknown person easily handled all her attacks, which made her more furious. XuanRong raised her hand and was trying to pull the clothes away from the unknown person but suddenly, he turned his body and opened the dress. One swift move and the unknown person was able wrap her inside the clothes, making her look like a rolled meat bun on his embrace.     

XuanRong confusedly stared at the unknown person's silhouette. At first, the unknown person was competing with her, pulling her own clothes away, but without rhyme nor reason, he suddenly wrapped her like a dumpling. Being rolled like a dumpling using her own clothes, XuanRong felt like her dignity had shattered into pieces. She was lying on the unknown man's upper body. She could not help but pull away from his embrace when suddenly, a sweet smell of lotus assaulted her nose.     

When she smelled the familiar scent on the man, XuanRong's eyes widened and whispered, "Are you… him?"     

The unknown person did not reply but his arms tightened around her waist.     

"Was it you? Was it you who saved me?"     



XuanFei swiped all the thing on the table. When her anger did not subside, she grabbed a big flower vase and slammed it on the maidservant who was kneeling on the floor. The poor maidservant immediately cried while asking for XuanFei's mercy. The poor maidservant was shivering on the ground due to fear. Her face that was bleeding was filled with horror as she stared at XuanFei who was holding a piece of a broken vase.     

"What are you looking at?! HAAA!!?"     

XuanFei grabbed the maidservant's hair and forcefully pulled the maidservant's face upward. She traced the maidservant neck with a broken vase.     

"Ahh.. Y-Young Miss, please f-forgive this servant… P-please forgive this servant…"     

The maidservant was now crying really hard, fearing that her life would come to an end.     

Looking at the maidservant who was kneeling on the floor, XuanFei snorted in disdain.     

"Tsk! Useless!!"     

XuanFei pushed the woman away and slapped her face a couple of times.     

After fifteen minutes of torturing the poor maidservant, XuanFei decided to spare her life.     

Standing in front of the window, XuanFei's eyes darkened when she recalled the humiliation she had experienced on the banquet this evening.     

'XuanRong… you bitch. You should have died back in the suburbs.'     


"Was it you? Was it you who saved me?"     

When XuanRong heard his words, she subconsciously nodded.     

"W-who are you?"     

XuanRong asked. She was very curious of this man in front of her. In her previous lifetime, she was not able to clearly see his face and when they meet again on the hidden cave, she also did not see his face because the cave was very dark.     

Subconsciously, she raised her hand, wanting to touch his face but the man grabbed her hand and once again pulled her to his embrace.     

On the other hand, when the man's skin touched XuanRong's, his eyes darkened. He noticed something peculiar was happening on his body[1].     

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[1]. A/N: He got a boner? hahaha. joke!     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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