Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG




When Baili Chen saw his carriage being destroyed like a puny little toy in front of him, his face turned red due to anger. He was shivering not because he was feeling cold but because he was trying to calm himself. The shock he experienced was too great and he could not cope up immediately. He felt like everything was a dream. Looking at the Baili residence's carriage being broken into pieces, his face turned ashen. His eldest sao would definitely once again mock him for destroying a very valuable carriage. She would use this opportunity to berate him and pull him down.     

Baili Chen was still trying to process everything when he heard a very melodious voice coming from the inside of the carriage.     

"Oh? And who is this idiot daring to block This Lady's way?"     

When Baili Chen heard her arrogant words, he almost fainted. He felt like he could not breathe. Baili Chen suddenly tasted a sweet taste of copper on his mouth. Forcing down the blood wanting to escape from his lips, Baili Chen gritted his teeth and screamed, "Fuck! Who do you think you are, huh? How dare you utter such words! do you know who This Young Master is? Open your ears and listen carefully! I, This Young Master, is the youngest brother of Duke Baili. How dare you call me an idiot! Do you want to get killed?! HAHAHA! Beg and I will forgive you! If you stubbornly refuse, then, I will make you lose your life and at the same time, I will order for a nine familial extermination[1]!"     

Baili Chen knew that it was impossible to request for a nine familiar extermination since the woman inside the carriage was not guilty of treason. He only used those words to scare the woman inside the carriage. Baili Chen was quite confident that the woman inside the carriage was a sheltered woman of their Fu[2]. He knew that those women raised inside their boudoirs were clueless of how the law works. The noble ladies in the capital were all stupid. That was what Baili Chen thought. He knew that those noble women were ignorant and would seldom talk about intelligent things, mostly, those women would only talk with nonsensical things for a couple of shichen[3]. For Baili Chen, women were idiots and were only tools to continue the linage of the family.     

But, to Baili Chen's surprise, the woman inside the carriage laughed. Her laughter contained amusement and a hint of mocking. When Baili Chen heard her laughter, like she was ridiculing him, be could not help but blush a little due to shame. He felt like she knew that he was only bluffing.     

"Oh? May This Young Lady ask why would I be killed? Why would my family undergo nine familiar extermination? Did This Young Lady betray the county? Did This Young Lady commit any form treason? HAHAHAHA! Many People would tell that the youngest sibling of Duke Baili was very intelligent. It was known that he was a very talented man and that he would definitely get the first rank of the upcoming examination for court officials. But This Young Lady felt like those rumors were untrue. As This Young Lady sees it, the youngest sibling of Duke Baili was not intelligent but rather, he was a pretentious man who neither had the ability to be the top scholar in the upcoming exam nor had a wonderful talent like what other people say."     

Baili Chen felt like he was punched in the gut. He had never been humiliated in his entire life like this. Even his eldest sao could only mock him for being a free loader and a scene stealer, but she had never uttered such words like what the woman inside the carriage said. Baili Chen could not help but took a step back. Her words were a massive blow for him.     

When his three attendants saw that he almost fell on the ground, the three of them immediately assisted him, leaving the poor young maiden, YuShen and YuShang alone and unguarded.     

"Young Master----"     

One of his attendants tried to support him by holding his arm to stabilize his footing but Baili Chen pushed the attendant away and screamed, "STAY AWAY, YOU STUPID SERVANT!!" Baili Chen repeatedly slapped the attendant with the back of his hand.     

Baili Chen was roaring like an angry lion. After throwing a couple of slaps, Baili Chen turned to the war carriage and shouted.     

"Shut up you bitch! Who are you? What rights do you have to talk for This Young Master?! Do you think that you are great just because you were able to destroy my carriage?! HA! Naïve! I will only bow down to my ancestor and no one else! "     

The woman did not respond. Few second later, the woman called someone, making him suddenly feel wary.     


When YuShang heard XuanRong's call, YuShang who was helping YuShen stand up immediately spoke.     

"This servant is here, Young Miss."     

"Mmm. Show the token and tell that perverted idiot who was standing like a fool to kneel in front of This Young Lady."     

Baili Chen's anger increased when he heard XuanRong's arrogant words.     

"HA! Why would I value---"     

Eager for some verbal face slaps, YuShang did not let Baili Chen finish his words. Pulling the token from her sleeves, YuShang almost wanted to slap the token on Baili Chen's face in order to forcefully open his eyes.     

Raising her hand, YuShang showed the token given by Great General Chen and introduced XuanRong.     

"She is the only maternal granddaughter of Great General Chen and the eldest Di daughter of the Xuan family, Lady XuanRong."     

When Baili Chen heard XuanRong's name, he felt like his luck was cursed.     

How could he offend this arrogant lady of the Xuan Family?     

XuanRong's previous misdeeds were very well known in the capital. Her arrogance almost reached the heaven.     

"Baili Chen, now tell me, should I, This Grand Aunt, vow in front of you?"     


Baili Chen went speechless.     

He could not utter a single word.     

"Hump! What a coward. You are not only an idiot but also lacks character. You should quit studying and should stop aiming for the highest score in the upcoming exam. The rumors did not justify who you are. This Lady felt like I was being cheated after finding out that you lack brain. What nine familial extermination? Ha. Foolish."     

Baili Chen could only grit his teeth. He wanted to rip her to shreds, but he could not do that. He could only endure the humiliation.     

"YuShen, YuShang, come. Let's leave."     

The two maidservants looked at each other and nodded. YuShen ordered one of the guards to send the woman and the child away and make sure they return home safely.     

Inside the carriage, XuanRong, who was mocking Baili Chen was taking a deep breath. In order to stop herself from shaking, she could only clench her hands, trying to calm herself.     

'You are not alone. Do not be afraid.'     

XuanRong repeatedly told herself.     

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[1]. The punishment involved the execution of all relatives of an individual, which were categorized into nine groups     

[2]. Residence.     

[3]. Two hours     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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