Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0When the Moon Emperor saw the small trick An Wei did in order to measure his weight on XuanRong's heart, he could not help but feel the sourness on his mouth. He, himself, was also confused. In more than twenty years of his existence, he had trained himself to control his emotions. His will was far greater than most of the people. If not for his strong will to control himself, he would have died a couple of times and had long gone to the underworld to meet King Yama[1]. But ever since he met her, he could not control himself, as if all of his rationality had vanished completely. He started acting impulsive, almost disrupting the plot that he had painstakingly planned for years.     

When he left, there were no days that he did not think of her. Every time his 'illness' flared, he could not help but remember that soothing sensation when she carried her back inside the cave or when he hold her hand before he left. He yearned to feel it once again. If he was correct, that woman could heal his 'illness'. That was the reason why he always hid in the shadows while observing her quietly. He was waiting for an opportunity to get closer to her.     

When he saw a golden opportunity to check her, he immediately moved without any second thoughts. There were many women wanting to climb on his bed, offering their entire body and soul, wanting to please him. Unfortunately, he remained unmoved. Instead of lusting their naked bodies, he felt disgusted. He thought that all females were the same, but he was wrong. When he saw her nakedness, he could not help but be mesmerized, momentarily forgetting to hide his aura. When he saw that she was trying to escape, he had not choice but to move before it was too late. All he wanted was to touch her hand in order to confirm if she could really help him.     

Regrettably, she was like a fierce lion, not wanting to eat loses. Without any choice, he had to subdue her. When he hugged her, he felt that something snapped inside his mind. He suddenly had the urge to press her on the ground and posses her body. Something was urging him to copulate with her, telling him that their body were destined to fuse as one…. that she was his.. only his…     

What he felt when he held her hand five years ago was very different when he hugged her naked body last time. Before, he only felt the soothing sensation, making him relax around her, but now, it was different. He felt like something that was missing had been found. The discomfort of his body had slowly vanished, making him wonder whether the pain he felt over the years were just a figment of his imagination and was not real.     

Ever since that wonderful night, he vowed that he would do everything in order to have his way on her. He, the two-faced Moon Emperor, had been scheming over the past few days, planning to lure the poor rabbit into the fox's hole.     

Looking at the adorable woman in his embrace, a sense of satisfaction suddenly emerged inside his heart. The annoyance he felt towards that hidden guard who was wearing a veil slowly disappeared.     

When they reached her courtyard, he unceremoniously entered her inner room as if he was the owner. Since he had already decided that she belonged to him, why would he care to follow the custom of not letting any man inside a female's boudoir? He was not a random man, he was her man. Of course, he had the right to enter her room, share her bed and take a bath together with her.     

Looking at the inner room who was very simple yet elegant, his eyes could not help but sharpen. His woman should have the best. How could her family allow her to live in a place like this?     

The Moon Emperor slowly placed XuanRong on the bed, he saw that she was looking at him. When XuanRong raised her hand, wanting to touch his mask, he immediately grabbed it and pulled her closer. He moved his face forward and stared at her eyes.     

"Be good." The Moon Emperor whispered. He could not fight the urge to kiss her, but he knew that he should not act aggressive towards her or else, he would definitely frighten her. Suppressing his desire to monopolize XuanRong, he leaned closer and kissed her forehead.     

Looking at his woman who was stupidly staring at him, he suddenly felt the urge to tease her more. His gaze lowered and went to her moistened lips that were slightly separated. Raising his hand, the Moon Emperor traced XuanRong's lower lip using his thumb, slightly rubbing it.     

While the Moon Emperor was enjoying the delicacy in front of him, XuanRong was already struggling inside. She would be a fool if she could not feel the desire coming off from this dangerous man in front of her.     

She was not a naïve young girl who was clueless about the birds and the bees. Although she looked like a fifteen-year-old girl, she was already an old soul.     

How could she not notice her benefactor's desire?     

That was the reason why she was struggling. It was because he was her benefactor. If it were other men who were taking advantage of her, she would not hesitate to castrate those bastards and feed their third legs to the dogs.     

But the man in front of her was different.     

He was the only one who accompanied her before she died.     

He was the only one who showed her warmth.     

The only one who saved her soul.     

How could she treat him like those bastards?     

Ever since her rebirth, there were only two person whom she was able to touch without puking. The first one was the stupid man, Xu Fei Yi and the second one was him, her benefactor. Ever since that hateful night, she had been haunted by the past, leaving a great shadow inside her heart. She would be lying if she would say that she was not happy that she was able to touch someone without forcing herself.     

But... that someone was trying to eat her tofu!     

"Who's there?!"     

Hearing Zou Mama's voice, XuanRong frantically placed her hands on the man's chest and pushed him away.     

"Go!! Hide!!"     

Due to fear of being caught by Zou Mama, XuanRong did not notice that she sounded like a young woman who was urging her lover to hide in order to avoid being captured by her family. Sensing the man's unwillingness to leave, XuanRong bit her lower lip and stared pleadingly at him.     

Looking at her face, the man's eyes softened. He sighed before he reluctantly jumped out of the window.     

When XuanRong saw that he already left, she could not help but exhale in relief. She did not know why, but she felt like he casted a spell on her, making her unable to refuse him, indulging him and accepting his advances without a fight.     

XuanRong softly slapped her cheeks before coughing a couple of times in order to clear her dry throat.     

"Zou Mama, it's me, XuanRong."     

The old woman who was vigilantly standing outside the room immediately walked inside. When she saw XuanRong sitting at the bed, she could not help but be startled. She knew that her Da XiaoJie left the XiangFu[2] this morning in order to visit her maternal family but she did not expect that XuanRong had already returned to the Fu since she had not seen the arrival of her personal carriage. If it was other people, they would not think deeply, but who was Zou Mama? She was the only one who acquired XuanRong's praise for being a shrewd person. Although Zou Mama noticed something was wrong, being an intelligent person, she pretended that she did not notice anything, making XuanRong inwardly praise her.     

Acting normal, Zou Mama immediately curtsied. "This old servant greets Da XiaoJie."     

XuanRong nodded. Since Zou Mama decided to pretend, she would also do the same and act like everything was normal.     


"This old servant thanks Da XiaoJie."     

XuanRong tried to compose herself, burying the unnecessary thoughts at the back of her mind. There were many things that needed her attention. She should not waste her time thinking pointless things and should proceed with her first plan.     

"Zou Mama, how was it? What did you observe in the past two days you were here in the XiangFu?"     

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[1]. King of the Underworld     

[2]. Prime Minister's Residence     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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